Letter from Czarina Fancypants

Faerie tales from beyond the veil to the streets of RhyDin

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Letter from Czarina Fancypants

Post by Rayvinn »

Baroness Empress Jewellhina,

I apologize for leaving you with a letter instead of an explanation but you were asleep so instead of waking you, I took advantage of the time to go smooch your handsome knight; quite the kisser, that one.

I'm off for a short adventure so when you come by Cor's home to take me day drinking, I WILL NOT BE THERE. You may take Corlanthis, however. I'm worried that he will become a dull old man if he doesn't get out and have some fun. No worries, I took out accidental death or dismemberment insurance on him with us as beneficiaries so it's fine if something accidentally occurred.

Do not fret over my whereabouts as I'm absolutely positive I'm having a better time than you are. I'll be back in time for the Battle for the Barony. Shall I bring you a pretty boy for a souvenir from my trip?

Be terribly jealous of my freedom,

Rayvinn <3
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Post by JewellRavenlock »

“Issssshmerai!” The Empress shrieked, thundering down the stairs with the Czarina’s letter in her hand. “Did you really kiss her!?”

The knight looked up serenely from where he sat at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. Jewell had been correct: Faerie was totally missing out! Something in the dark brew seemed to take the edge off the iron headaches he was often troubled by, leaving him calm enough to deal with his lady on a daily basis. “Which ‘her’ are you referring to?”

“Raye!” She paused. “Wait, how many ladies have you been kissing?” When he simply smiled in response, she crossed the room to wave the letter in his face. “See! She said you were pretty good too.”

He was unable to read the letter as she kept waving it around. “I suppose that is good to know?”

“So you did kiss her?” she was perfectly scandalized.

“I admit to no such thing.” He went back to his newspaper, flipping the page to conveniently hide an article predicting how poorly Jewell would fair in her barony challenge.

“Ungh!” she stomped her foot. Performing a prompt about-face in her slippers, she headed for the stairs with the letter raised up so she could puruse it again. “It says she’s probably having lots of fun without me. That’s not fair.” A glance over her shoulder told her that the knight wasn’t paying any attention. “She better bring me back a pretty boy,” Jewell mumbled to herself as she trudged back up the stairs. She might have to put on actual clothes if she intended to borrow Cor for any day drinking adventures today.
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