Challenge for Dockside

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Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

I would be interested in seeing the changes to the manor since last held. This would also give me an opportunity to test one of my new subjects.
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 5 days of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within two weeks (14 days) of validation.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Mira Burke »

Been a hot minute since I fought inside the rings without having to worry about breaking my opponent. Thanks for the opportunity. Contact Ordark about my availability.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

Baron(ess) Mira Burke,

No. Thank you for the opportunity. While I can only assume this to be our first contact with one another, I hope that our first meeting publicly will go as smoothly. From what I've been able to glean from recent public information you have made quite the name for yourself during your short time in the long (too long, truthfully) history of swords. This will prove interesting and I am so very excited.

I will contact this Ordark soon enough.

Best wishes,

PS. If we are to have catering I ask that there be a vegetarian option.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

The challenge for the Dockside Barony will occur on July the 18th and begin at 9:00 Post Meridiem by the Eastern Clock. The official for the evening will be Ettyn. Should any and all who wish to see where fate may take the Barony in question, please come and spectate.


PS. I have told the homeless boy who is to pin up this message that a member of the Arena staff will pay him for his services. See that it is done.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

Dear Jesse,

Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the person sending the messenger to pay them.

But I thank you for letting me meet the fine young man. I have offered him a job at the Arcade and set up temporary room and board. If any are willing to find a more permanent placement for him, please contact the Arena staff.

-Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Claire Gallows »


If he's old enough to make the walk on his own safely, Dragon's Gate Orphanage has more than enough room for him. If he needs an escort, let me know and I'll have someone drop by to pick him up. If he's close to aging out, we have resources to help him out as well.


We've been over this.

-Claire Gallows
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Rhiannon Brock »


Sarengrave House has several rooms open for the older kids. Let me know if the youngster needs placement there.

Rhiannon Brock Túr Gairdín
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

Full glad am I to see that it was by mine own hand that begun these series of events. As always I am the epitome of all things philanthropic.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

To whomever the boy is with currently,

I've deactivated the tracking crystal imbedded within its right shoulder. Please remove this crystal at your earliest convince. I apologize for not mentioning this in my prior message.

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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Alasdair Galloway »


Thank you. I'll bring him by tomorrow. He's around 14, I think. Old enough to do some light jobs around the Arcade, but within reasonable hours.

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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Winter Pearl »

I'll be covering drinks for this challenge and through the full time of regulation dueling hours. If the challenger and Baron Burke do not have catering arranged, I'll also cover food from the Wolves Den.

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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »


The crystal in question has been removed. It is currently somewhere at the bottom of Kaiju Lake. If you want it back, you'll have to take that up with Spike.

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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Death Knell »

Tonight we saw the fight for the Dockside Barony. Warlord Jesse was the challenger, who had last held Dockside seven years ago. Mira stood to defend as baroness, and looked to mark her second defense of this reign.

Jesse’s honors were long. Her person of honor was the Diamond Karma, and her second was the Overlord Pearl. If you want to know more, watch the holovid. Her banner was a cat hanging onto a rope and an inspiring message.

Mira had no second, but her people of honor were her wives Kira Adia and Serenity Silverhand, partners Lesinda Helston and Ellie Luisante, and daughter Tranquility Burke-Adia.

Mira asked the Overlord Pearl to test, and she accepted. The Baroness of Old Market, Reign, realigned to Renegade and countered the test to clear the path for Jesse.

Ring Rock 1: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 1 - 1, Reign and Winter Pearl.)
Ring Rock 2: No action this round. (LC / LC | 1 - 1, Reign and Winter Pearl.)
Ring Rock 3: Reign scores! (TH / FDU | 2 - 1, Reign leads.)
Ring Rock 4: Reign scores! (FLP / TH | 3 - 1, Reign leads.)
Ring Rock 5: Reign scores! (TH / LC | 4 - 1, Reign leads.)
Ring Rock 6: No action this round. (SH / FSS | 4 - 1, Reign leads.)
Ring Rock 7: Reign scores! (LC / FLP | 5 - 1, Reign leads.)
FINAL: Reign def. Winter Pearl, 5 - 1 in 7 rounds. - dos

After a hard fight with a three round scoring streak, Reign won, and Jesse faced no test.

Jesse fought with a series of weapons and three undead bodies, while Mira used her heavy saxophone case, Zazni, which took out two of the bodies.

Ring Gluttony 1: Spell scores! (FSS / FLP | 1 - 0, Spell leads.)
Ring Gluttony 2: No action this round. (FCP / FCP | 1 - 0, Spell leads.)
Ring Gluttony 3: Mira Burke scores! (HC / TH | 1 - 1, Mira Burke and Spell.)
Ring Gluttony 4: Spell scores! (LC / FSS | 2 - 1, Spell leads.)
Ring Gluttony 5: Spell scores! (FCP / LC | 3 - 1, Spell leads.)
Ring Gluttony 6: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 4 - 2, Spell leads.)
Ring Gluttony 7: Spell scores! (LC / FDU | 5 - 2, Spell leads.)
FINAL: Spell def. Mira Burke, 5 - 2 in 7 rounds. - dos

In the end, Jesse won with a mix of offense and defense. She has aligned loyal to the Overlord. Well fought to you both!
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Spell »

Dear Patrons of the Arena and citizens of Rhydin,

I have been awarded the Barony of Dockside due to my valiant performance as challenger. As I am now the Baron of Dockside I would very much like to quell any possible rumors of ill tidings on the horizon and other unfounded, and as some would say, slanderous remarks. No, there will be no death and destruction to come from the Dockside Manor. Instead I will be offering temporary home and hearth to those displaced by the Nexus.

Yes, I am the epitome of generosity. But there is no need to sing praises. I only do what I can to help the poor and destitute of our beloved city who have been spirited away to this realm without a means to support themselves!

Dockside is one of our strongest links in this chain we call home, after all! From the bustling fish market of the docks, the pachinko of Kabuki, and the theater and dance of Little Korea! We also cannot forget the casinos, restaurants, and Jerry the Chiropractor who lives and works in South Fishstreet.. there is so much that Dockside has to offer! We have much to give, so let us give!

Let us show our Dockside Pride by helping those in need! Dockside Strong!

Well wishes,
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