Guests are encouraged to come in masks to disguise their appearance, a way to celebrate the changing faces of the city and those in its past. The band nestled in the cathedral’s northern transept will play a succession of waltzes ideal for dancing in pairs or in groups; while the southern transept has a bar with mulled cider, punch, cognac, brandy, stout, and large barrels of wine.
The altar is covered with candles lit with crimson flame, with unused candles in a basket nearby, and a coffer for donations to benefit victims of the violence at FearFest. Guests are encouraged to take a candle and ignite it by speaking the name of a wayward or departed soul, and leave it and any other offerings at the altar.
As the evening progresses, guests may see what appear to be golden apparitions dancing in and out of sight, either a reflection of the strange light off the crystal glasses and chandeliers — or wayward souls drawn by the warmth of the celebration...
((While not required, I encourage anyone participating to make a new username for the event and go the masquerade incognito! Users can either create a new forum name to add as an additional nickname on the server, or to make it more of a mystery, you can register a new Discord username in the app or here and join the server while logged in under that name! Please DM me if you have any questions.
Also, feel free to use this thread to post outfits or have your character attend, even if you can’t make it to the live event!))