Underneath the Twilight Sky the Lord and Ladies of the Great Youkai Trio invite all those supernatural to share in the revelry as they celebrate the end of summer!
Sing, Dance, Drink.. and scare a few visiting mortals while you're at it!
The Festivities begin Sunday, August 23rd and will be lasting from then until Saturday, September 5th!
There's much to do at the Youkai Festival!
From being awarded the blessings of the Great Youkai Trio, being an Emissary of the Mortal Realm, and even joining the Youkai Parade!
The Blessing of the Great Youkai Trio
From their raised platform to the north of the festival do the Great Youkai Trio sit and wait to offer those who partake in the revelry their blessing.These blessings may work for a single moment in time, or last multiple days during the festival!
King Okami, Supreme Youkai King
The Supreme Youkai King sits center stage and greets those wishing for his blessing with an aura almost of disinterest.. though rumors among the youkai of the festival say that should you offer King Okami a weapon or token of fine make he may very well pry his eyes from Lady Kishijoten and reward you with his blessing. Those awarded the Blessing of the Wolf will feel their bodies go beyond mortal limits when it comes to strength and speed.
Kishijoten, Lady of the Serpent Sky
To the right of the Supreme Youkai King sits the Illustrious Queen Youkai. The blessing of Lady Kishijoten is given to those that offer a glimpse of their eyes, where the dragon of the sky can detect those with a true, honorable heart. She will silently beckon with a dip of her head for those to step forward (who have been granted the permission of the Supreme Youkai King himself; the story is that he is quite protective of his love) and receive the Blessing of the Serpent, rendering them invulnerable to harm with the great Lady's protection.
Fuku, Lady of Ill Omens
This small black cat can be found sitting atop her plush purple pillow to the left of King Okami. Lady Fuku is very fond of pranks and enjoys hearing the tales of one done well! Regale the Lady of Ill Omens with your stories of successful trickery and be offered the Blessing of the Prankster.. it will be sure to aid you on your next pranking endeavor!
The Youkai Parade
The biggest part of the festival! Every night at midnight the Youkai parade begins with Fuku, Lady of Ill Omens leading the fun! Post up your finest attire, bang a drum, cheer - shout, and strut your stuff among the Youkai as they march around the festival grounds to celebrate all that is supernatural! From ghouls, ghosts, and even vampires too!
Want to become a spiritual guide?
Start by coming to the festival on the Isle and picking up your very own ghostly companion!
Show them the sights around the city, take them into the dueling rings with you, or offer them some good food and drink! Become an emissary of the mortal realm and be a good example.. or maybe indulge in their trickery wants!
Awards for being a good Emissary
All those who take on the duty of becoming an Emissary of the Mortal World will be given an icon should they...
► Reply to this thread with a story -or- post a link directing to a forum post related to being a spiritual guide.
► Respond to the thread by stating that they are going to act as a guide for the spirit and duel in regulation Duel of Magic during the festival period.
► Extra! Win 5 Duel of Magic Duels with the spirit at your side and have your wins DOUBLED! Go from 5 wins to 10!
All those who participate in the Youkai Festival will be given a profile icon to commemorate the event. This isn't just limited to Twilight Isle! There could very well be supernatural antics about the city of RhyDin too! We ask that no harm be done to the festival or the Youkai NPCs. Thank you.
Have fun and try not to get spirited away!