Norah sat at her desk, going through the financials for the Arena, Annex, baronial manors and the Island. Part of the task involved forecasting future issues that may help or hinder the pocket books for the dueling venue. Things seemed to be looking up, a number of challenges, a good Madness run, and... the woman frowned, looking over the article that her financial planner had included. Quickly reading and rereading the publication dealing with the Duel of Swords Ranking System. "Corlanthis. Did you reject a proposal?" Her eyes skimmed the short article for a third time.
Cor sat, not far away, at his own desk. And as he heard her question, his pen stopped it's movement and he lifted his head to peer in her direction. He was actually working on a crossword puzzle. Though, beneath that was a list of duelists as well as a tournament diagram which Cor had grown bored of working on at the moment. "Did I reject a..what? A proposal? A proposal for what exactly?" His brow furrowed before he shook his head. "No, not that I can recall. What's the matter?"
"A proposal to reform the dueling ranks in swords... from..." Another scan, "Wade Kenny?" Norah's fashionable and expense heels pushed lightly against the floor, rolling her chair back from her desk as she turned toward Corlanthis. The article clipping waggled before him from manicured nails. "If you did, I'm sure you had your reasons.... I don't truly see an issue with the current ranks... but I would appreciate you informing me of such in future instances."
Cor slid his chair out with a squeak of it's wheels so he could lean up and snag the document. One palm on the desk, his eyes flicked from side to side as he read. And what began as furrowed brows slowly drew closer together as a frown formed. He lowered the paper and let it fall back to her desk before falling back into his seat. Once more he shook his head. "No, I had nothing to do with that. Whatever that thing is talking about, it never came to my attention. Nor would I make a decision either way without informing you, if it had. I think someone's having one up at our expense."
She snatched up the article again. Her brows creased. "That won't do. It's bad publicity. I don't know how popular this... Garlic News is, but even the smallest thing could turn into something worse." A short huff of an exhale. A subtle change in her brow from concern to determination took place as she looked back to Cor, "We need to address this right away."
"Mm." He nodded and leaned back in his chair, folding his hands under his chin. "How do you want to deal with it? Public statement denying all knowledge? Contact the news service directly and ask for a retraction? Post a bunch of insulting fliers?" The last option was expressed with a half-hint of a smile, though there was very clearly some underlying anger present. "I don't know that I appreciate anyone putting words in my mouth."
Norah's feathers were certainly ruffled. "We're professionals, Corlanthis. We will handle this professionally." Said even as she stood up and walked to the small bar set up in the office. She started to make herself a drink, "Want anything?"
Cor shook his head and declined with a wave of his hand. "I think I drank a little too much last night, actually." Corlanthis Wystansayr. Professional. He chewed on his lip for a moment. "Alright then, so molotov cocktails are definitely out, then. Probably should just go with a public statement, then."
Norah leaned against the bar, whiskey sour in hand. "I think there was enough fiery press coverage during that Overlord's... lady's? run. Wouldn't want the Arena to be the new Burning Isle." Sip, "Public statement." She moved away from the bar, heels clicking lightly with each slow step. "To Garlic New Network, Wade... what was the name?, and the public of RhyDin." Her words stopped, looking to Cor to see if he agreed with the scope of the reply.
Cor chuckled and nodded his agreement. "Fire. Bad." And then grew attentive as she began to dictate. He lifted a hand and offered a thumbs up by way of encouragement. "Keep the scope broad. We're not just talking to the Garlic News Whatever. We're talking to anyone that'd seek to falsely speak in our name."
"As current owner.... no. As the Officiating Staff of Duel of Swords, we would like to... clarify? refute? Refute. statements that have been made regarding the denial of a proposal brought to us by one..." Her steps stopped by the desk and the article, "Wade Kenny."
" 'Correct the misrepresentation of' " Cor grinned as he smoothly interjected before uncapping a nearby bottle of water and taking a long drink. "Mr. Kenny's proposal has neither been brought to our attention, nor has it subsequently been either refused or approved."
She nodded in agreement to his interjection, "We invite Mr. Kenny, as we do all citizens of RhyDin, to approach us with their proposals. While there is no guarantee that the proposal will be implemented, we are more than willing to hear them out." Norah gave Corlanthis another questioning look.
He considered that and slowly nodded once more. "It's true. Feedback and suggestions are always encouraged, though we make no promises that they will be acted upon. Still, we do listen."
"Anything else?" Settling down into her chair again, ready to pen it out. "Perhaps an attached message to the Editor that he might want to hire a new fact checker?" A smile showed from around the edge of her glass.
More consideration from Cor. "Mm, no. I think we should include it in the article statement itself. 'And to prevent any further embarrassment, we respectfully request that in all future instances in which this office is mentioned, that the Garlic News Whatever contact us directly to verify the veracity of any statements or decisions said to have been made." The smile Cor offered to Norah now had barbs in it.
"Further misinformation." Norah offered her own interjection. "If it's going to be viewed publicly we should keep our claws in. At least for the time being." Writing out the message even as she spoke.
Cor conceded that with bob of his head. "For the time being." He mirrored her words in agreement. "And hopefully that will take care of that nonsense." Cor reached over to re-cap the bottle of water and set it on the desk.
The letter penned, Norah added her signature before offering it over to Cor to sign as well. "I'll trust you to get it where it needs to be, Corlanthis, I still have quite a bit left with the financials. Unless, you're busy planning the tournaments?"
Cor reached a hand down, shuffling some of the paperwork on his desk to cover the crossword puzzle. "Ah, there's nothing major left to work on, just minor incidentals. I can take care of the statement, certainly." He took the document then, taking up his pen, and adding his signature to hers. As his pen fell, he looked back to her with a nod. "In fact, better to deal with this sooner, rather than later I should think."
"The sooner the better." She agreed, before taking a sip from her drink as she returned to her own pile of work. "Have a good night, Corlanthis."
"Mmhm." He flashed her a quick smile as he tidied up his desk before taking the missive and heading for the door leading out. He paused once to glance back at her. "You should get out soon, yourself. Don't spend too long in all of that." He gestured with a hand and then, he was using it to open the door and head off.
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Re: Duel of Swords Reform Shunned
Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.
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- Norah Vanderhildt
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- Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:01 am
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