Resistance Homefront

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Resistance Homefront

Post by Pharlen »

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Pharlen »

“Oh fuck me,” Pharlen muttered, drinking her coffee as she read the report that Watch Captain Elise Muldowney had sent up. She glanced to her assistant.

“What did I say? People don’t listen. It’s all lovely, Harris isn’t a problem, la la la. Get me Dillon asap, too. If he’s going to play benevolent swinging pendulum of love and hate, then I get to spank him when his pretty ass is close to me.”

“Uh… Yes’m…”

The messages were flying before noon:

Open Emergency Meeting -- Business Owners, Public Figures, Officials, Heroes, Assassins, and etc.

We will be meeting in the Public Library in Conference Room B.

Re: The takeover of the RhyDin Watch in the Marketplace by Harris.

Conference Room B had been thoughtfully provided with coffee, tea, and water along with an assortment of sandwiches and chips.
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Mallory »

Mallory made no secret of attending the meeting that Pharlen had called. She did not go alone -- she had Kirby (a three-headed, viper-tailed, quarter-ton hellhound) on a leash, but he laid down at her feet and snuffled around for snacks while she expounded on the aid she both had been and would be offering. She carried a large duffel bag with her, one with a wallaby mascot and "K.S.C.S. ATHLETICS" printed on it.

"The store I co-own with Safiya al-Bahur, the Lyceum, sits in its own demiplane. It has thirteen portal doors across the city, including one in Cadentia. Typically the door you enter is the same you leave through, but paying customers can choose to exit to somewhere else. When the... toll situation started, we changed our policy to let anyone who could prove they'd bought a pair of," she hefted the bag onto the conference room table, unzipped it, and held up a pair of sunglasses, "...these. Witching Hour Sun-Blotting Glasses, ordinary sunglasses, two silver apiece.

"I've brought over a hundred pairs. Feel free to distribute these to any spies, informants, anyone who needs to move in and out of Old Market at night while avoiding Blackguard checkpoints -- but only if you trust them. They'll need a password, too, but it changes every Wednesday and Sunday, and they'll need to go to Pharlen to get them. If she doesn't trust them... they don't get the password, and they don't get to use the Lyceum door after hours. But if they have the sunglasses and the password, they can use the Lyceum doors to end up in any district in RhyDin, or all the way down in Cadentia. Just make sure they understand not to go poking around the rest of the shop. We have a dragon. You've been warned.

"Also. I talked to the Cadentia Bazaar Council, and I've agreed to help them take care of a bandit problem. In return, they've agreed to waive the usual fees and help find space for any merchants and their families who need to flee Old Market and continue their business somewhere else. It's a busy town, but it was a ghost town for a long time -- there's still a lot of empty space for people to set up."

She exchanged a sheaf of parchment paper with Pharlen, and left the duffel bag open for people to take sunglasses as needed.

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Last edited by Mallory on Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Mai Sato »

"It's obvious what these do, just don't aim them at someone you like." Mai was giving a brief overview of the items she'd be selling to The Resistance. Because like a true arms dealer — when there's a time of struggle and violence, there's money to be made. Mai directed focus away from the guns (after a moment of pushing a rifle off to the side after a resistance volunteer took it up and accidentally aimed it at her in the process; this also came with one of those ``Come on, guy..`` looks) to speak on more magical than mundane,

"Fire arrows, stunning arrows," Going down the list as she tapped each small crate of items. "and the crossbows to go along with them. If you want to keep damage to the surrounding area to a minimum, I'd stay away from the fire enchanted arrows — but we all know that sometimes there's a need for a bit if a push and normal firepower isn't enough."

There were other items. Light weight armor and the like, hell she was able to even sell off a couple of enchanted swords too.

All and all it was a good day. Mai left the Resistance Homefront a bit more richer than she arrived.

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

A group of people entered the meeting at with former GAC member, Rhiannon Brock Túr Gairdín, leading the pack.

"At the last meeting, several people stated the only way to get Harris to pay attention and answer questions is to speak in his language. Our esteemed Governor was and is not in a position to do that herself. I made a step in that direction by challenging for his title. If he ignores it, he'd automatically be stripped of his title and ousted as the District's Baron. While that doesn't guarantee that he will stop what he is doing, if he no longer holds the title, it can't be used as leverage. I'm not expecting him to let the challenge go unanswered. His Squire has already attempted to bribe me to withdraw. As past title holders in Old Market and sponsors of the emergency services in the district's west side, my sister and niece have more knowledge of the area and have established a rapport with many of the citizens of Old Market. However, they're not in a position to press challenge at this time, I am."

She sat down to allow others to have their say. As she reached to hand something to her mother, Rhi heard a faint tinkling sound as the charms on her bracelet tapped against each other. One charm in particular caught her eye, a stylized letter A, a remembrance of day's past before she had taken on the often daunting task of motherhood. Would anyone still answer if she used the tiny device? Surely, Ebon would. Circumstances were such that she needed to try. The call sign went out from Elpis, Avengers Assemble! with the information on Harris and the danger he was now presenting to the citizens of Old Market, people were dying. Toll booths were easily bypassed, war machines like tanks were another thing all together. Anyone on Batten's Network could have gotten the message to meet or make contact.

((Public Support from Rhi.
Just as an FYI - Rhi is only responsible for attempting contact with the Rhydin Avengers. The response is up to individual players involved in that group and with Batten Industries.))
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Rhiannon D Harker »

Rhiannon Harker was the next to add her open support to the Resistance.

"Historically, Old Market had been a place where this kind of thing has run rampant. Until Harris started up this tornado of trouble, the presence of several Watch units, including the 27th Division of the Rhydin Watch and the West Side Precinct Office, was enough to keep large scale terrorist acts at bay. Until the deaths, the other day, many of the residents that I spoke to were willing to wait it out for a new Baron. A tank rolling down the street was, as the saying goes, a big game changer. Now, many are frightened and scared people, like scared animals, are danger even to themselves. The EMS and Urgent Care in the West Side will remain open and continue to render aid as best they can. Since the last meeting to address this, I have enlisted the aid of various businesses to keep the Urgent Care, EMS, and the associated shelter stocked with food and ther other supplies. For anyone, especially those with children, wanting to evacuate at some point, transportation and temporary quarters are available."

She set down the paper with her prepared words and continued. "Every day, I teach children to use their innate talents to protect themselves from as many things as possible, most can't stand alone against armored vehicles. With the new developments in Old Market, I have reinforced the fact that getting away alive is always the best option."

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Jameson »

“This is some bullshit,” said Jack Wegman. “My brother and I have a business to run and this asshole thinks he’s going to establish himself as king or something?”

Standing beside him, Gus Wegman dipped a handful of hugely exaggerated nods.

Behind them was a much taller, lankier man with a wild and dangerous grin known as Jameson Mayer. He was as much chewing on a cigarette as he was smoking one. Placing a hand on Jack’s shoulder, he stepped up between them.

“Lady Governor, not only are businesses being shut down, but people are being run out of their homes. My cousin Eddie among them.” He flicked ash off his cigarette, and though his words were somber, there was still a deviously sharp curve to his toothy smile. “My cousins and I here are offering our help in disrupting the organization of this new Blackguard wherever you see fit.”

“Me too!” piped up a young boy with tousled brown hair who could be no older than nine. He shoved his way between Jameson and Jack and stepped in front of them, his eyes as eager and mad as the tall man smoking his cigarette. Jameson put his hand on the boy’s head and his insane smile stretched even wider.

Taking back his hand after a fond ruffle of the boy’s hair, Jameson pulled aside his coat. Underneath he was wearing a double crossed set of bandoliers notched not with bullets but with sticks of dynamite. “Just point us in the right direction, Your Governorship,” he said with a manic grin.

((The Ratkin of Old Temple West offer their public support as terrorists and saboteurs.))
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Ciarth Whitemane »

"Not all of Old Market's businesses have been shut down," added Ciarth after Jameson had spoken, "but even those of us, such as myself and these gentlemen," indicating the Wegman brothers, "who have thus far managed to hold out are feeling the pressure, and given the... fragile nature of my products, I cannot afford to stand against the Blackguard overtly. Still, we may be positioned to be of assistance to those who would resist." He paused to take a breath, as if steadying himself before leaping across an abyss. "I do business with pubs and restaurants across the city, supplying glassware. I can arrange for my delivery teams to carry discrete messages or, if feasible, take on additional help," and here he gestured towards Jameson, "to expedite travel across district lines for those who need it."

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by The Lame Smith »

"I've already told Harris' goons to shove off once, and warned 'em they'd get a sound thrashing if they came by again." Heph chuckled at the recollection. "Still, he's upped the stakes now, bringing in artilery and armored troops. I don't want to see Old Market become a war zone, but we need to be able to defend ourselves. As such, with the Governor's permission, I am offering the services of my automatons to any business or residential community that wishes to accept them."

A metallic figure stepped forward, roughly the size and shape of an adult human male. The faint sound of gears could be heard as it moved, but its tread was surprisingly soft and it moved with an almost feline grace. The smith looked rather proud of his creation. "They will guard their charges day and night, neither eating nor sleeping, and their durability is second to none."

"What if this just escalates things to open warfare?" The question led to uneasy murmurs throughout the assembled group.

"I doubt Harris would be so stupid as to let things reach that point. As my sister once told me, war is only profitable for those who aren't actually fighting. As a party to any such conflict, Harris would find his profit margins dwindling. What we need to do is make it too costly for him to stay his course, while at the same time protecting our own. I don't intend to let this blowhard run roughshod over my home. Do any of you?"

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Claire Gallows »

Save for running the Owl and Hangman (both of which ran themselves at this point) and checking in on the gym or DGO's services, Claire had been sparse within the city. The latest developments however were cause for response. Though she did not appear in person, Giovanni Diamante, head of relations at Caelum Enterprises, made a visit to the gathering in her stead.

"It seems the standard method of dealing with Mr. D'Artainian is under way thanks to Mrs. Brock Túr Gairdín's challenge. That said, until he is ousted, the escalating display of force within the district is unacceptable. Effective immediately, the Sassy Owl Saloon is closed to the public but may serve as a safe house for those working against this... Blackguard. Ask for Luciana there if you need aid. Additionally, Caelum Enterprises' Security Division would like to offer the Governor twelve of our finest enforcers, all of whom are highly trained and fully outfitted for direct conflict. Others are being dispatched to private holdings within Old Market and any business owners seeking aid are welcome to contact me directly."

Gio made sure to provide his card to the Governor and left several for others who might want them.

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Addie »

Addie Masters-MacKenzie offered her public support in the form of t-shirt sales helped by her substantial social media following. As promised 80% of the proceeds were sent directly to the Governor's Office, ear marked for Resistance efforts.

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

At the time of the meeting, Ebon was unable to attend, being in the Marketplace assisting in clearing the wreckage of what was once his favorite ice cream parlor. Pacarelli's was now an empty shell, gutted by flames and half-collapsed after a fiery explosion. One of the new Blackguard stood outside, explaining to Stefano Pacarelli in overwhelmingly condescending tones that gas lines can be pretty volatile. "If you'd just made sure you passed your inspections, this need not have happened. But you didn't, and it did."

The man's smugness was infuriating, and Stefano shook his fist. "Passed inspections? Pay the bribes, you mean! Feccia! Pezzo di immondizia!"

With a swift backhand, the Blackguard trooper sent the little man stumbling to the ground, before suddenly finding himself flying backwards to slam against a lamppost. "What the...?!" Scrambling to his feet, he saw Ebon standing between him and the Pacarellis, his face shrouded in the shadows of his hood. "You think you can take me, huh? This armor's proof against magic and ballistic weapons alike!"

"Really?" Lowering his hood, Ebon smirked at the man's bravado. "Well, first off... my abilities aren't magical. Secondly, is it proof against physics?" With that, pinpoints of light flashed in his dark eyes and telekinetic force gripped the trooper, launching him up, up, up into the atmosphere. Lifting his head, Ebon followed the man's course until he was well out of sight, before finally turning back to the devastated shop. Seconds later, a sound arose, faint at first but growing in volume. It was a mix of noises, an odd whistling mixed with a high-pitched scream. Townsfolk looked up, and then rushed to get out of the way as a black shape fell from the sky and slammed hard into the ground.

True to his boasting, the Blackguard trooper's armor had weathered the impact remarkably well. The body of the trooper inside, however, not so much. Blood seeped out and spread along the cracks in the pavement caused by the sudden and violent meeting of man and ground.

As he cleared rubble from the storefront, Ebon felt a vibration in the inner pocked of his tunic, and reached in to withdraw a small ID care with a stylized letter A that glowed red. "Hmmm." Pressing a spot on the card, he spoke softly. "DIANA, this is Black Knight. Who sent the call?"

"The summons came from Elpis."

So it was Rhi... she was at the meeting that Pharlen was holding. They must be expecting the troubles to get worse before they got better. He would have to visit his old stomping grounds to pledge the Governor whatever support he could. And, in the process, perhaps get a few old friends together again.

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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by JewellRavenlock »

The Empress Overlady did not attend Pharlen’s meeting as she was wrapped up in several meetings of her own with members of the Wayward Court. The end result was a missive published publicly later that day.

To Whom It May Concern,

Due to the recent escalation of events in Old Market, the Wayward Court is officially extending its influence beyond the boundaries of Little Elfhame into the rest of the district for as long as necessary. Knights of the Wayward Court will be on patrol throughout the district until this situation is resolved. Any citizens of Old Market may avail themselves of the Wayward Court’s protection and assistance against the Blackguard.

Should any Blackguard members accidentally cross into Little Elfhame, they will be dealt with immediately and with extreme prejudice.

The bridge nearest to Little Elfhame, crossing the river between Old Market and Old Temple, has been secured in the name of The Empress Overlady to ensure safe crossing between districts for anyone who so requires it.


The Empress
Jewell Ravenlock
110th and 118h Overlord of the Duel of Swords
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The Real Regent in Old Market

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Re: Resistance Homefront: Call To Arms

Post by Pharlen »

Call To Arms

Information was beginning to return to Pharlen as the entire issue with Harris continued on. She went through papers and data sticks, then carefully destroyed them all.

Projecting the city map onto a whiteboard, Pharlen began to make quick notes.

“Ratkin folks will be weakening basement piles and placing bugs, real and electronic…” she murmured as she sketched. “We have Mesteno lurking in deep, Koyan and Aiden - the three of them would be perfect to deflect and destroy information.”

“Jewell’s got her bridge, we’ve got plenty of boots on the ground keeping the Blackguards busy… Someone get me a mer-person or some divers. Get down to that damn yacht of Harris’s and see what sank it. Then make sure it looks like it was scuttled and drag it up onto the beach,” Pharlen decided as she narrowed her eyes, circling the approximate location of the disputed yacht.

“Now, he won’t pay taxes, but we do need to make this very expensive for him,” she noted, recalling Heph’s sage remark. She tapped her fingertips to her lips.

“Let’s make sure the vendors raise their prices at least 15 percent for any of Harris’s orders, taxis, cargo, repair work, anything. We’ve got several safe spaces, and I will go and make sure that the safe space and transfer point in the marketplace square is operational, and that people are aware of it,” Pharlen added, “And if anyone has Gremlins or other small destructive creature that can be added to oh, say, tanks - this would be a good time to insert them into said tanks.”

Pharlen stepped back and eyed her map, hands on her hips.

“A few big boys and girls, some heroes, heroic sorts, bearing down on the blackguards and making them earn their money would be great, so would some lovely sleek darlings to cuddle up to the boys and girls and discuss how their pay is for crap, or they need insurance, or even better, that they can get paid better elsewhere, would be great. Also, take in any information they can purr out of the blackguards.”

“And I have on tap some nasty ass lawyers, but for anyone caught or arrested by the blackguards, we’re going to need full scale jail breaking, as I really doubt that Harris will follow any legal precedents. SO. For anyone waiting for a call to arms and to get things done, here it is. Let’s make sure Harris pays for every cent he extorts.”

((Here you go! Make with the posting and playing and have a grand time! Make sure to contact Harris for any lasting or major damage. ;D Feel free to continue to add in your support, private or public, as you like! ))
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by PrlUnicorn »

((The following series of posts is written in cooperation with the players of Dennis Harker, Doran Ilnaren, and Sylva. Some of it is based on live play. Riverview Clinic is used with the permission of its creator, the player of Maranya Valkonan.))

Part 1 of ?

5 Mar 2020 - Early Evening - MacLeod House

It had been raining on and off all day which meant Abby and Madison had to occupy themselves indoors. Colleen had just finished cleaning up the dinner dishes when the phone in her office rang. It was her personal line and not the one for farm business.

“Colleen, here,” she said as she lifted the receiver to her ear.

“Colleen, this is Dr. Ridgeway at Old Market Urgent Care. I have a maternity case here that needs your expertise.”

She paused for a moment to grab a notepad before speaking again. “Go on.”

“Primigravida, nulliparous, seventeen years old.”

“How is she progressin’ in her labor?” She absently fiddled with the pen on the blotter as she jotted down a few notes..

“Labor is going well. Slowly, as one might expect with a first timer. That’s not my primary concern. It’s her mental state that prompted me to call.” Voices could be heard in the background as Dr. Ridgeway explained further. “I suggested that she be taken to one of the larger facilities where she’d be more comfortable. Once she was inside, however, she refused to even consider going back out.”

She muttered a few curses under her breath. “It’s something to do with that flippin’ Blackguard, isn’t it?”

“Yes, she’s afraid they might try to steal the child once it’s born.”

“Oh fer the love o’...” It was bad enough those goons were running roughshod over the district’s business owners, but enough was enough. “I’ll be there. My usual doula is performin’ wit’ the Shanachie this week, so I need ta bring a pinch hitter. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

“I’ll see you when you get here.”

One call ended and a second began.

“Harker Residence, Catie speaking.”

“Catie, darlin’, is yer sister home?”

“MMm… yeah, we’re getting dinner ready. Hold on!” There was the sound of scampering feet and Catie bellowing, “MAGGIE! Gran’s on the line!”

It wasn’t Maggie that picked up, it was Rhiannon. “Hello, Mother.”

“Rhi? What’s wrong?” Colleen knew that edge in her daughter’s voice.

“Maggie’s still bruised up from that tangle with the gargoyles that came after Mallory and Izumi.” A couple of heartbeats passed. “What adventure did you plan to take her on?”

“Pearl’s dancin’ this weekend ‘n’ there's a maternity case I need some help on. Moral support. The mother’s a terrified teen.”

Flashes of her own experience as a first time mother came to mind. “I won’t stop her if she wants to go, but try to stay clear of the Blackguard. Mercenaries don’t always follow the orders of their employer. Harris is apparently off his rocker, so, who knows what he’s told them has his seal of approval.”

“Or what they might do that doesn’t?” It was a thought given voice by Colleen.

“You aren’t thinking about testing that theory, are you, Mom?”

“Not today,” she said firmly. “ Right now, I have a laborin’ mother ta think about.”

“I’ll get Maggie over to Urgent Care if she says yes.” Rhiannon was certain her daughter’s answer wasn’t going to be no. This would be a first for her, Maggie had never assisted in the birthing of a person.

When Collie arrived at the West Side Urgent Care, she took note of a several of the Blackguard patrolling the streets. They didn’t seem interested in one woman carrying two heavy bags, but it was still early. Their curfew had not gone into effect, yet. She wasn’t looking to pick a fight, but they started up with her, all bets were off.

Harkers’ Island

Rhiannon had already put her two coppers in. As Maggie chatted over the commlink with her grandmother, she gathered up a few things to take with her. Favorite books, calming scents, a few cuddly toys, and some suckers in various flavors were packed into a wheeled carry on bag. She took time to enjoy dinner with the family before tugging on her favorite blue parka. “I’m ready!” She paused a moment to scroll through her contact list and stopped on Doran’s name.

There were days when Dennis Harker felt the weight of his forty-four years. This was one of them. He turned to his eldest child and studied her as if he might never see her again.

"I won't lie and say that I'm not worried about you. I know you can handle yourself, Maggiebug," Dennis stated, reverting to his childhood nickname for Maggie. "I also know that neither you nor Collie will take any unnecessary risks." His hand rumpled his dark brown hair with a few flecks of white at the temples in his usual nervous gesture. “Still… I don’t want you traveling alone in all of this. Especially after the other night. I trust that ruddy git Harris about as far as I can throw Himself. Less.” He sighed deeply. “Take Doran with you. If things go even more arse over tincup, use your armor and get the hell out of there.”

Dennis reached out to give Maggie a hug and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Promise me that, Mairead.” His serious tone plus the use of her given first name reflected his genuine worry for his eldest child.

Maggie nodded and, after hugging her father back, held out her commlink to show him that she was thinking along similar lines, but not exactly the same reasons. She had already called up Doran’s name. “One step ahead of you there, Da. I figure we can both be of help and then get the mother and baby over to Riverview. Doc Anya can make sure they’re both safe.” A frown that made her look far older than her thirteen years came to her face. “I can’t just do nothing. It’s not how you and Mama raised me.” She zipped up her parka. “I’ll ask him to meet me in Dragon’s Gate at the Observatory, we can take the portal from there.” Before putting on her mittens, she squeezed her father’s hands. “Uncle Heph tweaked the armor so it’s passive, it turns itself on when I need it.”

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief. “Fair enough. We’ll have pizza waiting for you when you get home. I’ll try to keep Bertie out of it.” He managed a shadow of his usual grin for his daughter.

“I’ll call when I’m on my way back!” Her dark brows furrowed. “You know, it’s funny. Harris told Aunt Rhi that he accepted me as a Loyal Baron so he could protect me. It’s …” a moment or two passed as she searched her mind for the right word, “ironic that he’s the one people need to be protected from, now, isn’t it?”

“Too right, Maggiebug. Aight. The sooner you go, the sooner you get back.” He barely resisted the urge to turn the air indigo blue with the curses that he wanted to let fly regarding Harris and the insanity the man currently was involved with. Time enough for that venting once his eldest daughter was safely out of hearing range.

“Love you, Da!”

“Love you more, Maggiebug!”

Maggie waved and headed to meet the ferry. Once she was safely onboard, she would start her call to Doran. There had been a breakdown in the communications network, so, she took another route … leg work to Stardreamer Manor then the Arena. When Maggie departed the Arena it was with Doran and Sylva.
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