hellogoodbyehello (2014)

Seek the places where light meets dark, there you will find tales of inexplicably intertwined realms both near and far.

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Raven Wyatt
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hellogoodbyehello (2014)

Post by Raven Wyatt »

“But all the love in the world won't save a sinking ship. You have to either bail or jump overboard.”
― Sarah Dessen, What Happened to Goodbye

“Goodbyes are hard, precious girl. But don’t think of it as a goodbye so much as a see you later.”

“You’ll be back plenty, I promise.”

“Man, to be two and able to sleep through anything again.”

“No, go ahead and put the couch right over there. It’ll give me somewhere to lay Addie down. Thanks Jim. I’ll make sure the crew gets a good tip.”

“Moving is tiring stuff, huh, my girl? It’ll be fun, I promise. Two houses full of love. And Freya can go with you no matter where you are.”

“Maybe when you get older you’ll understand. Sometimes it’s better to be apart and happy than together but alone.”

“A little oxymoronic, I know. That’s one thing I hope you’ll never have to understand… that’s the worst feeling in the world. Feeling lonely in a room full of people.”

“But you are loved. So very, very loved.”

“I promise. I will do right by you, always. We’ll be okay. You’ve got no idea what this all means, but I swear on my life that we’ll be okay.”

“Sleep well, precious girl.”
Last edited by Raven Wyatt on Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

“A ‘hello again’ after the final goodbye is sometimes harder than just keeping the goodbye as it was.”
― Jessiqua Wittman, A Memoir of Love

"So tell me a little about yourself."

She had never been particularly good at talking about herself.

Deep breath.

“I recently moved back to Rhy’Din City after living in Provance, Nosgoth for the past three years. I’m originally from Rhydin though. Moved out of the city a few years back after that whole Mage Registration debacle but this place has a way of calling us home, doesn’t it?”

Laughter, mutual if a bit stiff.

"And your family? Significant other? Children?"

“It’s just my daughter and I right now.”

That still stung.

“Her name’s Addie, she just turned two in February. But her father is still quite involved, so it isn’t as though we’ve got no support system. No conflicts or issues with caregivers, very consistent.”

"It seems like you already understand the demands of the position."

“Most definitely. While I don’t have formal clinic experience per say, I’ve been a healer for almost as long as I can remember. It’s hardly a predictable profession but it’s incredibly rewarding.”

"Were you in the medical field in Provance as well?"

“Oh… um, no, not exactly. I was with a… private security and protective group.”

See also: mercenary.

"I see. What brings you back to both Rhydin and healthcare?"

“A new start while getting back to my roots.”

"Hmm. Would you be available on Tuesday for an in person interview at the clinic? Say, at nine thirty?"

“Yes! Yes, absolutely.”

"Great, just check in at the front desk and we’ll talk to you then."

“Perfect, thank you so much for this opportunity.”
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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

“I know too well how
good-bye can steal more than just the future.”
― Talia Vance, Spies and Prejudice

“They said they thought I would be a great fit.”

“That’s awesome, Rave! So, what then?”

“Well, they offered me a part-time position to start, ninety day probationary period to make sure that I get the rest of my credentials up to snuff in that time. Then said after that we’ll flex me up to full-time.”

”***, that’ll be great. Benefits?”

“The usuals once I hit full time.”

”Good good. You gonna be all right in the meantime until they move you up to full time hours?”

“Yeah, we’ll be fine. I’ve got plenty in savings and yeah.”

”Zack helping?”

“Where he can, definitely. I’m taking Addie full time but we decided he can have her whenever he wants. Whatever’s best for her, you know?”

”Yeah, I know. But like, financially does he have you covered?”

“I don’t want his money. He can help with Ad, but he has no obligation to me anymore.”

”Sorry Rave, I didn’t mean…”

“No, it’s okay.”

”No, it’s not. I feel like it’s partially my fault… I’m sorry.”

“We’re all adults. We all make our own choices. We’re all in charge of our own relationships. Things don’t always work out even if you really, really want them to.”

”Ain’t that the truth.”

“New chapters aren’t a bad thing, it means your journey is progressing. And this is good, I’m moving forward.”

”You’re a downright ray of ****ing positivity, aren’t you?”

“Gotta be. Adelaide needs me to be strong, right?”


“But I was thinking, would you wanna watch her for me for a few hours Friday? I kinda wanna celebrate this, maybe have a few drinks and not worry about things for a bit.”

”Yeah! That shouldn’t be a problem. When ya thinking?”

“Seven? Eight?”

”Whenever, just text me. In the meantime, let me know if you need anything? And I mean anything.”

“I need, like, a day at the spa, a handle of Jack, and a hot guy to bang and not worry about calling afterward.”

”Well, I can probably try to help with two of the three but you’re on your own for the third.”

“Nnnnnngh, so mean. Okay, I’ll see you Friday.”

”I mean it, let me know if you need anything that I can help with.”

“Sure thing, Claire.”

”Okay. Later Raven.”

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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

“When I am brave enough to say goodbye
I'll use the wings you gave me
and away I'll fly”
― Celia Mcmahon

”Delivery for Ms. Raven Ekia?”

“That’s me.”

”Great, sign right here on the X.”

“Any clue where it’s from?”

”No, sorry. Just dropped off at the depot, marked fragile. Be careful, yeah?”

“Hmm. Okay. Thank you.”

”No problem. Have a good weekend.”

“You too.”

The courier left Raven to stand there in the entryway with the little box in her hands. It wasn’t wrapped, only taped neatly to keep it closed. No handwriting on the label could give away the sender.

“What’s this, what’s this?” Locking the door, Raven, the package, and her humming went back to the parlor where a slew of legos, dolls, and army men were strewn about thanks to the two year old who sat in the middle of it all.

“Me?” Adelaide asked, making grabby hands at the box.

“Mmh, no baby. I think it’s for Mama.”

“Me! Me! Is for Addie, Mama!” The grabby hands were soon accented with whining.

Not the whining. Raven huffed and tucked the box under warm arm before tipping down to scoop Addie up with the other.

“Shh now or I’m going to have to hang you up on the clothesline and tickle you.” To emphasize her threat, she wriggled her fingers against the toddler’s sides. The little girl’s whines became a mix of laughter and squealing as Raven carried her bounty into the kitchen.

“No no no! No tickling!” The squealing stopped when the tickles did but the giggles lingered when Raven set the girl on the counter.

“Okay, then be good. Neither of us want to listen to you whine. Juice?” Hopefully it would be a good distraction.

“Yes! Juice!” With both of them in agreement, Raven kept a hand on Adelaide as she pulled free a juice box from the fridge. She peeled the straw off of the side, poked it through the wrapper, and pulled it free long enough to stick it right through the soft top of the box. Helping the girl off the counter, she gave her the juice and turned back to the package. Addie took off with her prize.

“Don’t run with that!” Raven yelled down the hall. The rapid pitter-patter slowed to an acceptable speed. Content with that, she cut through the tape and popped the box open. Within, a paper and bubble wrapped crystal vase had been carefully tucked beneath a small piece of cardstock. Pinching it between her fingers, she drew the card up for examination. The vase underneath was beautiful, finely crafted, and, Raven thought, likely expensive.

Though the card was handwritten, she didn’t recognize the script. It perplexed her even more. Four words, that was it.

Happy Belated Mother’s Day

“Hmm. Odd. But okay.”
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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

“For whatever it's worth, I believe we're born imperfect, and perfection, whatever that may be, is unattainable by us mere humans.”
― Liza M. Wiemer, Hello?

“Did you read it?”

“No, I don’t have a copy yet. Gio’s sending it to my phone. Fill me in?”

“Just said she was hospitalized after being taken from her apartment unconscious. Is it… is it her?”

“...Nnngh. Most likely. Named her?”

“Y-yeah… said her little girl group’s press agent put out a statement saying she was hospitalized for exhaustion.”

“Which is typically code for something else.”

“I know… I should’ve reached out to her before…”

“Rave… you know how dangerous that is.”

“I don’t care! She’s clearly struggling.”


“Okay. How can I help?”

“I asked around a little and nobody was able to confirm her being at any of the public hospitals and even a few of the private clinics. I don’t have the sort of… sway that you do. I want to find her.”

Another sigh.

“We’ll be back from the beach house Sunday morning. In the meantime I’ll have the guys look into it.”

“Okay. Thank you, Claire.”

“You’re welcome. Do you want me to call him too? He knows she’s here.”

“No. No, if he catches wind of it, he can do as he pleases but the less people involved, the better.”

“Alright. Do you need anything else?”

“Would you and Cooper want to have Adelaide over once we find her older counterpart?”

“Yeah, we can do that. Better that way, I think.”


“It’ll be okay, Rave. She’s a tough girl.”

“I hope so. Thanks again.”

“S’no prob-- Alex! Don’t put that up your nose! Ugh, gotta go.”

“Heh. Good luck.”

“Uh huh. Later.”

“Bye, Claire.”
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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

Now that you've said hello, I'm afraid we move right into farewells. Hello, goodbye. Like flowers scattered in a storm, man's life is one long farewell, as they say,”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

“A bodyguard? For a three year old?”

“I know… it seems weird.”

“Where’d you find ‘em?”

“Seiri’s recommendation. Michi has one too though she refers to her as a maid.”

“Huh. Okay. Did something happen?”

“No… but with Adelaide starting school, and St. Mary’s unable to allow Freya to go with her… well…”

“You’re worried.”

“I don’t like when she’s alone.”

“You do know she’s quite safe at St. Mary’s right?”

“I know…”

“Talk to me, gorgeous.”

“With everything that happened with the older Addie and Niko, I’m just worried it’ll blow back on the younger one. She’s an easier target…”

“Nothing is going to happen to her, Raven.”

“You’re right. Nothing is going to happen to her because I’m going to take every precaution I can to keep them from getting their hands on her. They tried when she was just a few weeks old, they’ve evidently tried numerous times since then with the older one. They aren’t going to quit.”

“What do they even want with her?”

“That’s… that’s complicated.”

“Would you rather not talk about it?”

“It just depends on how much stock you put into crackpot prophecies and overzealous believers in those foretellings.”

“Not much typically… but that’s not to discount it if you do…”

“I don’t. Well. I didn’t… I just thought I got away from all of it.”

“Got away?”

“More complicated stuff. Let’s talk about something else.”

“Like how good you look in my shirt?”

“That definitely works.”
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Re: hellogoodbyehello

Post by Raven Wyatt »

Sometimes losing everything is the only way to begin.”
― T.K. Kiser, The Firebrand Legacy

"Okay, that's two stories and three songs which means it is now bedtime. One, two, three, four, who's the one that loves you more?"

"Mmmmm Addie loves Mama more! Lights?"

"Both lights are on and I'll leave the hall light on for you. I love you."


"And she's down for the count. Only took three songs and two stories. I call it a victory."

"I eavesdropped on some of it. You've got the mom thing on lock, lady. Kid's gonna do good. If we hadn't sugared her up after the Show, she'd have been down much faster. What do you wanna watch?"

"I've had three years of practice... wasn't always so good at it. Believe it or not, the sugar makes 'em crash a little bit harder so long as you can survive the initial craziness. And you know what? You handled it like a champ. Anything but the fashion channel. I'm a little coutured out."

"Okay, fashion and porn are out. Disney's a close third for a no, since there's no toddler to cast a vote. No sports worth watching this time of year, so... hm. I'm just gonna flip through what's here and you tell me if it's time to move on. Sound good?"

He didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he flipped to the first channel. On the screen John Waybe's Rooster Cogburn was monologuing in the age old classic, True Grit.

"Nnnngh, no Disney, please. Damn that Texan, when you need him, he's dead."

"You ruined it.”


"Ha, my bad. Are you, um, did you want to stay the night?"

"Mm, yeah. Sure. I have to head back to Star's End later in the afternoon but I could always take you and Addie out to breakfast. Maybe sneak a trip to the trampoline place before I go. It's a schoolday, so most of the ass**** kids won't be there to ruin the fun."

"Don't have to if you don't want to. I bet she would absolutely adore that, you know."

"I can probably push work stuff back too. Make a whole day of it. Breakfast, the trampoline park, maybe one of the kids museums and a toy store. You throw in dinner and I'll definitely make a day of it."

"You sure? I wouldn't want to keep you from stuff that needs to be done... but I'm also not going to say no if you'd like to… Dinner hmm? I could cook, you know. Anything in particular you might want?"

"Unless there's someone else and I need to put foot to ass for your time. Then when I'm done with him, or them, we can discuss the terms of your surrender. Unless it's with Addie, I'm very sure I'm willin' to share."

"No... there's not... heh, no, there's not anyone else. But if you wanna discuss the terms of my surrender anyways, I might be amenable to negotiations."

"I've never slowed down enough to consider being serious about someone before. Sure, casual companionship here and there. Sprinkle around some money I wasn't spending anyway, have a good time. Call it a day. Never thought much beyond that, because it was back out to the Black. Or just to work."

"Oh yeah? I was never particularly good at that... whole thing either. Before I had Addie, I spent a lot of time on the road, not really conducive to that sort of thing. She's a little dose of perspective..."

"I figured I'd settled eventually. But I hate that word. People get called settlers, ones who settle. I like colonists because it reminds me of people bringing a piece of somewhere else to a new life. People settle down, like they're ready to give up what a makes them... well, themselves. Like they can't mature in life without giving something special up. People settle for someone because they don't think they can do better. I'm not settling for you. You're beautiful. Smart. Vivacious. Kind. Adventurous. Loving. Giving. Taking. And our bedroom antics asides, you are your own woman. And I want you to be my woman. Girlfriend. Whatever. There's no settling for you because I'm almost positive there's no one else like you, with more of what you got that I can't stay away from. It was just supposed to be casual fun. A fling. Or flings. But I haven't even considered another woman since I met you."

"You haven't? I think I'd like that... you know, it's um, you're a refreshing sort of different for me. And I like it. I like you."

"I'm not askin' for the world or anything. Just your time. You've got your life, me mine. But you're the woman I want to spend my time with. And Addie. I'm still not good at the whole little kid thing, but I'm interested in being around."

"I know. She thinks you're pretty cool, you know... Admittedly I hadn't really intended to get back into dating and all of that, not after everything, and all of that. But you make it rather difficult for a girl to say no. We both like having you around. Um, this is my first foray into the whole... single parent dating thing, but I'm not looking for someone to play surrogate dad or anything for her. Like you said, you've got your life... but your time, I think we both like that too."

"You can call me Daddy, if you want. To everyone else, you can just call me the boyfriend. It'll be good. Like it has been, just with a title and more Addie, pre-bedtime."

"If I call you Daddy, I'll never get you out of the bedroom. My boyfriend. I guess it's official then."
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