101st Diamond Rules! by Eden Parker

The happenings and goings-on out back in the home of the Duel of Fists.

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101st Diamond Rules! by Eden Parker

Post by Eden Parker »

Hi everyone! I forgot to make up rules last time, so these are my brand new rules for the brand new Outback!

1. Cherry coke is the official drink of the Outback and it should be made the proper way with regular coca-cola, grenadine, and the sugary pink cherries!

2. Wednesday night is pizza night in the Outback! At least one pizza must be the special style that has the meat with the pineapple. Just ask Kheldar to order it. He has Matt’s payment info!

3. The Pond is the official fighting ring of the cycle! Isn’t it pretty? Wait. Are there fishies in the Pond? Just be careful of the fishies!

4. For every spinkick landed in the Outback, I, Eden Parker, will donate 5 silver to the Gren Blockman Arbor Day Tree Fund!

5. Armando is the official mascot of the Outback! Please say hello! He’s with his friend, The Fern. They both like company.

6. This has been a very stressful time in the Outback so please be nice to each other and take care of our brand new place!

Okay, that’s it! Have fun doing the fighting thing!
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Re: 101st Diamond Rules! by Eden Parker

Post by JewellRavenlock »

Dearest 101st Diamond Eden,

I believe there are fish in the pond. There also may be a water sprite living in it. Please be careful not to spinkick her.


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