Battlefield Park Squire Tournament & Party

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Battlefield Park Squire Tournament & Party

Post by Sabine »

Battlefield Park Barony Squire Tournament!

Party like Kings and Queens!

Held on Sunday, July 31st at 9 est during regulation dueling (Fight Night!), come out to Battlefield Park and have a haunting good time!

Tournament Rules:

-Tournament entrants will duel swords again the Battlefield Park Ghosts lead by Captain Morris!

-The “Ghosts” will be played by Warlords or Barons on “Ghost” alts. This will be a regulation duel so your win will count! The ghosts will all have zero rank which means no mods!

-The person to beat a Battlefield Park Ghost wins the squireship.

( If there is a tie for wins, the person who scored the most points against their ghost will win the squireship. Example: A win of 5-2 (3 points) will beat a win of 5-4 (1 point). If there is another tie (both win with a score of ex: 5-2,) then the winner will be the entrant who won in the fewest amount of rounds. )

If no entrant beats a ghost, then Baroness Gabrielle may choose her squire based upon performance. This may include total points scored, rounds fought, and style! )

-This is a one shot tournament meaning your character will duel 1 time against 1 ghost.

-Entrants are asked to be duelists who have never achieved Warlord rank on any character. Brand new duelists are of course welcomed and encouraged to enter!

Event will be held on in the Chatroom: "Battlefield Park" (It will be open for the event)

You are encouraged to clone your account on to RoH or create one ahead of time.

Tournament Participants: Please SIGN UP your character in the tournament if you would like them to be in the running for the squireship. This will give us a better idea of how many “Ghosts” we need. No prior dueling experience is required!

The Winner will become the Squire of Battlefield Park. This means you get to use the Barony Weapon: A spear, which entitles you to 1 mod (fancy) during any regulation duel. The spear also possess power: Ability to turn incorporeal / Rumors of the original owners met untimely demises


Regulation duels will be taking place at the same time, all are encouraged to be involved in any of the three sports.

*Call to Action* Additional volunteer callers would be appreciated to be on standby if possible. Please let me know ahead of time if you may be available.

(See Battlefield Park Barony description here to learn more about the ghosts and setting!: ... ight=#7358 )





Battlefield Park Baronial Armory and out buildings are located deep within the forest on the Battlefield Park grounds. The official barony building is an abandoned stone armory that is nearly swallowed up with vines and plants. Guests are welcomed to explore the grounds and the buildings. The armory itself is largely left alone and not maintained but the grounds are manicured and even have hedge mazes and beautiful fountains.

Large oak community tables are set up on the grounds with comfortable seating for people to dine at. There are also chairs, rugs, and blankets spread around for lounging. For those who prefer to skirt the edges of the park there will hammocks and swings tucked away in trees and hidden within naturally created canopies to offer a bit of seclusion.

There will be lighting throughout the park and forest complete with lanterns, fairy lights, and candles.

The ghosts have been known to play practical jokes and have a bit of spooky fun, so be on the look out for (fake) headless corpses planted in the trees, spooky sounds, and the creepy crawly feeling of being watched or touched. We are told you can get on the ghosts’ good side by offering up weapons, alcohol, and treats at the armory. They’ve also been known to be appeased with a glimpse of a fine leg or two!

The rings for dueling will be raised so that it will be easier for those attending to view.

The callers will have also be seated on a dais to view the festivities.

You are welcome to “see” the ghosts, Captain Morris and his men or any others who have come out for the night. If your character cannot see ghosts, have fun with it and let your character react in whatever way they want.

The rings for the tournament will be of special design to expose the ghosts so that the entrants will be sure to see them as they fight.

All attendees are encouraged to dress in “Old World” fashions and finery to appease the Ghosts. (At least we hope they will be pleased!) An example might be anything from the Renaissance era to the Victorian era and more! The limit is your imagination. Your character doesn’t feel like dressing up? That’s okay too!

Kurt’s Kostumes has graciously agreed to lend a variety of costumes for the evening. Find corsets, full skirts, dresses, gowns, top hats, canes, breeches, vests, poet shirts, joker costumes, crowns, and more! There will be a few curtained off changing areas for those who want to borrow a costume.

Dress Up Thread Here: ... 663#177663



A feast of smoked turkey legs, ham, and roast beef. There will also be plenty of side dishes like roasted root vegetables, creamy mashed potatoes, and breads. Butter, sauces, gravy and glazes will also be provided.

Dessert will include mini cakes, mini pies, and fresh fruit salad.


Mead, Ale, Lagers, Wine, Spritzers, and an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages.

Party Favors:

Battlefield Park Barony beer steins and wine goblets.
Last edited by Sabine on Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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Post by Sabine »


“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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Post by Nat Candle »

Lady Baron,

I find the notion of a squireship amusing but it is difficult to pass on the opportunity to test myself against the spirit of a warrior. Please count me among the combatants.

-Nat Candle
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Post by Noah Bird »

I will enter,

Noah Bird
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Post by Kruger »

Sabine Gabrielle, Baroness of Battlefields, Steward of Warrior Souls.

Kruger 'The Anvil' Allen, Swordsman and the world's most dangerous Glass... even though he is now Ruby!


This is a letter of formal intent regarding your upcoming tournament. Kruger, The Anvil, Allen, henceforth to be referred to as The Anvil, announces his position regarding heretofore mentioned squire tournament.


Baroness Gabrielle,

You're proposition pertaining to, yet not limited to, seeking a squire of note has been reviewed by The Anvil, and is found to have merit. It is with this in mind that The Anvil does hereby convey his desire to be considered as worthy candidate, and subsequently submits himself for your approval.

If said candidacy is deemed unobjectionable, we the applicant heretofore known as The Anvil would respectfully request formal acknowledgement of your confirmation. Once received, The Anvil hereby agrees to attendance without exception.

Waiting eagerly for your decision,

Kruger 'The Anvil' Allen
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Post by Sabine »

Kruger wrote:To:
Sabine Gabrielle, Baroness of Battlefields, Steward of Warrior Souls.

Kruger 'The Anvil' Allen, Swordsman and the world's most dangerous Glass... even though he is now Ruby!


This is a letter of formal intent regarding your upcoming tournament. Kruger, The Anvil, Allen, henceforth to be referred to as The Anvil, announces his position regarding heretofore mentioned squire tournament.


Baroness Gabrielle,

You're proposition pertaining to, yet not limited to, seeking a squire of note has been reviewed by The Anvil, and is found to have merit. It is with this in mind that The Anvil does hereby convey his desire to be considered as worthy candidate, and subsequently submits himself for your approval.

If said candidacy is deemed unobjectionable, we the applicant heretofore known as The Anvil would respectfully request formal acknowledgement of your confirmation. Once received, The Anvil hereby agrees to attendance without exception.

Waiting eagerly for your decision,

Kruger 'The Anvil' Allen
Dearest Anvil,

My first memory of dueling was against you, I will alway be fond of you, even if you're too loud and your singing distracts me.

Of course you may join this tournament.

Thank you for the letter. I am a sucker for letters. No one writes them anymore.

I also like wildflowers, french macaroons, and tacos. Feel free to bribe me, although in the end it is whichever duelist succeeds at the tournament who will be my squire.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and cannot wait to see you in action next Sunday.

-Sabine Gabrielle
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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Post by Cataclysmic »


I think I'm ready to get a little bloody outside of work. Sign me right up!

~ Belle Gallows
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Post by Sabine »

For those that have entered:

The tournament will begin 15 minutes after the event start time of 9:00 pm EST.

Tournament is still open to be joined.
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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Post by Sabine »

And here are the tournament duels:

Belle v The admiral

RING BOO 1: Belle trades cuts with the Admiral. (LC/HC) 1, ALL
RING BOO 2: Belle is on the move but The Admiral gets in her path. (CP/SS) 1-1.5, The Admiral
RING BOO 3: The Admiral sticks it to Belle. (LC/TH) 1-2.5, The Admiral
RING BOO 4: Belle goes for it and get the point! (TH/LC) 2 - 2.5, The Admiral
RING BOO 5: The Admiral isn't ready to lose his head. (HC/DU) 2-3, The Admiral
RING BOO 6: No changes this round. (SH/SS) 2-3, The Admiral
RING BOO 7: Belle shows us a perfectly times thrust! (TH/LC) 3-3, ALL
RING BOO 8: Belle goes low and avoids that crazy slash! (LC/SL) 4-3, Belle
RING BOO 9: BELLE time her cut perfectly! (HC/SS) 5-3, Belle

(Cataclysmic .def. The Admiral, 5-3 in 9 rounds of DoS)

RING SPOOK 1: Nat Candle cuts over Beatrice's parry. (HC/CP) 1, Nat
RING SPOOK 2: Nat can't get away from that low cut. (SS/LC) 1, ALL
RING SPOOK 3: Nat puts a stop to that crazy. (SH/SL) 2-1, NAT
RING SPOOK 4: Nat shows a beautiful parry! (CP/TH) 2.5 - 1, NAT
RING SPOOK 5: Beatrice moves around that cut. (HC/LP) 2.5 - 1.5, Nat
RING SPOOK 6: They are both on the move but no changes. (CP/CP) 2.5 - 1.5, Nat
RING SPOOK 7: Nat gets away and gets the point! (SS/TH) 3 - 1.5, NAT
RING SPOOK 8: No change for the exchange. (LC/LC) 3 - 1.5, Nat
RING SPOOK 9: No change (SS/SH) 3 - 1.5, Nat
RING SPOOK 10: Nat doesn't want none of that! (SH/TH) 4-1.5, Nat
RING SPOOK 11: Nat goes under the defense! (LC/LP) 5-1.5, Nat

(Candle .def. Beatrice Belmont, 5-1.5 in 11 rounds of DoS)

RING SPIRIT 1: Kruger cuts Amarie off before she can get away. (LC/SS) 1, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 2: Kruger navigates out of the way with style! (FaSS/TH) 2, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 3: Kruger stops Amarie with a cut. (LC/SH) 3, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 4: Kruger isn't running away with the win just yet! (HC/TH) 3-1, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 5: Amarie gets around Kruger's Kut! (LC/CP) 3-1.5, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 6: Kruger's duck looks better than Amarie's parry! (DU/LP) 3.5 -1.5, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 7: Amarie puts Kruger on a skewer! (HC/TH) 3.5 -2.5, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 8: Kruger really really wants to be my squire. And why wouldn't he? (LP/HC) 4 - 2.5, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 9: Amarie avoids Kruger's thrust. (TH/SS) 4-3, Kruger
RING SPIRIT 10: Amarie takes off Kruger's head!!! (SH/HC) 4-4, ALL
RING SPIRIT 11: Kruger finds his mark! (TH/LC) 5-4, Kruger

(Kruger .def. Ghost of Amarie 2, 5-4 in 11 rounds of DoS)

RING CRIPES 1: Noah moves quickly! (SS/TH) .5, Noah
RING CRIPES 2: Lily is on the move and Noah misses his mark. (TH/LP) .5 - .5 , ALL
RING CRIPES 3: Noah is protecting his wrong parts! (CP/HC) .5 - 1.5, Lily
RING CRIPES 4: Noah gets his point back! (TH/LC) 1.5 - 1.5, ALL
RING CRIPES 5: Noah gets out of the way! (SS/TH) 2 - 1.5, Noah
RING CRIPES 6: Two cuts. No change. (LC/LC) 2 - 1.5, Noah
RING CRIPES 7: Noah and Lily are stabby! (TH/TH) 3-2.5, Noah
RING CRIPES 8: Clang clang! (HC/HC) 3 - 2.5, Noah
RING CRIPES 9: Lily puts a stop to Noah's thrust. (TH/SH) 3-3.5, Lily
RING CRIPES 10: Another exchange and the score stays the same! (LC/LC) 3-3.5, Lily
RING CRIPES 11: Noah's movement looks better than the parry. (SS/LP) 3.5 - 3.5, ALL
RING CRIPES 12: They trade blows! (TH/TH) 4.5 - 4.5, ALL
RING CRIPES 14: With one round to go we are still tied! (FaSS/SS) 5.5-5.5, ALL
RING CRIPES 15: This one ends in a tie folks. (TH/CP) 5.5-6, Lily

Noah Bird .ties. Little Lily, 5.5-6 in 15 rounds of DoS


Cataclysmic .def. The Admiral, 5-3 in 9 rounds of DoS
Candle .def. Beatrice Belmont, 5-1.5 in 11 rounds of DoS
Kruger .def. Ghost of Amarie 2, 5-4 in 11 rounds of DoS
Noah Bird .ties. Little Lily, 5.5-6 in 15 rounds of DoS

I NEVER expected the Ghosts to be defeated like this! There was a bit of trouble figuring out the winner. Rules are hard to understand (sorry, I didn't read them very well when my boss handed them to me) and my ghostly score keeper had terrible handwriting.

After a bit of confusion....(Score trumps fewest rounds fought)

It was decided that NAT CANDLE is the official winner of the tournament and is now the Squire of Battlefield Park for the biggest win against his ghost, 5 - 1.5
“We spoke eternal things that cannot die.” -Charles Baudelaire, from The Balcony; Fleurs du Mal (tr. by Roy Campbell), 1857
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