Faerie Circles

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The Watcher
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Faerie Circles

Post by The Watcher »

((Based on : viewtopic.php?f=154&t=34077))

A notice was found pinned on the various corks around the city halfway through the month of April.

Traveler take heed of life when travelling the dead forest, for small patches have seeming been renewed for the approach of Beltane.

The quiet whisper of loves lost may guide you to these points, the love themselves sitting in wait for you, but don’t be fooled, for the voice isn’t true, they say the fae in those circles seek to trap new victims in their memories, to selfishly take them as their own for longer than the night. They seek deals, giving back someone lost, in exchange for them gaining another for their collection, even if not until after death, some rumors claim it is perhaps to remember old flames... before the new fires are lit once again at Beltane.

To those who sought it as a challenge, or those who ignored the warning in favor of seeing a love one last time, they would find the trees guiding them, glowing lights along either side of the path, guiding them to a warm clearing, the one they sought most waiting for them.

Upon morning, they may find themselves waking up in a patch of soft moss, no trace of their love save for their memories, though to those who made deals, perhaps in the shadows someone will be waiting to lay claim.

((Cross Posted in streets of Rhy'din))
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