Realty Opportunity Found: Challenge for Dragon's Gate Barony

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Realty Opportunity Found: Challenge for Dragon's Gate Barony

Post by MinionofDeathlord »

Sac-Baroness Rielea,

By order of the Master, who wishes to further swell the expanse of his mighty Benevolence, to share the bounty of Undeath with those outside of New Haven, and to acquire new properties to do the same, I challenge you for the Barony of Dragon’s Gate and its manor-house, which suffers from neglect and a sore lack of aesthetic touch under your care.

Imagine the fading red bricks restored with the icy whites and blues of magnificent ice and frost! The entire second story converted into a brewery of Blight and Affliction! The dueling-school grounds, for so long derelict and disused, transformed into another of the Master’s gardens where glorious effigies of those forever caught in the blissful moment where the soul is freed from torturous imprisonment will be found!

The Baronial Manor of Dragon’s Gate will no longer serve as a blight upon the landscape. The beauty, splendor, and benefits that the Master will bring to the manor and the entire District are unending!

Were I you, sac, I would not stand the way of the Inevitable. Hail Deathlord!

Minion and Minion Realty: Serving *you* in New Haven and throughout Rhydin!
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Post by G »

By virtue of holding a title of Squire Grand Master, This minion's challenge is valid and may proceed.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Teagan »


I find it amusing that in your attempt to convert Rhydin to an amusement park for the undead, you would target and seek to remove the council member most closely related to your own kind before any others.

Regardless, your challenge is accepted.

Teagan Rielea
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Post by Teagan »

This challenge will be held Monday, the 24th, at 10:30 (est).

Any officials that would like to oversee it would be appreciated.

Teagan Rielea
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Post by DUEL Misty »

Hi! I's didn't has anythings else to do, so I's came to watch, and tells the tale!

Teagan cames in by her lonesome, to duel unders the colors of blue and white, with Joey Demarco as her Lady of Honor. Minion broughts a whole bunch of creepy peoples for her seconds, and fought for the honors of Deathlord under the colors of black and blue! They foughts a single duels to see who woulds be Baron(ess)!

Teagans started off really strongs, puttings up an early three-points leads, but Minion cames back to nearly tie it ups at 3-2! But after findings her last two points, Teagan successfully defendeds her title as Baroness of Dragon's Gate! Congratulations, Teagan, and well trieds, Minion!

((Round-by-round to come later!))
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