Challenge for Dockside

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Challenge for Dockside

Post by Neo Eternity »

::A piece of paper is posted to the corkboard with a small silver pin, fashioned as a snake, with painted red eyes.::

Vanion Knightwood-Shadowcast,

I've been waiting for you to declare your alignment. However, it's inconvenient that you chose to challenge the Overlord at the same time.

I want you out of Dockside. I know how you work. There are people dying because of that disease, and in the very best case scenario, you're not helping. So consider yourself challenged. Once Ticallion defeats you, you're mine.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by G »

This challenge is valid and may proceed pending the result of the Vanion -vs- Ticallion Overlord challenge.
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Your challenge is a fruitless endeavor. You will, unfortunately, not have the opportunity to be humiliated by me once again. I use the word 'unfortunately' explicitly; you, who have done nothing to help those who are suffering, would turn the blame for this plague to me?

I would certainly have no qualm taking responsibility for this tragedy, if what you claim were true. However, I am one of the only friends of those who suffer and die in Dockside. When I become Overlord, I intend fully to use the Isle as a haven for the orphans and homeless from Dockside, who have had their lives torn apart by this vicious disease.

Think on that. Should I lose my challenge against Overlord Carter, I will make a true spectacle of punishing you for your selfish and half-witted actions. Dockside does not want you.
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Of course I turn the blame for this plague on you. The new faces may not be wise to your true nature, but I am. I don't buy your goody two-shoes savior and knight of Dockside act for one second, and from the looks of things, your own squire doesn't either.

If by some freak accident you should become Overlord, I already know that your "haven" will be nothing more than a greater danger for those who've already gone through enough.

I'm doing my part to help with this tragedy by removing you from Dockside.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by XanthVanBokkelen »

Baron Shadowcast, pay no mind to the bluster of the Keeper of Water.
Your impeccable swordsmanship means that your reign as Overlord is
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

I accept this challenge ... as a temporary annoyance that must be squashed before my reign as Overlord.
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

This event will take place later this evening, Thursday, at 9PM (EST), so long as we may find an official to commemorate it. It will be at this point that I humiliate this upstart Squire yet again.
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Post by DUEL Dris »

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Dueling Community,

Let it be known that the Baron Vanion Shadowcast of the Dockside District failed to show during the agreed upon time of his scheduled challenge to face off against Warlord Neo Eternity. The warlord was kind enough to allow for an extended single hour and eleven minute grace period. When Baron Shadowcast still neglected to arrive, Warlord Eternity then decided to present this case to the decision of the Baronial Council. Additionally, Warlord Eternity has asked that if it is agreeable to the Baronial Council, that he should like the opportunity to face off against a champion in Baron Shadowcast's stead.

Dutifully yours,

Sheridan "Dris" Driscol
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Post by G »

Sorry for the delay in this.

Per the Barons Council, Vanion has been stripped of the Barony of Dockside, and furthermore ineligible to issue any challenge for the remainder of this cycle, and the Spring cycle as well.

Jaycynda Ashleana has been chosen to champion the Barony of Dockside against Neo Eternity. Stay tuned for an announcement regarding the time and date.
Last edited by G on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

Neo and I will be fighting on Monday, February 8th at 9pm ((ET)).

Misty shall be officiating.

The Council has decided that I should determine the format. I will announce it the evening of the 8th.

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Post by DUEL Misty »

Well, it happeneds. Here's how it went downs, straight from my little watch-comp's logs!

Code: Select all

DUEL Misty: *She cleared her throat. Sorry Sivanna.* Okies then. Ladies and gentlemens, we're here to witness the resolutions of the challenge for the rings of Dockside.
DUEL Misty: In the first corners, we've gots the Challenger, Neo Eternity, who is duelings under the colors of the Seraphim Knights, blacks and blue. His Seconds tonight is Teagan Rielea, and his Lady of Honor is Kelathe Skelicia.
DUEL Misty: In the other corners, we has the Council-appointeds defender of the rings, Jaycy Ashleana, dueling under no colors, and with no seconds. Neo, does yous still wish to press yous challenge?
DUEL Misty: Okies. Jaycy, I's guessings since it's the Council's decisions, yous is gonna defends, yes?
 DUEL Misty: Okies then. Yous two can enters the ring of Challenge when yous ready.
DUEL Misty: Oh! That's rights! It's gonna be a single match! Sorrys!
DUEL Misty: Challenge Ones! Jaycy starts off with defendings, but Neo's going over its! (CP/HC, 1-0 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Twos! Neo's off to a good starts, pokings in under that cuts! (HC/TH, 2-0 Neo)
 DUEL Misty: Challenge Threes! Ooooh, that's gotta hurts. (FDU/LC, 3-0 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Fours! Wows, Neo's really runnings away with this! Looks at him steps around that parrys! (FLP/FSS, 4-0 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Fives! It's not quite overs yet, but didn'ts yous two already do the salutings? (SH/SH, 4-0 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Sixes! Ooooh, Jaycy's on the board, pokings in under the cuttings! (TH/HC, 4-1 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Sevens! Jaycy's dancings, Neo's getting downs, but nobody's scorings! (FSS/FDU, 4-1 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Eights! Neo's going for cuttings agains, but Jaycy's gettings a poke in over its! (TH/LC, 4-2 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Nines! Neo gets down agains, but all Jaycy's doings is salutings! (SH/FDU, 4-2 Neo)
 DUEL Misty: Challenge Tens! It's gettings a lot closers, as Neo can'ts give Jaycy pokings when she's not theres! (FSS/TH, 4-3 Neo)
DUEL Misty: Challenge Elevens! Jaycy's on the attacks again ... But Neo's defendings, and it's the right ways for the wins! All hails the new Barons of Docksides, Neo Eternity! (LC/FCP, 5-3 Neo)
DUEL Misty: *She giggled.* Okies, I's know yous said its befores, but for the records?
Neo Eternity: ::Oh yeah. He has something else to do. He pulls back from the hug.:: I am Loyal to Overlord Ticallion Carter.
DUEL Misty: *She nodded.* Okies then. I'll puts that in my reports!
Neo Eternity is the new Barons of Dockside!
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Post by G. Iulius Fortis »

Hail, Baron Neo!

Admittedly, I wish that the entire challenge would have turned out slightly different, but that is only because what I would have wanted to see did not happen (through no fault of your own.)

Still, congratulations are in order! May your reign be long and prosperous!
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Post by Neo Eternity »


I don't get it. Come on, you know I don't like when you're ambiguous like that. It gets you into trouble that could otherwise be avoided. What do you mean?
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Delahada »

neo -

he was hoping you would lose so the ring would be a prize in the next warlord turnament - so he could win it and then refuse to take like he did in september

- sal
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Post by G. Iulius Fortis »

Sal, that's not the case. I would have rather Neo beaten Vanion... something about him gives me the creeps.
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