ShadoWeaver Challenge *

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ShadoWeaver Challenge *

Post by Kalamere »


That black rock of yours has been pulling my attention for a long while now. I'd thought to try taking it off of Vinny, but you beat me to him. I figure you've wanted to dance again anyway though, so lets make the rematch interesting.

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Post by Fourth »

Weeelllll..........shocking. Someone wants to come at the 'upstart.' Someone wants to come at the person who made history, twice. Someone wants to come at the girl who walked in here and promptly started slapping anyone and everyone she fought. Fair enough. I like you, really, Stretch, but there's not going to be much dancing, unless you seem to think the cute little twitches that someone gives when they're laying on the mat, knocked right the f*ck out, dancing. I guess you can dance in that manner, I'll make sure to nudge your body with my toe as my part.

I hope you're better than Vince, really. As a matter of fact, I hope you're better than most of the Emeralds here. I'm kind of shocked that you had the balls to try and fight me, most don't, they just sit there and watch. Gren's good for a fight, but he just loses, so there's no real point in that.

So....I the holder of ShadoWeaver, I did it in thirty four days, it takes most of you years to get an Opal, if you even ever had one, accept this challenge, it'll be fun to make someone else look bad in front of a crowd. Watch out! I just might duck! Or, you know, I just might break a few bones, walk away and laugh.

Also, keep in mind, you're a Baron. This isn't that pointless waste of a sport. Welcome to the big show. You've probably challenged before, yeah, yeah, whatever. Frankly, I give no f*cks about that. Stay in the Arena, you're probably better there. But, really, if you want to step into my world and get blown out of it, I guess you can go back to the Arena and sulk, that's probably logical. Don't say I didn't warn you, guy. I can understand why winning there would give you an inflated sense of self, I mean, come on, you challenged me. But let's be real here. I'll say it right now, right up front. I'm better than ninety nine percent of you, that one percent is Harris and Matt, but the rest? Come get it. I was getting pretty bored, really, I was about to host an open challenge night, that's an easy way to make a lot of people look like children in one night, so I guess, thanks? Thanks for having the courage to stare a loss in the face and accept it. You know what they say, when it's coming, you might as well just ask for lube and take it. So go on, enter the ring, bend over, if you're lucky, I might take it easy on you. I really don't see the point, but whatever. They might as well put the results out now. What are you betting on? I'd not bet against me, we saw what happened the last time people bet against me? What're the odds? Me, 5-2, 5-1? That sounds about right. Take that to the bank.

Either way, accepted, whatever. Let me know when you want to lose, blah, blah, let me know who you want to watch you lose. I guess I'll just have to prove, again, why I'm the sh*t.
Last edited by Fourth on Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seirichi »

New chant for this challenge. "KAL SUCKS" after every round called.

Can we get the line open on this? I feel like making more money.
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Post by Fourth »

Wait, you actually bet on me?

God damn, we may have a genius here! That's shocking, I thought you were just an annoying voice and a big as* bra, but I guess I stand corrected. It doesn't happen often, but.....yeah. Hey! Here's an idea! How about, when I beat Kal bloody, you challenge me? I'd be alright with beating you as well, no big deal.

I should probably start a charity and match all the money people lost betting against me. I mean, the only way to combat idiocy is with education, so maybe I could donate it to a school? I could have them teach something like.....

"Melanie is better than you, so, if you're masochistic and feel like getting the sh*t beaten out of you, challenge her."
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Post by Hope »

One day Rhy'Din will understand exactly what they've been given. They will understand why they seethe with their feelings; why those emotions engulf them and set them ablaze. Why they're drawn like moths to the flame. They'll understand that before them a champion has arisen, not the champion they deserve though, the champion they NEED. They hate her because she can take it. They challenge her, because she can take it. They chase after her because she can lead them to the bright tomorrow; in the dark that is tonight, she will be the light they can depend on. She is the ShadoWeaver.
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Post by Seirichi »

Queen wrote:One day Rhy'Din will understand exactly what they've been given. They will understand why they seethe with their feelings; why those emotions engulf them and set them ablaze. Why they're drawn like moths to the flame. They'll understand that before them a champion has arisen, not the champion they deserve though, the champion they NEED. They hate her because she can take it. They challenge her, because she can take it. They chase after her because she can lead them to the bright tomorrow; in the dark that is tonight, she will be the light they can depend on. She is the ShadoWeaver.
10/10, would watch the porno parody.

As for Melly. "COME CHALLENGE ME", why? I've already held ShadoWeaver. Do me a favor. Keep defending - that's cool and all, but when you do lose? Challenge for either FireStar, MoonBeryl, or IceDancer. Waive the same night and I'll be there to fight you. I need those Opals. I don't like to double dip. Sloppy seconds aren't my thing.

Better yet, let's try and meet up in the Diamond Quest. That titles much better.
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Post by Fourth »

Sigh....another one is dodging me. Think I give a damn about what Opal it is? I plan on holding them all, and if I could, I'd hole them all. I realize that'd make my pimp slap even more dangerous, so I can see why that's not an option, but it still sucks. Whatever, I guess its more fun to take them one at a time. You all know its coming, here's the news, now. If Kal manages to beat me with his old man cane, or if I just pass out from the pity, I'll come for whichever is next. So, Tits McGee, point me in the right direction. I might donate a bit to your fund, they look a bit saggy, probably need some new implants, poor girl.

As for the Diamond Quest? I mean, sure, if you want to be the one who loses to someone who not only won an Opal in her first cycle, but also won the Diamond, sure! That'd be cute, it might be some publicity for you, but then again, I'd not want your new kid to realize her mom is a loser. Conflicting emotions!

And, Clarice, I <3, I do, I can't say that enough. You get it. Love me, hate me, so what. None of you will ever be me, so that's a moot point. I don't know about hero, really.

You know what my secret is? I. Don't. Care. People talk. Come beat me. Make me shut up. Until then? Get f*cked, nice and hard, 'cause, from the bleachers and the benches, the rest of you, not you, Clarice, just look like whining little kids. I've said it before, really, at least a hundred times.

Don't like me? Fight me, blonde that is not Clarice. At least Stretch has the courage, though I don't know if suicidal passion translates into courage, to actually get into a ring with me. The rest?

Bet against me so more, bet against 2013 some more. Go on, but really, keep this in mind.

I can't say it enough. It took some of you years. It took me a month. I can understand why you'd be butthurt, but stay bent over. Its just begun.
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Post by Seirichi »

Dodging? Excuse me as I laugh. You're using a challenge as an excuse for me to fight you. I have zero interest in ShadoWeaver, so why would I challenge you for it? If you want to fight, we can fight. Diamond Quest, when you hold another Opal, a random night in the Outback.

I'm not dodging you. We've fought once, we can fight again, and then most likely fight more times after that.

Unlike some people. I'm not going to shy away from talent when I see it. You're pissing in the wrong cornflakes, I think you should be squatting over those other Emeralds cereal bowls. Because, unlike most of them, this Emerald wants to fight.
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Post by Fourth »

I would, but there's no real point. I'm pretty sure they piss in their own cheerios, really. Either that or they get together and take turns pissing in each other's, 'cause none of them seems to want to fight outside of Gren, which is cute, and Kal, which is just sort of pathetic.

Anndddd let's be real about the Diamond Quest. I some fights. If they use the ERS, I won't even fight you, someone else will beat you before I get the chance. Why's that? Oh. I'm at the top. You're 0-1, I think? I mean, I did beat you, so maybe that's it? No pissing in your Fruit Loops, that's just real talk. Word up. I watch a lot of MTV when Clarice is at work, sad day.

But, really. You're just the newest target since you had the guts to actually talk to me and not talk around me, but never at me. So, yeah. This is pretty much me calling anyone out who has an Emerald. You know what? Pencil this in, right now, right here.

A week from the day that I defend, if that's even applicable, I thought beating the inform was probably a crime, I'm going to go on record with this.

A week from the day I beat Kalamere further towards becoming senile, if that's possible, I'll hold an open challenge. I bet like four people show up, but, you know, that's not my problem. Ink it in, losers.
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Post by Seirichi »

I'm 1-1, thank you very much! GRRRR, you're making me SO mad right now! My Diamond is rattling across the glass table back at my Seaside home fueled by my anger!

Or it could be from my laughter. But this does bring something up.. When is the ERS going to be updated for the past week?

Back to the real subject at hand, you. You're acting mighty try-hardish right now to get your point across. I get it. You're good, you're the BEST IN THE WORLD and you want everyone to know it. You know what? More power to you. I enjoy the scene and it's fun watching the butthurt spread.

Oh. Real quick. Who is the blonde you're talking about? The one not wanting to fight you?
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Post by Fourth »

Is your Diamond rattling? Funny. You aren't the Diamond. Weird, that. You know what else is weird?

Yesterday means not a damn thing. I have a title, currently. Do you? Weird.

Wait! Don't answer, I will!


Oh! The blonde who won't fight me? That'd be.....Rena. Come on now. Someone's going to knock me off my horse, but she said it won't be her? I don't ever have an answer to that, I can't make a moron look more like a moron, so long as they are hell bent on doing it for me.

So...thanks? I guess, with the time I don't need to spend making her look stupid, I can spend polishing ShadoWeaver?
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Post by Seirichi »

Opals get passed around. Diamonds are yours forever. Win one, keep it forever. Maybe you'll join the club and get one of your own? Harris' wears his on his on his wrists when he gets all dressed up. Me? I have it on a flashy ring. The newest one he won? Bracelet worn by yours truly.

So, yes. I have a title. One that will stand forever. 69th Diamond.

And Rena? Of course she's dodging. After the number my maid did on her? It'd be best if she kept faaaar away from the rings until she's ready to play with the big boys.
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Post by Fourth »

That's what she said about me, really. She said she would fight me when she was ready. Seems kind of absurd, fighting when you're ready to lose. I don't know.

Really, I don't know why we are arguing. It is kind of sad that two of the hottest, most badass girls have to argue 'cause not a soul will come in.

Well, again, I'll say it. Maybe this time it will be more blunt?





Is that clear enough? Come on, people. I should probably stop, I'm wasting my breath, but come on now. Fight me. Hell. For each point someone scores, I'll take a piece of clothing off. Is that incentive enough? Probably not.
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Post by Seirichi »

We're not arguing. It's a "Come at me, bro" moment. There's no argument there, it's just us putting our dicks on the table and measuring them.

Also, you should start making fun of Kalamere again. This is starting to become more about everyone else instead of the guy who should be getting picked on. It's his challenge, it's his time to shine in the spot light.

Kal, you suck. So set up the line so I can put money down on Melanie again.
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Post by Fourth »

Oh! Make fun of Kalamere? I can probably do that.

You, sir, are a smooth talking douche. I see that you get all the ladies, but that's not going to happen anymore. Why? It'll be hard to purr sweet lies from a broken jaw. It'll be hard to bat feminine lashes when I break both orbital bones. It'll be hard to swagger around when I break both knees. It'll be hard to buy drinks when I broke both elbows.

Furthermore? It'll be hard to be a man when you get the sh*t beat out of you by a girl, a small one, at that. More or less, enjoy it now, you'll just look like a star struck, washed up reject when you wake up in a hospital. Some people may take this as a fun way to waste a few days.

I don't.

I'm coming for blood. Someone who challenges me needs to learn a hard lesson.

Run up, get done up.

I would also advise this.

Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
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