Fall Cycle Warlord Tournament

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DUEL Apple
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Fall Cycle Warlord Tournament

Post by DUEL Apple »

It's that time of the season again. The fall cycle Warlord Tournament will take place on Sunday, November the 9th.

Early sign ups end on November the 8th at 11:59 PM. Late sign ups and walk ins will continue until 9:10 PM on the 9th, which will be the start time for the tournament.

The winner of the WLT will have their choice between a Test-Free Overlord Challenge Grant, or a Test Free Baron Challenge Grant. Second place will receive the remaining prize.

Sign up below!

(( The Five-Minute rule will not be enforced at the start of this tournament, but may be put into play if reasons arise. Example: A duel is 2-1 in 4 rounds at 45 minutes while many of the other duels are complete. The Five-Minute rule will then be put into effect. ))
Last edited by DUEL Apple on Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Aya Hayashibara
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Post by Aya Hayashibara »

It should come as no surprise that I am entering this tournament.

Anubis Karos
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Post by Anubis Karos »

I shall enter.

~Anubis Karos
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DUEL Apple
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Post by DUEL Apple »

Anubis Karos wrote:I shall enter.

~Anubis Karos
Anubis Karos. You are currently ineligible to sign up for the Warlord Tournament due to lack of activity.

Good news? You have tomorrow and the next DoS week to gain your activity to duel and position on the standings to join. Please sign up again after you are reintroduced to the standings.
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Post by Vaeluthil Whitevale »

::a purple crayon was used on the next entry slip to draw a pretty scene full of flowers and trees, complete with a sun in the upper corner. In the corner a hastily scribbled signature can sort of be read.::

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Post by Fourth »

I'll see if I can come around.
Anubis Karos
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Post by Anubis Karos »

As I have dueled this past Sunday, I will now enter the tournament.

~Anubis Karos
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Post by G »

As you have not yet been introduced to the standings, you're not officially signed up for the tournament.

Anubis, please.

I know you believe you're above the rules and have no desire to follow instructions and laws despite how many times they are laid out before you and despite how many mistakes you make...

But please, follow the instructions properly. We are not going to hold your hand forever.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Red urThorne »

Going to see if I can make it out for this.

Anubis Karos
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Post by Anubis Karos »

Very well, I shall return to this on Thursday.
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Post by Anubis Karos »

NOW I will enter the damned tournament.

~Anubis Karos
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Post by G »

Anubis Karos wrote:NOW I will enter the damned tournament.

~Anubis Karos
* The DoS Standings will be considered Official on Thursday, 6PM EST.


As the rule currently specifically is in regards to challenges, and in the interest of not letting this become a ridiculous nitpicking of said rules and in the interest of duelist mentality safety, I will accept this entry into the upcoming Warlord Tournament as the duelist in question will be appearing on the standings when they become official, and the matter of the timing is less consequential than it would be for the issuing of challenges.

Anubis is considered entered in the Warlord Tournament.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
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Post by DUEL Apple »

We only had four Warlords show up for this tournament! Since it was a small, even number, I decided to run a little double elimination format.

Code: Select all

1. Aya
2. Vael
3. Melanie
4. Red

Round 1

1. Aya vs 4. Red -- Red wins 5-3 in 11, Aya to Losers Bracket
2. Vael vs 3. Melanie -- Mel wins 5-3 in 10, Vael to Losers Bracket

Winners Bracket

3. Melanie
4. Red

Losers Bracket

1. Aya
2. Vael

Round 2

Winners Bracket

3. Melanie vs 4. Red -- Mel wins 5-2 in 8, Red to Losers Bracket

Losers Bracket

1. Aya vs 2. Vael -- Vael wins 5-1 in 7, Aya is out of the tournament

Winners Bracket

3. Mel

Losers Bracket

2. Vael
4. Red

Round 3

Winners Backet

WB Bye: 3. Mel

Losers Bracket

2. Vael vs 4. Red -- Red wins 5-3.5 in 9, Vael out of tournament


3. Mel ( Winners Bracket ) vs 4. Red ( Losers Bracket ) -- Melanie wins 7.5-6.5 in 15

Melanie wins the Fall Cycle Warlord Tournament!
Melanie has chosen to take the Test-Free Overlord Grant. As second place, Red will be awarded the Test-Free Barony Grant. It might have been a small, cozy tournament, but Melanie and Red sure knew how to end it.
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Post by DUEL Apple »

Added note. Both of the grants, starting from the time the results were posted, must be used within 7 days time.
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