Maybe Text First, Next Time.

“On these magic shores children at play are for ever beaching their coracles. We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.” - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Moderators: Morgan LaLuna, Mart

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Morgan LaLuna
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Maybe Text First, Next Time.

Post by Morgan LaLuna »

Morgan walked out of the Golden Perch Inn, rubbing his head where he’d bumped it. Not on the counter, bar, table, chair, or even the floor… No. He’d hit his head on the top of the doorway. An apology had led to… this. He wasn’t sure how tall he was, but the new perspective was throwing him off, his clothes were far too tight, and he was starving. Hopefully, he could pick up something on the way. Long legs moved him along much faster than he was used to and… he didn’t entirely hate it. It was a bonus, at least. When there were no doors. A few strange looks were given by late night stragglers, and he pointedly ignored the whispers as he moved through the city. He stopped at one or two food trucks on the way home, and munched somewhat happily. Food always made him feel better. But honestly… he still had quite the appetite. Maybe he could quietly raid the fridge before he woke up Mart and tried to explain what exactly had happened, here.

Really, he wasn’t quite sure, himself.

He moved as quietly as he could through the glen once he got to the Cuckoo’s Nest, and snuck up the stairs, wincing and silently cursing every rare creak of stairs when it did happen. It was fine. No worries. Quietly, he pushed open the door… And there was Mart. Wide-eyed, and taken unaware. But that did not mean it was that way for long. There was a sudden explosion of light around the Moon Elf, points that looked, for a short moment, like stars that floated around him, and the first hit with a force that hurt Morgan’s chest. Suddenly, he realized what was happening.



Morgan lifted his hand to try to plead his case when every single one of those stars came for him at a speed his mind could not comprehend.

And that was it. That was all Morgan remembered. Everything went black.

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