Fall Benefits Ball

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Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Roni »

((This thread is for anything anyone wants to post relating to the event. Whether it be a scene that took place, an outfit worn, donations made, or businesses offering employment, ect. I really do love each and every one of ya'll and can't wait to doo this. <3))

Those that followed the directions on the back of the flyers were taken down to Seaside, then led off to property that was known as Icarus Estate. Come, follow the well lit path. Tread careful, tread light, for it leads to a place that's merry and bright.


This path leads up to the outside of the Estate, just by where the pool is, along with plenty of tables and a bar set up, both inside, and outside upstairs. There's also various other snack tables set up here and there, filled with all sorts of veggies, fruits, meats, cheeses, crackers, and other delicious finger foods. Servers mingled and flitted here and there, and Security guards stood by the door, not preventing anyone from entering, but merely a presence. Something to be well known that they were there. So long as no one caused trouble, they wouldn't do much.


Once past the guards and inside, guests for the ball have access to all sorts of various places, including multiple fully staffed bars. Servers with various trays of drinks and food are scurrying everywhere.



Guests will also find a game room with a fully equipped candy wall. Here and there are donations for the candy taken, all proceeds to go to the Healing Hearts Sanctuary.


The bowling alley is most similarly set up as well. People were more than welcome to leave donations for the Sanctuary for the games they played, or not. Bowling was encouraged either way.


There's hundreds of varied and unique pieces of... art, throughout the estate as well!

Not to mention a spacious dining area, with a stretch of space that looked like it may have been cleared for the purpose of making plenty of room for dancers and those that wished to mingle and mix on foot, instead of their backsides.


Here, is also a majority of the food, and appetizers, and other foods that could be considered snacks. There's plenty of drinks flowing, alcoholic or otherwise, bottled or not as well! Don't be shy, eat, drink, enjoy yourselves.


There are a few rooms that are well guarded by Alik's security. They're not open nor available to the public. Anyone tries, and they'll be stopped. Even removed from the property, and sent along their way.

((This thread is for anything anyone wants to post relating to the event. Whether it be a scene that took place, an outfit worn, donations made, or businesses offering employment, ect. I really do love each and every one of ya'll and can't wait to doo this. <3))
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

Sylista had met with Roni days prior informing her that the Shadowsoul family would be donating a significant sum of money toward the start up of this important service. The donation would be dropped off prior to the event as Sylista had set the boundary regarding her interactions with Alik.

The Runelord requested her friend to keep the identity of the benefactors anonymous for now. At least until Sylista’s idea was off the ground and their collaboration was announced.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Strawberry »

Karma came with a small donation for the cause and another lovely party dress for party season.

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Amaris »

Amaris decided on a pretty blue dress and was happy and excited to show it off
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Father Jakob »

The good Father arrived to help Roni with various tasks to be done at the ball, including serving food and offering conversation to anyone that seemed to be feeling out of place and alone. In an effort to seem more approachable, he did not wear his cassock as might be expected, but a neatly pressed deep plum suit.

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Roni »

Eoghan had dropped her off outside of Alik's estate. Roni had already arranged for her dress, and other things she'd need for the night dropped off earlier this morning, and it tucked away into the room she had been given to get ready in. She was still two hours before her ball started. Honestly, there's just a little bit of nervous energy rolling around in her stomach, that was most definitely not Lily's feet. She just mostly hoped that this event was a success. She needed it to be one.

She's quick to make her way inside past the security and others meandering about, working to get last minute preparations done. Despite her awkward penguin waddle, she doesn't take long to make it to her designated room, to where she found her dress draped over the queen sized bed, along with another bag that had all her other necessities. It's the bag, she grabs, along with a towel from the cabinet just outside the bathroom. A shower was in order. She's focused on that so much, that she misses the flat wrapped gift waiting for her on the dresser.

She doesn't waste time in grabbing her soaps and conditioner from the bag, before stepping into the spray of the water, and working hard to wash the grime of the day away. It lasts for about 30 minutes, tops. Then she's pouring out, and making busy with getting dried, applying lotions and a touch of perfume. There's not much done for makeup. Her hair takes the most amount of time, between the curling, and the pinning of her half of her head that wasn't shaved.


Once she was primped, she figured actually getting dressed should be a thing, so out of the bathroom she slipped, and back into the bedroom. She went wrapped in a towel, not that she figured anyone would be there, but still. Although... not that the swell of her pregnant belly let it wrap around her like it should. She made a beeline for the dress she had chosen, and made busy with sliding it on over her head, and settling it where it went. The fabric was light, flowy, like the kiss of snowflakes against her skin in winter.


Once it was settled, and her shoes donned, she seemed intent on leaving....

It's the silver glint of wrapping paper that pulled her attention towards the present. It was printed with angels, topped with a bow, low and flat. She's curious as to what exactly is inside, and wanders closer. There's no hesitation in peeling the box free of it's wrappings... to reveal the box. That's pried open next... to find a familiar jeweled dagger atop what looked to be a manilla folder. There's a handwritten note atop that catches her attention in her confusion.

I figured your brother would like his heirloom back, I figured you’d like to know he’s associating with people just like those you fight, you’re alone little girl.

It takes a moment for it to click who the gift is from. Someone she hoped had been dead two months ago. Her blood felt like it was turned to ice as she gingerly picked up her Brother's dagger, and tucked it away onto her being. Somewhere safe among the folds of her dress.

Then she flips the file open..... And stares... It's notes and pictures and all sorts of information on her brother, Haru. On Alik. Those they worked with. So many notes, damning evidence. On the people they associated with, on the illegal activities and business ventures that were being invested in. And it made her stomach twist, bile burn at the back of her throat. Anger, fiery hot burned in the back of her chest, and the desire to hunt them down and confront them was strong.

The glance at her phone screen told her she had time to do either thing. For now, the file was shoved between the mattress and boxspring, the note tossed in the trash in a crumpled ball. Then she squared her shoulders, shoved her anger back down deep, and plastered a smile across her face. Then she's waddling her way out the door, and down the hall.

She was already running a few minutes late.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Mist Gul »

Mist arrived with Amaris in blues almost matching hers, pale blue brocade under a dark blue silk overshirt, trimmed in silvers and black embroidery. Black trousers and soft black calf high boots completed the suit, as unapologetically elvish as he was.


Though more than likely Amaris would romp off to dance and chat with her friends, Mist always would find the little wolfling for at least one dance - but he was definitely not going to do the worm tonight.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Josette Wheeler »

Josette arrived ready to dance, try her hand at bowling, peruse all the unique art pieces and of course, make a stop at that wonderful candy wall! After throwing a few gutter balls, the ballerina had more than a few giggles to spare. Eager to learn from the better bowlers in attendance, she was quite the quick study and managed to throw at least one very lucky strike!

Before departing, she left a generation donation for the Healing Hearts Sanctuary. She knew all too well how important the opportunity for a fresh start could be!

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Lucy Mitford »

August and Lucy were happy to attend the event, especially for a good cause. They enjoyed the evening, making sure to say hello to all the friendly faces they recognized, and leaving behind a contribution to the cause.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by BardGallant »

Dris made a fashionably late appearance, in the company of his very finely dressed boyfriend. He danced with anyone looking for a partner, had some fun in the game room, drank to excess, and was certain to leave a considerably large donation to the charity before he and Rhys left for the evening.

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Rhys Germain »

Rhys arrived with Dris later in the evening, clad in shades of grey. Like his boyfriend, he danced with those who were looking for a partner, as well as taking several turns around the dance floor with the man he loved. He also sampled quite a bit of the food, showing an obvious preference for the sushi, and made sure to get one game of bowling in with Dris. Before they left, he wrote out a cheque for a sizeable sum and left it for the charity.

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Mairead Harker »


The donation from the MacLeod Foundation was added to the growing pile.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by The Heartsmith »

Tessa wasn't usually a dress-up person but this was a special occasion and a good cause. So the smith donned one of the few dresses she owned for such occasions and arranged a ride to Icarus Estate. Once there, she was quite keen on the candy wall, because really who can resist that? Beyond that, she brought a very modest donation, but more importantly (at least for her), she left her business card and information on her services with a note that she would love to collaborate further to assist the Sanctuary.

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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Claire Gallows »

Though Claire was unable to attend the ball, a representative for the Gallows Family's charitable endeavors arrived toward the end of the night with a generous (or normal for Rhydin standards) check for the sanctuary along with a note from Claire offering assistance in getting up and running by way of partnering with her own existing infrastructure for providing shelter and services to the underserved of Rhydin. She also included some insider tips and experience for companies and businesses in the city that were sympathetic to philanthropic causes and willing to assist in job training/placement programs.
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Re: Fall Benefits Ball

Post by Elessaria »

It was crunch time for Elessaria: Pulling all-nighters, tweaking custom orders at the last minute, special deliveries and keeping the children on task had become an annual tradition. The Empath was disappointed she could not attend her shopping and brunch buddy's ball. However, Eless had Tobias, her head delivery boy, drop off a donation along with a note stating how much she admired Roni and her cause. She included an offer to create a special fragrance (after busy season) to auction to benefit the charity. When Tobias described the "Candy Wall", the petite elfess was even more disappointed to have missed the ball.
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