Hydra 2013 Predictions

The Second Best Dueling Event of the Year!
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Hydra 2013 Predictions

Post by Seirichi »

Why: Because they are the best and only team with the synergy to pull this off. All you kids should learn. Instead of picking your BFF's and other terrible teammates, how about building a team around winning? Good game.

Second Place: TEAM HYDRA
Why: They got the picture. Instead of making their own shitty teams they teamed together to finally make something that works.

Why: Because he's Xanth.

All other teams are terrible and should look to getting some cream for the butthurt they will be feeling throughout this tournament. Just lie back and take it, seriously. It'll all be over in a month or so.
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Post by Rakeesh »


I wonder, did your failed stint as an Oracle come before or after your very successful stint as a Street Corner Courtesan? As time flows, your current calling as a Comedian is a mediocrity, entertaining just often enough to sometimes bother reading these jokes you post around the city.

Rakeesh Sah Tarna
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Post by Seirichi »

Nice to see you can reply to this and not your challenges on time! Next thing you'll tell me you and your little team is here to have FUN instead of winning!

I'll be over here. Being a winner. Dating a winner. and being pregnant with a winner. You can stand over there chasing around fake demons and acting like you're something relevant.

Maybe those terrible no-ranks on your team, except for Nappy who knows how to roll, will not embarrass you too bad.
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Re: Hydra 2013 Predictions

Post by With Wicked Intent »

Seirichi wrote:Instead of picking your BFF's and other terrible teammates, how about building a team around winning?
Dear Screechbat,

How about maybe - just maybe - realizing that some of us are in it for the fun and the fellowship of the sport?

Then again, you have been knocked up by Harris. I'm pretty sure that you had a brain about the size of a walnut before that - the injection of Harris' so-called 'man-juice' into your womb and the subsequent festering parasite you've been carrying around in there since then have probably reduced it in size so that now if you tried to slice it on a razor blade, it'd look like a pebble rolling down Main Street.

Maybe we'll win. Maybe we'll lose. But like always, we're gonna have fun and look damn good doing it.

Up yours,

Jacen Balthazar and Team Forces of Nature
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Post by Seirichi »

Saw it here first, folks! The first "WE'RE PLAYING FOR FUN!" of the Hydra Season!

We're playing for fun is the default answer for any team that knows they are going to lose. No, wait. It's the default answer for *anyone* playing this sport if they know they don't have what it takes to play with the big girls.

Harris' 10 Opals, longest Pathfinder Reign, triple crown, the list goes on -- but it speaks for itself.

Premo Sperm, yo. If only I could of stolen Matt instead, but I like Koy too much.
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Post by MurOllavan »

With Wicked Intent wrote: Dear Screechbat,

How about maybe - just maybe - realizing that some of us are in it for the fun and the fellowship of the sport?
With Wicked Intent wrote: Maybe we'll win.
Oh for Minx's sake Seirichi - someone bring us one more Jacen!!


((or Sean, as the thread may be))
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Post by With Wicked Intent »

If you're only in it to win it (as so many of you seem to be), then no wonder most of you walk around with an expression like someone just shoved a pinecone up your @ss.

This is why I like Magic duels above any. On the Isle, we know how to par-TAY.

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Post by Harris »

Jacen makes Mage. Brags about how fast he did it. Jacen can't manage to do anything else remotely relevant. Stops bragging. Claims he is now in it for the fun and camaraderie.

This season of Hydra is already super amusing and it hasn't even started yet.
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Post by Seirichi »

"Fun". The lament of the unskilled. If you ever see anyone, of any rank, use that excuse when they lose? Note to any new duelists: Steer clear and know you won't get far by associating with them.

We're here to win! WINNERS! WINNING!

Mur, did you get Overlord, Archmage, and Diamond by having fun and playing nice?

I had Freckles write me a song. Enjoy it.

Hark the commoners do sing
"I do this for fun, so don't tease me!"
Excuses on excuses their lips do form
"Why oh Norah can't I be Warlord?"
Tearful, all ye commoners rise
Raise your voices to the skies
With Jacen as host you do proclaim,
"Beat Down is hard! Make new rules for this game!"
Hark! The commoners do sing,
"I do this for fun, so don't tease me!"

10 out of 10. Someone is getting health benefits.
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Post by With Wicked Intent »

Why am I even debating with you two? Neither of you are in the tournament. Hell, neither of you even get in the ring anymore.

Maybe you should both shut the f*ck up until you're doing something relevant besides a radio show (if that even counts). Come talk to me face to face if you wanna spout more of your bullsh*t. Until then, blow it out your @ss, which seems to be about as big as your mouths.
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Post by Seirichi »

Come by the station. We can get you some cream for that butthurt, Jacen.
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Post by G »

Popcorn and a soda, gang. Popcorn and a soda.
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Post by A. Dagger Sasc »

I remember when I first blew up at a person. It was on the internet back when I found out what that was. After that my memory gets a little fuzzy since it was a while ago, but I'm pretty sure he just had a different opinion than me. Anyways, I'm doing a lot better now.
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Post by Kheldar »

Just a rookie mistake by Jacen there G.. Gotta hate to see that. This could get ugly.
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Post by Seirichi »

Aurast is the king of cool.. OH, AND IT'S KHELDAR! HI KHELD!

How does it feel to know that your team will be second place? You know, since your captain knew how to put together a proper team.

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