Although RhyDin Sports Network was relying on their new Real World series to save them from bankruptcy, they still got ready for another year of In Your Face!
The day before IFL was due to start, the network set up this year’s interview booth. Since the location of the duels for this season was not constant, the booth was now mobile! Attached to a rickshaw, it was moved outside the Gardens or the regular dueling venues depending on the night.
The booth was ready on Monday night for interviews with fighters, team members, or even some spectators.
The booth looks like a slightly larger versions of boardwalk photo booths, the sides plastered with the RSN logo. There is a small door on the back end to allow the intern “driving” the rickshaw to enter, sit and then freeze inside the small space as he or she waits to ask questions of any potential interviewees.
The fighters gain access by parting a red curtain on one side of the booth. Inside, there is a cushioned bench big enough to hold at least one person, though the possibility to cram more people inside is not out of the question. Once seated, the fighters face a darkened glass panel through which they are videotaped and asked questions by the intern on the other side. The glass is actually a reflective screen, playing what the camera is recording once activated. A panel along the right hand side allows the interviewees to change the background behind them with options ranging from different colors, to all the team logos, to a variety of scenic backdrops.
As the different fighters enter and leave the dueling venues during the season, a professional looking young lady or man grasping a clipboard approaches whoever’s attention they can get, asking for a moment of their time. If granted, the fighter or spectator is given an invitation to enter the interview booth (and perhaps a little shove of encouragement to do so) and share a few words of wisdom with the rest of RhyDin.
[]In Your Face is back again by request! As always, I tried to leave this as open-ended as possible for people to use. Feel free to play the lackey NPC interviewers/interns as you want, cram as many people into the booth as you want, change the background to whatever you feel like, and just have fun!
If and when you post, please at least include the IFL week, character name, and team name at the top of each post.
For reference on how this worked last time, please see this thread here and here for season 3.
There is also the slim chance (re: probably non-existent) that I will be able to post edited versions of the “raw footage” posts like I did for season 3. You can see examples of those posts here. If you would like to work on the edited versions, please PM me. There’s a greater chance I can do them if I have help.
In Your Face (IFL 2017): Raw Footage
Moderator: Staff
- JewellRavenlock
- Legendary Adventurer
- The Empress
- Posts: 2475
- Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:26 pm
- Location: Little Elfhame, Old Market
- Contact:
- Tahlia Blake
- Adventurer
- Posts: 73
- Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:24 pm
- Location: Probably at the Golden Pearl
Week 1
Real RhyDin
Jewell waited at the portal of Twilight Isle for the other teammates to move her way. "Where are we going? What are we doing? Can we hop into the interview booth first? I bet we can all cram in there!"
Slowing near the portal to the other side of RhyDin, she waited to see if Eden and Hope were still behind her. Jewell's voice sounded to her left but when Kate turned to look at the Empress, some rando shoved a clipboard in her face. Drawing back a few inches, a brow was arched at the lackey, who then stammered an apology.
"S-s-sorry but we're supposed to interview the fighters! Are-are you a fighter?" he squeaked.
Oh! Attention! Kate pasted on a pleased smile and gestured for Jewell to come closer. "Yes, of course. Booth us, person!" pointing to one of the booths nearby. "Jewell, let's go be on camera!"
"Oooh,” she cooed. "My face was made for being on camera!" The Empress dashed over to Kate's side, handing her jacket off to the clipboard-holding intern. "Make sure to get our teammates too, cutie. They should be right behind us." She hooked her arm through Kate's and tugged her into the familiar In Your Face interview booth.
Entirely ignoring the clipboard guy, Eden saw Kate and Jewell disappear inside the booth and immediately bounced over to follow. She stuck her head through the curtain. "What's in here!?"
Catching sight of the rest of the team disappearing into a strange box, Tahlia told her 'ride' to hold up a minute, and sauntered over, wrapping an arm about Eden's waist and ducking under those spectacular wings. "Is this like one of those amusement park photo booths?"
"It's a--" she started to answer Eden with a smile and then changed tactics as Tahlia joined. "No dummy, it's an interview booth." Jewell did not mince words when it came to Tahlia, but she did squeeze into the corner of the booth so there was room for her, Kate, and Eden. "Everyone get in! They'll ask us questions and it'll be great. Where's Hope? We'll have all the Real ladies."
Better nate than lever, Hope drudged along and at the sight of the booth she groaned to herself. She only felt like death, freshly beaten, resurrected and then beaten again. Not to mention the swelling on her face was really egging it on. She'd made sure to grab some ice from the bar before she left, so when she pushed into the booth she took a lean against the back, mostly because her legs felt like lead, and held the icepack to her face. "Tight fit."
"Are we interviewing each other?" Eden wedged inside, finding a seat in between Jewell and Kate, her wingspan blocking just about everyone else.
"Bah.. wings! WINGS!" Jewell tried to bat them out of her face and then wiggled to the edge of the seat so the wings were behind her instead.
Kate was sitting on Jewell's lap when the rest of the gang started to pile in. Eden squeezed between them, jostling Kate around until she ended up with someone else on her lap. How did that happen? "No need to interview me," she told the glass screen with a beaming smile. "I'm the best around, nothing's gonna ever keep me down!" One fist waved in the air triumphantly. "The rest of this crew are my back up dancers."
"Sorry!" Eden giggled, thwapping whoever in the face with wingtips as she wiggled and wiggled until she got to the very back of the bench, her wings a new backdrop for the ladies to sit in front of. Introduced as a backup dancer, she waved and giggled again.
"Uhhh..." the intern on the other side of the booth, who was supposed to interview the fighters, didn't know quite what to say as all the ladies kept piling in. "Is that um.. is that the background you want to use? You can use the panel on the right to adjust it..."
"Alright, I can't do this any longer." Hope gave in and plopped right down on the bench. The pack of ice still held to her cheek she waved and stretched.
Jewell tugged Hope across all their laps. "There... wait. Now we'll never be able to get up."
"I'm not getting up." Hope confirmed.
"Nah, we're good," Kate said, patting Jewell's shoulder. "Oh, we get background choices!" Kate perked and twisted, trying to peer over her shoulder. "I need to see ALL the options before I choose. If there isn't one I like, can I upload from my personal collection?"
"Great Agog above," the intern muttered behind the camera, "we're going to be here forever." Pause. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. I'm going to go take my cigarette break."
"You're just a clipboard jockey, you can drop the attitude," Kate accused, glaring at the screen. "Now, since your choices are terrible, Imma upload something from my phone." Her phone appeared and she started tapping furiously, elbows resting on Hope's thigh.
Wing to the face, and then Tahlia was pinned between Kate and Hope. Not the worst spot in the universe and at least there was a buffer between her and Jewell. Who she studiously ignored while peering at Kate's screen. "Clearly we got the better class of PA...That one guy makes amazing omelettes"
"Don't worry," Jewell pet Hope's hair. "We'll just all die in here together."
The intern apparently came back because his voice emerged from behind the wall and camera again. "Okay, so can we get started? Does someone want to state the week, team name, all that jazz?"
"Is it recording?" Eden waved at the screen, beaming her dimpled smile. "Hi mom! Hi dad!"
"We are not dying in here. I have too much to live for.” Tahlia objected. “Some of it is probably getting impatient..."
"A stretched out [censored] and dirty [censored] isn't much to live for," Jewell muttered quietly. It was picked up by the mic though.
With a few more taps of Kate’s fingers, a new picture appeared behind the heads of Team Real Rhy'Din. Double pronged orange alien genitalia was in the forefront of the picture; accidentally photobombing in the background was a violently blue animal making a horrified face. "Got it! Everyone bare your teeth!" Kate thought Jewell's comment was directed at her picture. "He wasn't too bad, at least he hit all the right places."
"Wha--" Jewell peered behind them. "WHOAH!"
"Real Rhy'Din, Week 1, 6 long arduous ones to go.." She held up a thumbs up keeping her ice pack on her face.
"Long and arduous, huh? I thinking you're trolling for D in all the wrong places, Hope." Kate smirked for her quip.
"Y'know, I'm sure I could find you some exercises to help with that problem, your highness. I've never gotten a complaint." Looking back, Tahlia snickered. "Nice pic, doll..."
Tipping her head back, Eden tried to make sense of the picture that was immediately behind her. "What is it?"
"It's a grown up picture, Eden, you should face front. Don't worry, your mom and dad won't see it,” Kate said.
"How do you know that?" Hope asked before redirecting Eden's attention in front.
"How do I know what?" Kate responded.
"That they won't see it?"
Kate gave Hope a little frown. "Because I'll make sure they don't." It seemed that she was trying to convey a separate, silent message to Hope with a look but doubtless it was being missed.
Jewell and Tahlia were still busy bickering. "Of course they're not complaining when you're always on your.. BAH! EDEN!" When Eden had turned to check out the background, she got another face full of wings.
Eden protested, "I'm a grown up!" Then, after consideration, "I think." At Jewell's shout she swiveled back front. "Sorry!" And then giggled.
"Not do know there are other ways, right? Kate, I think we might have to teach a 101 class... you in?" Tahlia managed to avoid the wing, barely.
"So what are these questions we're supposed to be answering?" Hearing her name, Kate looked to Tahlia. "Huh? 101 class on what? Being a grown up? I think most parents would object to that."
"Ladies you're all beautiful." Hope snapped her fingers at the screen. "Don't you have some questions for us?"
"You're beautiful, too, slugger." Kate squeezed Hope's hip with a smile.
"Isn't that the point? Aww, Coach... you say the sweetest things." It took some doing, but Tahlia managed to lean over enough to plant a kiss to Hope's cheek.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." Hope smirked to Kate before Tahlia eclipsed her. "Okay, down the line, everyone say your favorite thing about IFL this season."
Despite being given a suggested order of compliance, Kate called hers out first. "Sweet house and great team! Also, I like reconnecting with you peoples since the last one two years ago. I dig you slap-fighting nerds."
"It's my first time!" Calling out from the back of the pile of women, Eden poked her face between Kate and Hope. "Everything's my favorite!"
"I love the fans and opportunities like this." Hope grinned and rested her eyes.
"Hey, wait up for me! I thought this was supposed to be a team . . . . " Gren came running up to the booth, wearing his usual grey Ranger's cloak, and pulled aside the curtain, and stopped abruptly at the sight of two things. One, four women all piled on top of each other, and two, the naughty alien picture displayed in the background. Gren's face went from white to red. Then he started stammering uncontrollably. "Uh-buh-buh-buh-buh-"
With a grin, Kate grabbed Gren's wrist and yanked him inside.
"MISS KATE! This is most unseemly and WHUUUFFF!" Gren started writhing around on top of the women, arms flailing like a dying fish.
A hand flailed against Kate’s face and she winced, shying away from it as best she could. "Someone get their hand off my face!"
"Hi Gren!" Eden giggled, then pointed at Gren. "Mom! Dad! This is Gren!" Realizing she hadn't introduced anyone properly, she started pointing. "This is Kate! And that's Hope! And this is Tahlia! And this is the Empress Jewell!"
"Hi Gren! Nice of you to join us!" Hope waved to him, as he fell on top of her and them.
The intern sighed and then cleared their throat before speaking in strident tones. "Do you have any additional team members you'd like to add?"
"Uhh.......what's his name?” Kate asked. “Oh yeah, is Kheldar around?"
"I'm getting out of here!" Gren finally righted himself and grabbed at the entrance to the booth, trying to pull himself out.
"Eden, stop him!!" Kate cried.
"Everyone grab a limb!" Hope personally reached for Gren's calves. Those were probably ticklish.
Eden’s hand shot out from between the bodies and grabbed Gren by the hood. "I got him!"
Gren squirmed frantically but got nowhere with three people holding him back. "What kind of a interview booth is this anyway? What will everyone think of me? I'll be letting down all those nature lovers everywhere who hold me in such high esteem!"
"Gren I'm sure Kate has some pot on her, you can redeem yourself!" Hope may have just come up with the worst possible idea imaginable.
"Like a potted plant?" Eden’s head tipped to try to get a look at Kate.
"This is my favorite part of IFL!" Jewell laughed madly, squished in the corner and barely able to breathe since Gren joined the party.
"Pornographic images and now ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES! Oh, the humanity! I'll never be a spokesperson for a conservation movement again!" He covered his face with his hands in shame.
"Are you trying to conserve pot? Because maybe we can talk a deal." Kate grinned at Gren and bounced her eyebrows.
"Yeah, we should totally hot box this joint." Jewell paused. "Get it!?"
Eden’s eyes narrowed. Pornographic...? She tried to turn to look at the background photo again. "...I don't get it."
Tahlia's eyes went wide and it took her a moment to find words. "Oh yes. That... That has to be a thing. It'd be hysterical!" Don't mind her, she'd been buried for a bit under flailing ranger.
"Years and years of nature preservation wasted!" He began weeping pathetically.
"CUT!" Jewell looked around. "Isn't that what you say when it's over? Cause I think it's over." She reached over awkwardly, stretching her arm almost out of its socket and possibly pushing her not-so-ample bosom in someone's face and her elbow into someone else’s face just to pat Gren on the shoulder. "There there. It's okay. Why don't you tell us about the beauty of recycled paper again?" She offered him a part of his cloak to dry his face on.
His head shot up when Jewell said "Cut". "You mean . . . . it's over? I can go home now?' He nodded frantically as if daring to believe it had all been just a bad dream.
Jewell shook her head sadly. "No Gren. There's no going back. Not ever."
"Did they even ask a question? Or is this just the world's tiniest swingers club?" Puffing her bangs out of her eyes, Tahlia squirmed, not successfully, seeing as she was pinned under two of her team-mates.
"Gren, I'll roll you something better than pot. If it's on recycled paper and sustainably grown herbs, will that be okay?" Kate asked. It was worth a try.
"They print arrest warrants and court summons on recycled paper too!"
The intern, giving up on getting a solid interview, turned out the lights to the booth.
"They really need to go digital if they want to reduce their carbon footprint." Kate argued.
"Oh, is this the part where we get to have a secret rave?" Kate perked and wiggled out her phone, which instantly threw off lights and thumping bass.
"I think we'll all need to try this again later, maybe one on one. That way we can get some proper footage." Hope was trying very little to salvage the team's appearance at this point.
"I think they gave up...Hey!" In those close quarters, Kate might have gotten something else before she got her phone. "I thought they wanted raw - oh, wait...that's back at the house..right..."
Kate had the jams, Jewell started the moves. "Shut your pie hole and dance," she responded to Tahlia.
Gren watched the neon lights and heard the dance music and shut his eyes back. "I'll never lead a nature rally again . . . " He then gave up, and curled up in a ball as the others dance.
"Hey this isn't right!" Hope eventually got up holding the icepack to her face, still. "Gren's not having fun! We need to go out on a trail or pumpkin picking!"
"Everybody OUT!" Kate shouted, stopping the phone's cacophony with the press of her thumb to the screen. "Let's go find something Gren-friendly to do." One by one, they wriggled out of the booth until all were standing outside, a bit rumpled but no worse for the wear. "Gren, lead the way," gesturing for him to be expedition leader on their next team adventure.
Real RhyDin
Jewell waited at the portal of Twilight Isle for the other teammates to move her way. "Where are we going? What are we doing? Can we hop into the interview booth first? I bet we can all cram in there!"
Slowing near the portal to the other side of RhyDin, she waited to see if Eden and Hope were still behind her. Jewell's voice sounded to her left but when Kate turned to look at the Empress, some rando shoved a clipboard in her face. Drawing back a few inches, a brow was arched at the lackey, who then stammered an apology.
"S-s-sorry but we're supposed to interview the fighters! Are-are you a fighter?" he squeaked.
Oh! Attention! Kate pasted on a pleased smile and gestured for Jewell to come closer. "Yes, of course. Booth us, person!" pointing to one of the booths nearby. "Jewell, let's go be on camera!"
"Oooh,” she cooed. "My face was made for being on camera!" The Empress dashed over to Kate's side, handing her jacket off to the clipboard-holding intern. "Make sure to get our teammates too, cutie. They should be right behind us." She hooked her arm through Kate's and tugged her into the familiar In Your Face interview booth.
Entirely ignoring the clipboard guy, Eden saw Kate and Jewell disappear inside the booth and immediately bounced over to follow. She stuck her head through the curtain. "What's in here!?"
Catching sight of the rest of the team disappearing into a strange box, Tahlia told her 'ride' to hold up a minute, and sauntered over, wrapping an arm about Eden's waist and ducking under those spectacular wings. "Is this like one of those amusement park photo booths?"
"It's a--" she started to answer Eden with a smile and then changed tactics as Tahlia joined. "No dummy, it's an interview booth." Jewell did not mince words when it came to Tahlia, but she did squeeze into the corner of the booth so there was room for her, Kate, and Eden. "Everyone get in! They'll ask us questions and it'll be great. Where's Hope? We'll have all the Real ladies."
Better nate than lever, Hope drudged along and at the sight of the booth she groaned to herself. She only felt like death, freshly beaten, resurrected and then beaten again. Not to mention the swelling on her face was really egging it on. She'd made sure to grab some ice from the bar before she left, so when she pushed into the booth she took a lean against the back, mostly because her legs felt like lead, and held the icepack to her face. "Tight fit."
"Are we interviewing each other?" Eden wedged inside, finding a seat in between Jewell and Kate, her wingspan blocking just about everyone else.
"Bah.. wings! WINGS!" Jewell tried to bat them out of her face and then wiggled to the edge of the seat so the wings were behind her instead.
Kate was sitting on Jewell's lap when the rest of the gang started to pile in. Eden squeezed between them, jostling Kate around until she ended up with someone else on her lap. How did that happen? "No need to interview me," she told the glass screen with a beaming smile. "I'm the best around, nothing's gonna ever keep me down!" One fist waved in the air triumphantly. "The rest of this crew are my back up dancers."
"Sorry!" Eden giggled, thwapping whoever in the face with wingtips as she wiggled and wiggled until she got to the very back of the bench, her wings a new backdrop for the ladies to sit in front of. Introduced as a backup dancer, she waved and giggled again.
"Uhhh..." the intern on the other side of the booth, who was supposed to interview the fighters, didn't know quite what to say as all the ladies kept piling in. "Is that um.. is that the background you want to use? You can use the panel on the right to adjust it..."
"Alright, I can't do this any longer." Hope gave in and plopped right down on the bench. The pack of ice still held to her cheek she waved and stretched.
Jewell tugged Hope across all their laps. "There... wait. Now we'll never be able to get up."
"I'm not getting up." Hope confirmed.
"Nah, we're good," Kate said, patting Jewell's shoulder. "Oh, we get background choices!" Kate perked and twisted, trying to peer over her shoulder. "I need to see ALL the options before I choose. If there isn't one I like, can I upload from my personal collection?"
"Great Agog above," the intern muttered behind the camera, "we're going to be here forever." Pause. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. I'm going to go take my cigarette break."
"You're just a clipboard jockey, you can drop the attitude," Kate accused, glaring at the screen. "Now, since your choices are terrible, Imma upload something from my phone." Her phone appeared and she started tapping furiously, elbows resting on Hope's thigh.
Wing to the face, and then Tahlia was pinned between Kate and Hope. Not the worst spot in the universe and at least there was a buffer between her and Jewell. Who she studiously ignored while peering at Kate's screen. "Clearly we got the better class of PA...That one guy makes amazing omelettes"
"Don't worry," Jewell pet Hope's hair. "We'll just all die in here together."
The intern apparently came back because his voice emerged from behind the wall and camera again. "Okay, so can we get started? Does someone want to state the week, team name, all that jazz?"
"Is it recording?" Eden waved at the screen, beaming her dimpled smile. "Hi mom! Hi dad!"
"We are not dying in here. I have too much to live for.” Tahlia objected. “Some of it is probably getting impatient..."
"A stretched out [censored] and dirty [censored] isn't much to live for," Jewell muttered quietly. It was picked up by the mic though.
With a few more taps of Kate’s fingers, a new picture appeared behind the heads of Team Real Rhy'Din. Double pronged orange alien genitalia was in the forefront of the picture; accidentally photobombing in the background was a violently blue animal making a horrified face. "Got it! Everyone bare your teeth!" Kate thought Jewell's comment was directed at her picture. "He wasn't too bad, at least he hit all the right places."
"Wha--" Jewell peered behind them. "WHOAH!"
"Real Rhy'Din, Week 1, 6 long arduous ones to go.." She held up a thumbs up keeping her ice pack on her face.
"Long and arduous, huh? I thinking you're trolling for D in all the wrong places, Hope." Kate smirked for her quip.
"Y'know, I'm sure I could find you some exercises to help with that problem, your highness. I've never gotten a complaint." Looking back, Tahlia snickered. "Nice pic, doll..."
Tipping her head back, Eden tried to make sense of the picture that was immediately behind her. "What is it?"
"It's a grown up picture, Eden, you should face front. Don't worry, your mom and dad won't see it,” Kate said.
"How do you know that?" Hope asked before redirecting Eden's attention in front.
"How do I know what?" Kate responded.
"That they won't see it?"
Kate gave Hope a little frown. "Because I'll make sure they don't." It seemed that she was trying to convey a separate, silent message to Hope with a look but doubtless it was being missed.
Jewell and Tahlia were still busy bickering. "Of course they're not complaining when you're always on your.. BAH! EDEN!" When Eden had turned to check out the background, she got another face full of wings.
Eden protested, "I'm a grown up!" Then, after consideration, "I think." At Jewell's shout she swiveled back front. "Sorry!" And then giggled.
"Not do know there are other ways, right? Kate, I think we might have to teach a 101 class... you in?" Tahlia managed to avoid the wing, barely.
"So what are these questions we're supposed to be answering?" Hearing her name, Kate looked to Tahlia. "Huh? 101 class on what? Being a grown up? I think most parents would object to that."
"Ladies you're all beautiful." Hope snapped her fingers at the screen. "Don't you have some questions for us?"
"You're beautiful, too, slugger." Kate squeezed Hope's hip with a smile.
"Isn't that the point? Aww, Coach... you say the sweetest things." It took some doing, but Tahlia managed to lean over enough to plant a kiss to Hope's cheek.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." Hope smirked to Kate before Tahlia eclipsed her. "Okay, down the line, everyone say your favorite thing about IFL this season."
Despite being given a suggested order of compliance, Kate called hers out first. "Sweet house and great team! Also, I like reconnecting with you peoples since the last one two years ago. I dig you slap-fighting nerds."
"It's my first time!" Calling out from the back of the pile of women, Eden poked her face between Kate and Hope. "Everything's my favorite!"
"I love the fans and opportunities like this." Hope grinned and rested her eyes.
"Hey, wait up for me! I thought this was supposed to be a team . . . . " Gren came running up to the booth, wearing his usual grey Ranger's cloak, and pulled aside the curtain, and stopped abruptly at the sight of two things. One, four women all piled on top of each other, and two, the naughty alien picture displayed in the background. Gren's face went from white to red. Then he started stammering uncontrollably. "Uh-buh-buh-buh-buh-"
With a grin, Kate grabbed Gren's wrist and yanked him inside.
"MISS KATE! This is most unseemly and WHUUUFFF!" Gren started writhing around on top of the women, arms flailing like a dying fish.
A hand flailed against Kate’s face and she winced, shying away from it as best she could. "Someone get their hand off my face!"
"Hi Gren!" Eden giggled, then pointed at Gren. "Mom! Dad! This is Gren!" Realizing she hadn't introduced anyone properly, she started pointing. "This is Kate! And that's Hope! And this is Tahlia! And this is the Empress Jewell!"
"Hi Gren! Nice of you to join us!" Hope waved to him, as he fell on top of her and them.
The intern sighed and then cleared their throat before speaking in strident tones. "Do you have any additional team members you'd like to add?"
"Uhh.......what's his name?” Kate asked. “Oh yeah, is Kheldar around?"
"I'm getting out of here!" Gren finally righted himself and grabbed at the entrance to the booth, trying to pull himself out.
"Eden, stop him!!" Kate cried.
"Everyone grab a limb!" Hope personally reached for Gren's calves. Those were probably ticklish.
Eden’s hand shot out from between the bodies and grabbed Gren by the hood. "I got him!"
Gren squirmed frantically but got nowhere with three people holding him back. "What kind of a interview booth is this anyway? What will everyone think of me? I'll be letting down all those nature lovers everywhere who hold me in such high esteem!"
"Gren I'm sure Kate has some pot on her, you can redeem yourself!" Hope may have just come up with the worst possible idea imaginable.
"Like a potted plant?" Eden’s head tipped to try to get a look at Kate.
"This is my favorite part of IFL!" Jewell laughed madly, squished in the corner and barely able to breathe since Gren joined the party.
"Pornographic images and now ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES! Oh, the humanity! I'll never be a spokesperson for a conservation movement again!" He covered his face with his hands in shame.
"Are you trying to conserve pot? Because maybe we can talk a deal." Kate grinned at Gren and bounced her eyebrows.
"Yeah, we should totally hot box this joint." Jewell paused. "Get it!?"
Eden’s eyes narrowed. Pornographic...? She tried to turn to look at the background photo again. "...I don't get it."
Tahlia's eyes went wide and it took her a moment to find words. "Oh yes. That... That has to be a thing. It'd be hysterical!" Don't mind her, she'd been buried for a bit under flailing ranger.
"Years and years of nature preservation wasted!" He began weeping pathetically.
"CUT!" Jewell looked around. "Isn't that what you say when it's over? Cause I think it's over." She reached over awkwardly, stretching her arm almost out of its socket and possibly pushing her not-so-ample bosom in someone's face and her elbow into someone else’s face just to pat Gren on the shoulder. "There there. It's okay. Why don't you tell us about the beauty of recycled paper again?" She offered him a part of his cloak to dry his face on.
His head shot up when Jewell said "Cut". "You mean . . . . it's over? I can go home now?' He nodded frantically as if daring to believe it had all been just a bad dream.
Jewell shook her head sadly. "No Gren. There's no going back. Not ever."
"Did they even ask a question? Or is this just the world's tiniest swingers club?" Puffing her bangs out of her eyes, Tahlia squirmed, not successfully, seeing as she was pinned under two of her team-mates.
"Gren, I'll roll you something better than pot. If it's on recycled paper and sustainably grown herbs, will that be okay?" Kate asked. It was worth a try.
"They print arrest warrants and court summons on recycled paper too!"
The intern, giving up on getting a solid interview, turned out the lights to the booth.
"They really need to go digital if they want to reduce their carbon footprint." Kate argued.
"Oh, is this the part where we get to have a secret rave?" Kate perked and wiggled out her phone, which instantly threw off lights and thumping bass.
"I think we'll all need to try this again later, maybe one on one. That way we can get some proper footage." Hope was trying very little to salvage the team's appearance at this point.
"I think they gave up...Hey!" In those close quarters, Kate might have gotten something else before she got her phone. "I thought they wanted raw - oh, wait...that's back at the house..right..."
Kate had the jams, Jewell started the moves. "Shut your pie hole and dance," she responded to Tahlia.
Gren watched the neon lights and heard the dance music and shut his eyes back. "I'll never lead a nature rally again . . . " He then gave up, and curled up in a ball as the others dance.
"Hey this isn't right!" Hope eventually got up holding the icepack to her face, still. "Gren's not having fun! We need to go out on a trail or pumpkin picking!"
"Everybody OUT!" Kate shouted, stopping the phone's cacophony with the press of her thumb to the screen. "Let's go find something Gren-friendly to do." One by one, they wriggled out of the booth until all were standing outside, a bit rumpled but no worse for the wear. "Gren, lead the way," gesturing for him to be expedition leader on their next team adventure.
- Junior Adventurer
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:11 pm
The camera crew returned from their union-mandated dinner break to find someone had left the camera running in the booth after they’d given up on getting anything useful out of Real Rhydin. Review of the footage revealed a shadowy couple, sporadically lit by the eldritch lighting of the Isle. The female figure was positioned with her back to the lens so all that could be seen was light colored hair, and pale skin, in dark clothing. Her companion was a rather large male, with dark hair, and a swarthy complexion, who was not recognizable from any team roster…at least not from what little could be seen of his face.
“ you think they knew the camera was there?”
“No idea...doesn’t really look like they cared much…”
“...Fans or fighters? I can’t tell…”
“Me either...wait...zoom in…”
“Dude! That’s just...creepy…”
“No! No...I thought I saw a logo...what’d you think I...nevermind!”
“Too dark. You think they’re on opposing teams?”
“Nah…he doesn’t look like anyone on the rosters. And you can barely see her…”
“Tiny little thing…”
“He’s HUGE - he’d make anyone look tiny…”
There was silence for a few minutes, and then.
“You think they’re gonna…?”
“ that booth? No way.”
“Betcha 10 Nobles they do.”
“You’re o-”
“Just what do the two of you think you’re doing in here? Is that…? Are you using company equipment for personal reasons? Give me the tape.”
“The tape. Now. Or it's your jobs.”
“Fine. Fine. Here.”
“Now get back to work. And if I catch you again, you’re done.”
"Dude, he’s probably gonna upload that somewhere. Gimme your phone"
((want to post anonymous shenanigans with the interview booth?
PM me your post))
“ you think they knew the camera was there?”
“No idea...doesn’t really look like they cared much…”
“...Fans or fighters? I can’t tell…”
“Me either...wait...zoom in…”
“Dude! That’s just...creepy…”
“No! No...I thought I saw a logo...what’d you think I...nevermind!”
“Too dark. You think they’re on opposing teams?”
“Nah…he doesn’t look like anyone on the rosters. And you can barely see her…”
“Tiny little thing…”
“He’s HUGE - he’d make anyone look tiny…”
There was silence for a few minutes, and then.
“You think they’re gonna…?”
“ that booth? No way.”
“Betcha 10 Nobles they do.”
“You’re o-”
“Just what do the two of you think you’re doing in here? Is that…? Are you using company equipment for personal reasons? Give me the tape.”
“The tape. Now. Or it's your jobs.”
“Fine. Fine. Here.”
“Now get back to work. And if I catch you again, you’re done.”
"Dude, he’s probably gonna upload that somewhere. Gimme your phone"
((want to post anonymous shenanigans with the interview booth?
PM me your post))
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