Those that followed the directions on the back of the flyers were taken down to Seaside, then led off to property that was known as Icarus Estate. Come, follow the well lit path. Tread careful, tread light, for it leads to a place that's merry and bright.

This path leads up to the outside of the Estate, just by where the pool is, along with plenty of tables and a bar set up, both inside, and outside upstairs. There's also various other snack tables set up here and there, filled with all sorts of veggies, fruits, meats, cheeses, crackers, and other delicious finger foods. Servers mingled and flitted here and there, and Security guards stood by the door, not preventing anyone from entering, but merely a presence. Something to be well known that they were there. So long as no one caused trouble, they wouldn't do much.

Once past the guards and inside, guests for the ball have access to all sorts of various places, including multiple fully staffed bars. Servers with various trays of drinks and food are scurrying everywhere.

Guests will also find a game room with a fully equipped candy wall. Here and there are donations for the candy taken, all proceeds to go to the Healing Hearts Sanctuary.

The bowling alley is most similarly set up as well. People were more than welcome to leave donations for the Sanctuary for the games they played, or not. Bowling was encouraged either way.

There's hundreds of varied and unique pieces of... art, throughout the estate as well!

Not to mention a spacious dining area, with a stretch of space that looked like it may have been cleared for the purpose of making plenty of room for dancers and those that wished to mingle and mix on foot, instead of their backsides.

Here, is also a majority of the food, and appetizers, and other foods that could be considered snacks. There's plenty of drinks flowing, alcoholic or otherwise, bottled or not as well! Don't be shy, eat, drink, enjoy yourselves.

There are a few rooms that are well guarded by Alik's security. They're not open nor available to the public. Anyone tries, and they'll be stopped. Even removed from the property, and sent along their way.
((This thread is for anything anyone wants to post relating to the event. Whether it be a scene that took place, an outfit worn, donations made, or businesses offering employment, ect. I really do love each and every one of ya'll and can't wait to doo this. <3))