I think that I found RDI some time after getting bored running around and hunting other players and stealing their arrows in the online version of
Hunt the Wumpus (I may have been one of the original online grief Player-Killers; I obsessively played this game for years). I liked roleplaying and D&D as a concept, but was a couple of years younger than everyone in my school at the time and didn't have much of a social outlet until I got older.
So, I found RDI (and simultaneously, MUDs) 20ish years ago randomly. I didn't duel at first, and was more interested in Guilds (:x) as it seemed more D&D like.
Eventually, after maybe a year or two, I started asking questions about DoS. Dalamar was the Overlord at the time and was happy to help me out as a newcomer to DoS. I was still only 13 and struggled pretty hard to wrap my head around it all, but I kept playing for a couple of years, until Dalamar lost OL and split; he was really the only person that I'd ever chatted with at the time, and I started to prep hard for getting into college. So, I quit for a little while too.
Once college started, I created some new characters and kept working at DoS in a quiet way. Eventually, it all sort of just finally clicked for me. Once I felt like I wasn't road-kill anymore, I brought Rakeesh to Rhy'Din and drew over some folks (Aenlyn, Firynth, Silvanoth, Ashin) from a MUD that I played at the time and taught them to duel. We formed COM and got involved with TDL, and I started to slowly get to know folks like Harris, Napoleon, Jake, Kal, and numerous others over the years. I only did TDL for a while, but eventually moved over to regular dueling here at ROH.
Now, I'm 30. Oi. In short, I guess I'd attribute Dalamar to getting me into dueling. His crazy Overlord reign inspired me to want to be that good, and his help encouraged me to keep trying even though I got knocked around pretty bad for my first few years.