Portable Boom Room - Sponsored by Cadentia's Squire

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Portable Boom Room - Sponsored by Cadentia's Squire

Post by Suturi »

Suturi had been inspired by her visit to the High Noon Boom and Break Room when she'd first become Lilith's squire and resolved to bring a mini, portable "boom" room to the Arena! All manner of smoking and hissing vials and beakers and pots were available for people to make explosions, and it was set up right next to one of the rings! Helpfully labeled bottles were placed in prominent view with labels like "cyanide" and "hydrochloric acid" and "hemlock" and of course "LSD". There was also plenty of safety equipment in the form of lab coats, gloves, and goggles available.

Next to the table was a large cage. Inside was a possu-ock, a creature that looked mostly like a possum but had a full spray of long peacock feathers along its spine. It also, if frightened, seemed to be able to squirt ink as it tried to hide. A note with it said "DISSECT ME".

Duelers and visitors to the Arena alike were encouraged to play with any and all of the chemicals available, and encouraged to create their own mini BOOMs. Also, there were cards to Cadentia's High Noon Boom and Break Room (no discounts though, she was only the squire!).

(( Added to the Arena IC, feel free to play with it as you wish, including using other chemicals etc! ))
Last edited by Suturi on Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:41 pm
Location: Somewhere in Rhydin with her perfect little monster family.

Re: Portable Boom Room - Sponsored by Cadentia's Squire

Post by Suturi »

She also added an empty box on the other side of the table. That sign said "FOR BODY PART DONATIONS".
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Desdenova VonTombs
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Re: Portable Boom Room - Sponsored by Cadentia's Squire

Post by Desdenova VonTombs »

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