I'd like to challenge the rat for Dockside. It's a pretty place, though I hate water.
With the withdrawal of my other challenge, I understand that SoA remains. Therefore, I'e the required number and can, if need be, provide record of such a thing.
Challenge for Dockside.
Moderator: Staff
- Andrea Anderson
- Legendary Adventurer
- Less Than Three
- Posts: 1607
- Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:55 pm
- Location: Her Twilight Isle home she shares with Lilith.
- Napoleon Bonarat
- Seasoned Adventurer
- Posts: 570
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:55 pm
- Location: Dread Ship Lollipop
- DUEL Dioxane
- RoH Official
- Posts: 204
- Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:03 pm
- Location: Hellfire Peninsula
After 7 rounds, Napoleon defeated Melanie to retain the Barony of Dockside. More to come!
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DUEL Dioxane "Okay okay okay... Noooowwww..."
DUEL Dioxane "This is a story all about how my calls got twist turned upside down. I'd like to take some time so just sit and abide, I'll tell you how I called a duel for the Barony of Dockside!"
DUEL Dioxane "Formalities!"
DUEL Dioxane "Melanie, do you want to still challenge? Yea or nay?"
DUEL Dioxane "Napoleon, do you wish to defend? Yea or Nay?"
DUEL Dioxane "H-okay!"
DUEL Dioxane "Alright! I'll do the entrances, then we'll continue from there because Stone Cold said so!"
DUEL Dioxane "In the Olive corner, Representing herself and dueling under the colors of nothing right now, and fighting for the honor of "Chucklin'" Charlie NoLastNameGiven, seconded by Terrible Terry "Hail to the..." King, we have the challenger, the Lethal Librarian, the Grievous Glamazon, the Destructive Dame, Menacing Melanie "I said *NO* Disintigrations"....uhh... Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith!"
DUEL Dioxane "In the Sprinkles corner, representing Dread Ship Lollipop and its Jolly Roger and dueling under the colors of the Yellow Smiley Face with a Red Bandana and an eyepatch, Seconded 1st by Dread Pirate Trixie and 2nd second by Jugglin' Jake Thrash with the 3rd second being Grinnin' Gren Brockman, fighting for the honor of Ravishing Rena, we have.......
DUEL Dioxane .... the Baron of Dockside, the Rambunctious Rodent, the Crafty Critter, the Pugnacious Pest, Puts the "Pie" in PiRate... Rattus Norvegicus Napoleon "Emperor of the High Cheese" Boooooonnnaaaaarrrrrrrrrrattttt!"
DUEL Dioxane A Pause for dramatic effect so they can read all that.
DUEL Dioxane "Technocalities!"
DUEL Dioxane "Space issues caused issues! I forgot to reformat after extensions!"
DUEL Dioxane "And now, for the next part....."
DUEL Dioxane "Napoleon.. format?"
DUEL Dioxane "Yeah but they're actually either best of four or best of five, but with four or five different fighters but that's not allowed here."
DUEL Dioxane "Well, sorta, but anyway, technocalities!"
DUEL Dioxane "The Baron hath done chosen a single format!"
DUEL Dioxane "You may enter the Ring of Dockside and begin the challenge!"
DUEL Dioxane "And now, ladies and gentlemen and Zack.. Caller Mode!"
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 1:
DUEL Dioxane In Paragon City, born and raised, on a playground is where I spent most of my days. Well, it would have been a playground had those pesky Skulls not come after me and bullied me with their meanness and ugly masks. That's why they forever were stuck as low level bad guys that existed only to beat up by random passersby who were tougher and everyone laughed at them! (HC/FSS) 1-0 Melanie
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 2:
DUEL Dioxane "It would turn out that those passersby weren't just passing by types of passersbys, they were passersby with power! Powers of Power! And Stuff! They taught those Skulls that there was no good to be had in being bad, but in reality the passersby were also bad guys too, so they formed a coalition of minor league bad guy league of baddies! They didn't get too far because nobody took them seriously, least of all the Circle of Thorns, the real bad guys of the immediate city. (LC/HC) 2-1 Melanie
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 3:
DUEL Dioxane The Circle of Thorns were a magical, wonderful, faraway group of bad guys who did things like bad stuff. That was including but not limited to poaching, running with scissors, being loud in the library, shaking vending machines to try and get free drops, and pulling the wings off of flies. All these things are widely known as being really, really bad. But they taught magic. And it was there in their school that I started on my degree in herbology spellwork. (FSS/LC) 2 up
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 4:
DUEL Dioxane Well, once then when I was sitting there doing my studies on a spell, one of my super jealous mean jerkhead rival co-students went and switched my spell ingredients that were supposed to explode in a calvacade of spectacular pyrotechnics and stuff, he switched some of the spices with oregano, and the incense sticks with twigs and, well, I didn't notice. The ensuing explosion was really messy and gave me super powers and lots of spines! really messy. But I kicked butt!! (FDU/TH) 3-2 Napoleon
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 5:
DUEL Dioxane And in the midst of my battles against the Forces of Eville, literally. It was E-Ville, and they were bad, I came across a Portal Corp. Portal. On a whim because I have never been know for my cautiousness and am somewhat reckless anyway, I stepped through this unknown portal and was transported to another magical, faraway place where the sun was always shining and the air smelled like warm root beer. I had found myself on Azeroth, or so I was told. Creepy. (FLP/LC) 4-2 Napoleon
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 6:
DUEL Dioxane So there I was, on Azeroth, on the frozen tundra of Northrend, so I was told later.. I know I said sunny and rootbeer, but it was more like a rootbeer slushie and it can be a frozen tundra with sun! That's how you get ice burns and stuff from the reflection of the sun off the snow and ice! Well, as luck would have it, there were people there! Unfortunately, they were undead people under the control of the Lich King, Arthas. It kinda took a nose dive from there. (FSS/SH) 4-2 Napoleon
DUEL Dioxane Ring Dockside, 7:
DUEL Dioxane Well, these undead had me in their grips and took me to a place I wasn't too keen on going. And when they took me there, Mr. Arthas held his sword over me, called Frostmourne and said something along the lines of "Your soul is mine, Sylvanas. Arise and serve me as a member of my crew." But I was all "My name's not Sylvanas. It's Dioxane." and he said "Oh, my bad. Wrong person." and I was now a Death Knight Lich. And the armor chafes. (TH/FSS) 5-2 Napoleon.
DUEL Dioxane Final: Napoleon Bonarat .def. Fourth 5-2 in 7 rounds to retain the Dockside Barony!
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