Twilight Blossoms

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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Rhiannon Brock
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Twilight Blossoms

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

During the day of Eregor and Morgan's battle for the Tower of Water, Rhi took the children for a walk around the lagoon. A variety of flora was gathered; some, the children were taking to Mayflower. If anyone know what the plants were, it was Mallow's child. The kitten had been blessed with a sixth sense about such things. Their Yule gift to May and an addition for the garden she loving tended was a Spruce Pine tree sapling. It was Alinar that found the Twilight Blossoms. His mother took him to meet the Celestial Druids to place the flowers in their care.
"The definition of hero never included anything about age." RDB
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