A Candidate's Press Conference - Jaycy

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Jaycy Ashleana
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A Candidate's Press Conference - Jaycy

Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

(( Sept 10, middle of the day. ))

Jaycy stepped from the back of her rented vehicle, modest conveyance in black that served the dual purposes of protection and transportation for one of the current candidates for Governor. She wore a sheath dress that kissed her curves, black, with stripes of shinier fabric across her midsection that symbolized a belt as well as up the bodice of her dress. The neckline was rounded, revealing her neck, with a square shape cut in the middle. Silver-streaked red hair appeared wild and free but was artfully tousled and managed with a few discreet ribbons. Plain black heels completed the ensemble.

Shortly after her exited another small woman, long ombre pink locks unruly and dressed in an oversized shirt and pastel blue shorts that seemed mostly hidden except when she raised her arms (like to tuck that hair back). Sharpie-marked sneakers covered her feet. She fidgeted but received a warm, encouraging smile from the woman in front of her. Jaycy took her way toward the waiting podium and then the other one followed a few steps behind, moving toward the back of the square designated for the media, out of the way.

Jaycy stepped up to the podium and paused, placing hands on either side of it and curving fingers around the edges. Her eyes brightened as she spied a certain blonde off to the side, and she bobbed her head slightly before turning back to the crowd in front of her. She offered those various personalities a smile and waited a few beats to begin.

“Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you for coming.” The gaggle of corpspersons settled down and turned toward the redhead.

“I know this is somewhat old news by now, but I’m here today to officially announce I’ve put my name in for Governor for the next year. Let’s start with who I am. My name’s Jaycynda Alexander, or as I’ve been known in this city, Jaycy. I’ve lived here for over twenty years and I’ve been a dueler in the various sports for pretty much the entire time. I have a small shop in Dockside, a ship at her docks, and ties to several of the other districts. As a dueler, I’ve served as Baroness for Seaside, Dockside, Dragon’s Gate, and currently Old Market districts.

In that time, I’ve helped with projects, including using the manors as shelters for children and women in danger and raised money for them and aided in recovery efforts after the Opals created havoc this past year with their shattering as a partner with Jewell and the Diamond Foundation. Most recently I initiated the Old Market Recovery Assistance Program, designed to help the citizens of Old Market get back on their feet after Harris initiated his reign of terror and bring prosperity back to the Marketplace and our citizens.

So …. I’ve been around.” A soft smattering of laughter followed that summary.

“Why am I running for Governor? Something that I’ve noticed, seen and heard, is that the districts aren’t really unified. A wise young woman…” She trailed off, smiling down the way to Cygni. “… pointed out that too many rich people come in and try to help as long as they have some temporary stake in the district but then leave them dry once they’re done with their pet projects and at the end of the day, regular people are left to the whims of those powerful people. What I want to do as Governor is reduce that … give the power to the people to help themselves, not rely on the few of of who have power.

I’m not here to tell the rich how to live; I’m here to help all of us work together. We have a place… if we’re not all living at least reasonably, none of us are really living. Another brilliant young woman explained to me the efficiencies of irrigation in the reopened Solarium and gave me a lesson in how that brilliance could be applied through the city. Now, as governor I wouldn’t tell people how do it, I would hire her to do it right!” She laughed softly and relaxed minutely, shifting to one hip as one or two chuckled with her. “Last but not least, with Overladies Lilith Anderson and Hope Naharis,” A bright smile to that blonde in attendance, “… we raised an initial 87,000 nobles for a new initiative that will help provide the seed for self-defense lessons for citizens throughout the city. We’ll have more information and start to see some of the first groups in the next few months… we want to make sure we do it right.”

Another pause and then she opened the floor. “Any questions?”

A portly man raised his hand and was acknowledged. “Who came with you? Is that yet another new lover? Is there anyone in Rhydin you’re not sleeping with?” He didn’t bother identifying himself.

Jaycy peered at him for a moment before turning her gaze to the young lady. “Her name is Cygni, she’s a friend, and it’s her fault I’m here.” The words were affectionate and without actual accusation, a smile forming once more. Cygni squirmed and nodded a couple times, managing to return the smile. Jaycy ignored the last part of the question altogether.

“Barney Gernus, Rhydin Reporter,” was the second to fire a question. “You talk a lot about the baronies but really, you Barons don’t have any power. Why should we listen to you here?”

Jaycy shrugged, “… because more than a baron, I live and work here and I care what happens to us all. I’ve still participated in projects that’ve helped the city, or at least portions of it at a time. Some of those programs have lasted, some haven’t. As Governor, I would do the same things.”

A slim elf peered up next. “Ebelyda, High Elf Times. What designer are you wearing?”

Jaycy’s brows furrowed. “Ummm…” She wasn’t prepared for that question. “Does it matter?”

Shaking her head, she turned to the next one. Barney had his hand up again. “Why in the hell should the rich in this town vote for you, if you’re talking about taking stuff from them?”

Jaycy’s reply was patient, with a small smile. “I’m not taking anything from them. They’ll get the advancements in technology too, the efficiencies that make their money go farther.”

And then the next, and the next, and on…

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