Statement from the Governor's Office

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Statement from the Governor's Office

Post by fiohelston »

The following press release was issued by Governor Helston al-Amat's office Sunday afternoon.

Citizens of RhyDin, I come to you today to address a situation about which I have deliberately remained silent until now, not because I am indifferent, or even supportive of the proposition that has been placed before me, but because I wanted to allow you, the community, to speak.

Now, however, I will not be silent.

The Baron of Old Temple district has made public complaints that his proposition to register magic users within his district has been portrayed unfairly in the recent Governor’s Advisory Council meeting, and among debates occurring within the sporting baronies and the community at large.

His choice to act against the magic-using citizens of his district, by requiring registration and tracking, whatever motives he claims, is both delusional and dangerous, and should be stopped. Those who choose to follow his lead and act against innocent citizens of this city, are dangerous and should be stopped.

And that is the crux of this issue: choices and actions. What is at stake here, essentially, is what's always been at stake: That as beings capable of making our own decisions, of weighing how to do right and wrong by fellow members of our community, we deserve to be judged by our actions, not our abilities.

Rakeesh Sah Tarna said in his proposal that, "just five years ago the district's streets ran red with blood as a religious war between the Catholics and the Temple of Myr'Khul ensued. It was nearly a genocide, perpetrated by Myr'Khul and its spiritual leaders - many of them mages."

Many of them mages.

Not all. Many.

Why, then, single them out? Because many followers of Myr'Khul were mages, he wants to single all mages out for registration and to prevent "future conflicts," when non-mages also apparently participated in (and instigated) the very conflict he refers to.

It's a logical fallacy. It is irrational. If it is not rational -- if this is not actually, rationally, helping him to hold people accountable for this genocide -- then it is discriminatory. And I will not be a party to discriminating against citizens of this city merely because of their abilities.

I believe that people should be judged by their actions.

Continue to debate the merits of Rakeesh Sah Tarna’s proposal as you will. I will not act upon it. The proposal will not be accepted by this office while I am Governor.

Yours in service,
Fionna Helston al-Amat
Governor, RhyDin
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