And the Ferris wheel turns again...All-Time 2 nominations

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Cassius Gaius Maximius
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And the Ferris wheel turns again...All-Time 2 nominations

Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

After some thinking, I've decided to go ahead and take nominations for the sequel to my last poll tournament, All-Time DoS Madness..obviously, it is called All-Time DoS Madness 2.

....I know, All-Time Madness 1 *just* finished. Common sense seems to say that I should wait quite a bit. Well, I decided to go ahead with the nomination process right now because the start of the last tournament was a year ago; the only reason that it just concluded now was a combination of a busy schedule and lethargy over the preceding year. With that firmly in mind, I decided to take action to ensure that this tournament concludes in a fashion that bears some resemblance to "timely": I'm going to "appoint a deputy"(i.e, ask someone) to post the polls at times when I cannot. If that person is unable to for whatever reason, I will ask someone else. While they can add history or commentary to the matchups if they wish, all I will ask out of them is that they post the polls. So, with that in mind: I can promise that this version will end--depending on when I start it--between New Year's and Feb 2011. Also, I'd like to note that I am just initiating the nomination process now: The way I'm seeing it, I won't even start seeding until the week of Thanksgiving. One more note before I get started: After recieving mixed reviews, I may or may not drop the "Duel Simulation" deal altogether. I'll decide after I've recieved more general feedback from the community and have had more time to think about it. Now, here are some rules and rule changes to the Tournament itself:

--The entire tournament will be held in the format which All-Time DoS Madness 1's final two rounds were held: Best of Three Series. Obviously, this does not mean that I will be asking you to vote two or three times per matchup. Each duelist will have two options on the ballot: A 2 duel win, or a 3 duel win. The winner is the duelist who gets the most votes in both options; and the "fantasy outcome" is the number of duels--2 or 3, for both duelists--which recieved the most votes. I'm mainlydoing this as a way to better reflect close matchups: If you think Dueler A is better, but that Dueler B is pretty good themselves and deserves some recongition for their skill, you can choose Dueler A in a 3 duel format. A good example of this just occured: While Dalamar Ar'Daumon rather decisively outvoted Avery Shiv Blade, a decisive majority also chose the matchup to go all 3 duels. Conversely, this system could be used to express blowouts: If you think that Dueler D has no business being in an "all-the-marbles" duel with Dueler C, you can pick Dueler C to win two straight. Obviously, there's quite a bit of gray area between by two examples that can be applied, but you see what I mean.

--The four duelists which reached the Final Four in All-Time Madness 1--Dalamar Ar'Daumon, Siera Redwin, Avery Shiv Blade, and Cassius Maximius--are ineligible for this tournament. However, if I ever do an All-Time Madness 3, all four are automatic entries into that tournament. Granted, there's a chance that I may never do such a tournament, but there it is. The reason for this rule, as well as another rule that has been newly implemented, is to keep new blood flowing in.

--Every duelist from last year who won in the first round but did not make the Final Four is automatically entered. This means that out of 64 slots, 28 are already filled as of this writing. The reason for this is twofold: To expedite the nomination process, and because..well, honestly, there are certain people in the history of the Arena who will be regular nominations in an "All-Time" tournament concerning DoS, and many of these people happened to win in the first round. This will help to force people to look for less obvious options.

--Every duelist from last year who lost in the first round and did not garner at least 50 percent of the vote in doing so is ineligible to be nominated this year. In the event of an All-Time Madness 3, they can be nominated once again. This, like the "Final Four" rule, is to help to clear the way for new blood. First round losers who garnered 50 percent or more of the votes in their losses are not automatic re-entries like the first round winners are..but they can be nominated.

--You are limited to three entries. I may up this is the numbers are needed.

--You are not allowed to nominate your own characters.

--I have final say in who gets in..however, if this goes like the nomination process for All-Time Madness 1, then in practice..if a duelist of the past and/or present is nominated, they will get in. You are allowed to nominate for whatever reason that you see fit..but please keep in mind when you do so that I reserve veto power. I'd also request that A: You try to put dueling achievements, and B: You try to keep the perspective that this is an All-Time tournament.

Nominations I'll have a list up soon. Have fun!
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

Remember: Nominations are open, and should be made in the form of a post in this thread, like last year.

The following duelists are ineligible for nomination for All-Time Madness 2. Note: Last post, I said that the breakoff point was 50 percent of the votes. I meant 30 percent:

Dalamar Ar'Daumon(will recieve an automatic entry in the event of an All-Time Madness 3)
Tormay Eludes
Janella Vallonia
Siera Redwin(will recieve an automatic berth in the event of an All-Time Madness 3)
Sascha Sau Bau
Verceterix Gavin Favre
Harris D'Artanian
Avery Shiv Blade(will recieve an automatic berth in the event of an All-Time Madness 3)
Ian MacKenzie
Ekth "E" Smith
Soerl Lute
Lupton est Dracoern
Cassius Maximius(will recieve an automatic berth in the event of an All-Time Madness 3)

The following duelists recieve automatic berths:

Tareth Thorn
Raiyko Hideo
Adeena Maeax
Anubis Karos
Morgan le Fay
Jake Thrash
Cletus Ganderfald
Elijah Basia Uhr
Jesse Troyan
Tarl Cabot
Max Quinlan Blue
Damien Mortis
Jeff Oakenshield
Unagi Miyamoto
Jaycynda Ashleana
Kalamere Ar'Din
Xenograg kathu-Darelir
Chris Graziano
Magnus Eques
G'nort Dragoon Talanador
Billy Ray Karnafexx
Gloria Blaze
Karen Wilder
AJ Bird

And finally, here is the list of last year's duelists who do not receive automatic berths, but can be renominated. Again, these first round losers can be nominated for this year's tournament

Cory Havoick
Rakeesh Sah Tarna
Tasslehofl Momus
Daegarth Mithmellon
Teagan Rielea
Nova Gray Shadow
Condextint "Dexter" Montoya
Maria Graziano
Ulath ni'Fici
Var Medici-Giovanni
Ellisa Morgan
Bran Bale
Seamus MacDonnaugh
Cassius Gaius Maximius
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

And's a "memory jogger" list culled from the histories and my own memory. These are not nominations, they are simply there to help you recall any names from the past and/or present

Fandral Kurgen a.k.a the Bishop
Fantasy RC
Me Monk
Falon Femorbrook
Juan Sanchez Villabolos Ramirez
The Doctor
Prince Stefano de Fortenza
Faedur Feamagil
Gnimish Gnimoi
Martigan Crow
Alais Nitesong D'Sidhe
Duke Leto of Covington
Eros deBurgo
Agrenish Preescott
Zen Rising
Daelin Dragonsblade
The Blindfold Proxy
Arithon Falessen
Grayson MacLeod
Rena Cronin
Roland Sal Roa
Xeric Mues
Drey Starke
Ticallion Carter
Percival de Clermont
Zaradda Eltorch
Sylus Kurgen
Alkron Goldensword
Ford Prefect
Kaprielle D'Argent
Evan Rush Rynth
Lyon T'Gar
Zafiroo Turidan
Deluthan Ev'rt
Kaja Adair
Horatio Benvolio MacBeth
Kheldar Drasinia
Xanth van Bokkelen
Aya Hayashibara
Lord Harvest of Atlantis
Cullen "Crypt Kicker" Kildarby
Gaius Marius Colestae
Galin Taelca
Devion Silverblade
Rand Al'Tan
Steve Glowacki
Vanion Shadowcast
Neo Eternity
Shade 9
Damien Cetran
Beka Cavish
Huma Dragonbane
Skyler Jackson Chamberland
Errol Faline
Leo de Lorenzo
Torquellian Aspendale
Ramsus "Tidewater" Llegron
Moralitor the Black
Adonai Uziel
Damon Black
Dustin Manjahcapery
Midnight Blue
Methous de Amber
Ulysses D'Sidhe
Luthien Tinuviel
Ministere Secondat
Wyheree Ravenlock
Drakewyn Silvertree
Gimmzak Stonecutter
Walker Boh
Anjolie Cynthia Quinn
Nicholas Overton Tyme
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Post by G »

Since I can't vote for myself... ;)

1. Imp. Has shown excellence in defenses.
2. Luthien. Fairly formidable.
3. Deathlord. 4 defenses in less than 4 months has to show for something.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
Duel of Swords Legend. Best In The World™.
First All Time DoS Title Holder.
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Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

Aya Hayashibara
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Post by Goldglo »

When're you doing the DoF version? :)
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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

1) Rena Cronin
2) Ticallion Carter
3) Roland Salsinger (aka Sal Roa)
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Post by Neo Eternity »

1. John Tasslehofl Momus: King of Commoners turned Overlord.
2. Bran Bale: Most recent Triple Crown holder.
3. Aya Hayashibara: Second strongest female duelist in DoS.
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

Aya has already been nominated, dude. Feel free to pick again though.

And to Matt: Not quite sure. I'll be honest...the DoF Histories offer a lot less in the way of information than the DoS Histories do, and I'm not sure where I could find the old IFL summary, a DoF version would be a lot harder. Plus, a *lot* of DoS/TDL history was left out of the first All-Time Madness.
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Seamus MacDonnaugh
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

Here are three names that a player gave me in IMs, wanting to keep it private:

Var Medici-Giovanni
Cory Havoick
Neo Eternity
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Oh, blast. That's right. Sorry, Jaycy! I had a few really good ones in mind, but they all got taken. :P

Well, in that case, I guess my third nomination will go instead to Xeric Mues just 'cos he's so controversial.

Thanks to whoever nominated me. ^.^;
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Post by Jake »

Cassius Gaius Maximius wrote:... and I'm not sure where I could find the old IFL records...
I can probably restore those.
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

1. Shade 9
2. The Blindfold Proxy
3.Huma Dragonbane.
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Post by Goldglo »

Not to derail things further, but for anyone interested, I've got all the IFL records (anything that was part of IFL I archived and kept copies of except for possibly the message boards. I have all the stats, articles, records, team pages, etc. Also, I think I created some IFL-related articles with stats and info on Rhydin Wiki, which either is now blocked by my work or the site's down as I'm getting a DNS resolving error when I try and access it).
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