The Overlord Grant

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Aya Hayashibara
Go Rin No Sho

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The Overlord Grant

Post by Aya Hayashibara »


As current Overlady of the Arena, it is my right to give the opportunity of another duelist the right to issue challenge to a Baron of their choice. This option has been unused for far too long. It is my intent to give this grant to a duelist in order to punish a Baron for daring to issue challenge to me.

I am well aware of the consequences of my action, as well as what chaos my choice will undoubtedly unleash once more upon this community of armed combatants, I am even aware of the risk I run should this duelist become a Baron once more and thus declares itself a Renegade Baron. I would even be loathe to accept loyalty from it. Should it win and dare challenge me, I shall treat it with the same manner in which I treat my own current challenger.

Thus, I do hereby award, with some regret, the Overlady Grant to the Former Overlord, Imp.

May whichever deity you believe in have mercy on our souls.

I remain,
Hayashibara Aya,
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