44 Hillstreet Sports Cast

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44 Hillstreet Sports Cast

Post by Ghranit »

The tall brunette with the well polished tusks stomped into the entry hall of 44 Hillstreet, waving in her left hand a ridicuously small appearing bag.

“Ghranit! Look what I got!” She called out, sounding as excited as she may have over finding a claymore the perfect size for Bob, her one eyed and one eared teddy bear.

“Oh stop it with the short jokes, won’t you?” Ghranit grumbled. Mostly into his beard though. He only riled Helga when there was immediate benefit to him doing so. However, he would have needed binoculars to see what Helga held up too high for a human with decent eyesight to make out.

“I found the uber-awesomest absolutely latest in predic-whatever-you-call-it.” She plopped down on the mat in front of the counter and waved the wee bag closer to Ghranit’s eye-level. “Now we won’t have to waste all that time with investigating cases and we’ll be rich betting on the sports.”

"Rich... no more doing stupid cases... this might have some possibilities," the money signs already taking place of his pupils. "Alright, let's see what you got your hands on."

"And you can have all the ale in Rhydin." Helga upended the ridiculously small bag. Out tumbled a small cardboard box, only minimally larger than a regular size box of match sticks. On the cover was a drawing of a long-bearded, wrinkely dwarf (?) with pointy ears.

All the ale in Rhydin - that was a sure fire way to get him on board. Ghranit chuckled at that thought as he picked up the small box to inspect it. With raised brows at the questionable artwork, he opened it and pulled out the contents.

"Ah, Helga, I am not sure what you think this is going to help with. What are these for again?"

"They are the absolute newest in devices for predic-what-ever-you-call-it, also called mini Tarot cards." Helga sounded enormously proud of her most recent acquisition. "Look, they have pretty pictures on them, nothing to read at all." That there were also numbers on some of the cards the half ogre had obviously not yet noticed.

"Ah geez, we are supposed to make a fortune using card reading?" Instantly regretting not muttering that one into his beard. "You know how to use these?" Was the first question he could possibly think of to ask.

"Who said anything about reading?!! We just look at the pretty pictures." She titlted her head slightly to the side to contemplate his question. She must have come to a positive conclusion, because a moment later she nodded, smiling wide.

"Yes, nothing to it. I'll prove it to you." Granit could almost see the light flicking on behind her eyes. "I'm going to be the new magic do-hickies sports caster."

Ghranit stroked his beard in thought. It might be worth it to at least look into it. If nothing else, he could actually start doing some research to 'help' Helga's predictions. After all, this was about betting and making money, right?

"Alright, show me how this is going to work."

"First we have to pick someone who's actually likely to do the magic stuff this week." Helga painstakingly picked up the cards Ghranit had so carelessly strewn about. "Then we shuffle these with the persona in mind, like so."

Ghranit moved behind the counter to pull out one of the many files that were kept up front for easy access, the most recent DoM standings. He muttered to himself the whole while. After a few moments he came back around into view.

"How about this one? Misty, an Enchanter at ten, six, and one."

"Misty." Helga considered the name as she shuffled the deck of tiny cards. "Perfect, a short name and I know absolutely nothing about him to clutter up the device with. Now we cut the deck and then turn over some cards, like so."

"Her," Ghranit corrected, not that it would matter most likely. He plopped down to take a seat opposite Helga and to watch the foolishness the was about to unfold.

"Her? Oh well, it should still work." Then Helga stared long and hard at the cards.

“She is testing her relationships, but others see her as one who never meets a stranger. She was made for the duels and has studdied the mysteries of the isle in the distant past.” Helga quickly moved her gaze and fingertip from one card to the next.

“Recently she returned from victorious battle. But now she is distracted by daydreams and fantasies. For the big hoopla on Twilight Isle she already has lady Luck on her side. All she needs to do now is to form an alliance with her family and she’ll get a bonus companion. If she does that she’ll be victorious. See, that pretty thing with the big nose has a chest of gold and the claymore is all shiny.”

"You're supposed to write it all down, Ghranit!"

Ghranit glanced at Helga and relunctantly got up and went behind the counter again to grab a sheet of paper. He returned and sat down to write. While he was still sceptical, he was clearly impressed.

"That sure is a lot of information from a bunch of cards. If this is right, I wonder why we haven't been using this before."

“You need to pay attention, it is the absolute latest do-hicky. Brand new. Got it?” Helga shook her head slightly.

"And you say she is going to win if she makes an alliance... alright, let's say this is right, where do we go to place a bet?" Money always wasfirst on his list of priorities.

“At the betting office as always.” Helga got to her feet. “Are you coming? We can pin my sportscast on the board on the way.”

"Right right, brand new, best there is in predicting money, or sports," Ghranit got up with the finished sportscast, holding it u to Helga, now towering over her. "Yeah, just make sure to sign it here," he pointed next to her name on the paper. No one would be able to figure out who wrote it based on her writing skills if he didn't put the name on there.

“Oh, right.” Helga picked out an orange crayon from the cup on the counter and quickly drew a stickfigure under Ghranit’s wavey lines, finished with a stylized bow on the stick figure’s head. “Here, all done.”

Looks at the stickfigure and sighs, it sure was Helga alright. At least, to his well-trained eyes.

"That will do, alright, let's get to the betting office." He added into his beard, "Be a miracle if this works."
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Post by Ghranit »

A second note was tacked beneath the first. It read:

Sivanna is a squire, though others see her putting herself to the test over and over. She comes from a fun and sunny place. But a long time ago something happened that made her all sad and cry. She missed her chance to undo whatever it was that made her sad and so she left that place and got a new wizard hat and she just found a spiritual guide.
To judge right and to win a prize she has to first negotiate with others. Then, if she goes dueling, she’ll do well and feel good about it.

Neo is a prudent person and generally does well. People like to cheer for him. He comes from a mean place and used to be very poor. He grew up in those circumstances. More recently he started to daydream about a pretty little thing with golden hair and pointy ears. But he opted to commit to honing his skill instead of pursuing a fantasy.
To be among the winners this Tuesday he needs to take the initiative and lead with courage and integrity. He’ll have lots of fun but he’ll find the rings challenging.
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Post by Ghranit »

Another piece of paper had found its way to the board.

Ahni trains and prepares well. Others see her as a professional. She comes from a house of warriors and she grew up with wise teachers and spiritual leaders. For a while she worked for one like them but from a different house and that earned her a nice income.
To make this week of duels a nostalgic memory she needs to send a message on its way. She’ll meet the speed and haste of movement in the rings but despite that accomplishment she may be sad because her friend may not make it in time to watch her.

Bridei feels trapped. Others see him as a craftsman of great skill. He comes from a loving home. In the past he knew moderation, patience and harmony. But something happened that destroyed that and he struggled until very recently to get past that. Now he is positive again and his life is in harmony again.
To do well in the rings this week he needs to enter into an agreement to get the help he needs against stronger opponents. He’ll be rewarded with better training and preparedness.

Paradise is currently exiled over some injustice. Others see her as keeping vigil. She comes from a background of trade and she is well satisfied with that. Recently she did something she regrets and which she is now looking to turn around with haste.
As the duels go this week, she lost her wand. But she should go compete anyway because she’ll run into someone who’ll help her get a new wand that’s way shinier than the lost one. After the duels she even gets to go on a little trip.

Tormay is the heir of riches and of histories. To others he appears courageous, full of energy and a man of integrity. His memory goes further back than his age suggests. He dedicated himself early to train with the sword. Recently he became a visionary, turning many of ideas into reality. But he is sad that he did not yet realize every dream.
To trade up in the rings this week he must temporarily put those ambitions aside. Victory will be his and with prudence his other plans will turn out well, too.
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Post by Ghranit »

Muttering Ghranit used the same tack to add another piece of paper to the board.

Michiko is playful and cheery. Others see her as concerned with acquisition and success. Her origin lies in change and her distant past is but a memory. Recently she made an experience with subterfuge and now she is giving into curiosity. But where that path takes her is uncertain.
To achieve victory in the rings this week she must become a merchant. Doing so will make her opponents uneasy and she will add to her fame.

Maranya seeks harmony within her family. Others see her as an artist with a lot of colors. She comes from an abundance of love. In her distant past something truly horrible happened and there are four graves. But she put that horrible event and the tears behind her and now she’s dedicated to bandaging babies and squirrels.
To do well in the rings this week she must come up with a new approach and she has to avoid falling for anything the trolls suggest. Because if she takes any of the trolls advise she’ll only find infamy and exile. If she manages to avoid that pitfall she and her family get to sleep like babies.

Cassius is one used to victory and others see him as famous and skillful. Curiosity originally brought him forth. In the distant past he found love. Then he turned to build up a trade business and now he sinks most his efforts into things other than magic. To travel back to the magic place he needs to not get distracted with running after the boy who took his egg but concentrate on the spells. If he does that he’ll be rewarded with success and fame. And when he gets home the little thief will already be locked up anyway.
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Post by Ghranit »

“Don’t forget to write the weird scratches on the bottom.” Ghranit grumbled into his beard as he tacked up the last note Helga could talk him into taking to the board.

Lem enjoys merrymaking and celebrating but for some reason others see him as a serious decision maker and as the one to test them. He comes from far away and made many friends in his distant past and in his not so distant past. More recently and now he guides those friends with sage advice.
To achieve the speed and movement he wants to demonstrate in the rings this week he must be dispensing advice less and be a little selfish for once. He will be met with curiosity and the old gnarled tree will give him inspiration, and he’ll remain a patron of Twilight Isle.

Xanth is in a state of constant flux. To others he appears as a being of power certain of victory. Originally he was an observer from beyond the boundaries. In the distant past he had a vision and eventually was seduced by it. Now he is a warrior, fighting many battles, and he found a better way to get from one point to another.
To not be disappointed with his performance this week he should just be himself. The battle will be fierce and he’ll show his students how to handle such.

Guillermus likes to dream but others see him as the one with the hats and the weapons. His origins are questionable but he came here as one seeking advice and learning and he ended up shaking the foundations of arrogance. For a while he was content with that but also lonely. Now he is studying again but with someone a lot prettier.
To do well in the rings this week he must enter the rings while in top form and with his skills at the ready. He’ll get a message that will give his confidence a little boost and then he’ll find success.
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Post by Ghranit »

While Helga had talked Quibble into writing one little blurb for her, she was the one taking the note to the board and pinning it up. Quibble had not even shown her in which corner to draw her signature. So it happened the while the signature appeared to be right side up under the gnomish print – Helga had insisted he write in common - the note itself was upside down.

Vinny is tired and worn out but others see only his fame and skill. He comes from a professional background and it has been a long time since he was short on coins. Lately he’s neglected his magical studies and has been more concerned with other things. These days he’s more of an entrepreneur.
He’ll step into the rings this week to alleviate boredom. He’ll find that entertainment he’s looking for in the rings and his previous training prepared him well enough for this week’s event. He’ll go celebrating after the tournament and he’ll get a gift.
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Post by Helga »

Quibble snickered to himself as he alternately skipped and danced by the message board on his way to the betting office. It had been so delightfully easy to trick Helga into making a few predictions with her little cards. This week it would be him with the barrel of ale!

Bridei is cold inside but on the outside he looks like a victor. He even has a little crown on his head. In the past he was a good buddy to have. He’s the queen of hearts. That makes no sense! Maybe he got married recently instead. This week he has lady luck on his side and he’ll be loads of fun. He’ll have a variety of opponents and he’ll win with ease and he’ll have at least four children.

Matt has a lot to say but people keep challenging him so he doesn’t get to say much. With him being a man of action he isn’t avoiding any of the challenges and he has been victorious more often than not. Look, a third victory card. This dude has victory written all over him. He’s sleepy this week, though. In the rings he’ll find satisfaction and regret and he tends to be easily distracted this week. But somehow he’ll make money with his dueling this week.

Rena loves traveling and she appears agreeable and prosperous. She’s been tested a lot in the past and had some hard decisions to make. There was a time that she was very sad. But then the sun started shining for her again and now she’s doing magic with fiery rocks and lightening bolts. She may have some issues outside the rings but inside the rings she rules with strength and stability and puts her opponents on the defensive. After the duels she’ll get some great news she’s been waiting for.

Bran feels uncertain and people think him a vision. Originally he was bored but he had a dream and was inspired to rise from a lowly messenger to sitting on a throne. Oh wow, those cards do know everything. Look, here we are dancing together at the Overlord’s ball. In the rings he’s all business but also kind. He’ll trade some spells and gains from that. But he’s getting hurt, too. He’s limping in the last card.

Tass is one with lots of experience and everyone can see that. He was famous even before he battled with magic. He found his soul mate a long time ago and married her not so long ago. He was transformed by this and now is a father and judge. He’ll be running late for the duels but he’ll find an opponent or two. But in the end he’ll not be happy with that.
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Post by Helga »

Kersh is a warrior but others see him more as a craftsman. Creating things is among his talents but he’s also a man of action. In the distant past he tried a musical carrier and later on in sales. He didn’t do so well with either. But then he gained an inheritance, so it’s okay. The sun shines on him this week and he’ll enjoy abundant attention. Inside the rings he’ll be looking for spiritual guidance and by the end of the week he’ll be tired of company,

Querylon spends a lot of time in meditation and others see her as in harmony with herself and as positive. Skill and honor are equally important to her in general and she commits herself completely to everything she does. Events in her past have taught her to do so with optimism and with hope. Currently she’s enjoying a couple of victories and rivalries. It looks like the crown is hers for the taking and this week the magic wand is the tool for it. Leave the sword in the chest and there’ll be plenty of wins for you. Something significant will change at the end of the week.

Lucius is an heir and has a golden touch. People see him as a dedicated person, Vigil, meditation and patience are his strong points. In the past he got bored with what he was doing but he got creative and found a way to make a change and now he’s enjoying what he’s doing. Magic is strong in him this week. In the ring he’ll shows as resourceful and inspired. He definitely has Lady Luck on his side and by the end of the week he has something to celebrate.

Anushka is a skilled merchant but people see her more as a mystery. Acquisitions and making money are her main talents. Uncertainties in the distant past have matured her and those talents in her. Now she’s ready to enjoy life. She’ll have some difficulties in the rings this week, though. Winning any is not in the cards for her this week, but there will be learning opportunities. Cotton and blackberries will make a lot of coins the end of the week.
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Post by Helga »

“Helga! I got the names.” Quibble walked into 44 Hillstreet waving a sheet of paper.

“What names?” Helga didn’t even glance up but continued with sharpening one of her many blades, all of which she had set out.

“The ones for the predictions, Helga. Come one, put those daggers away and get the cards out. You already missed last week’s.” Quibble climbed up on the couch and waved to the ghost of a butler. “We need some ale. Lots of ale, really.”

“He never brings ale.” Helga still had made no move to put the blades away or to pull the cards from her pack. “And I couldn’t very well make predictions while dealing with that hot sauce spitting noodle.

“Of course not, but he’ll float into the kitchen and spook Allhana into bringing us some.” Quibble nearly giggled as he imagined the scene. “And it was a golem not a noodle.”

“Ale?” Helga finally peered over to Quibble.

“Yes and you can have mine, too, while you’re looking at the cards.”

“Okay, but when the ale is gone I stop.”

“Deal.” Quibble bent over his paper to pick out some names, wondering how many predictions he could get out of Helga before they ran out of ale.

Allhana did bring the ale, two pitchers even, and Helga quickly made some room on the table for them and a bit more room to set the cards.

“Cheers Helga. We start with this one here, Sivanna.” Quibble decided, ready to take notes.

“But she’s an…” Helga almost said elf, but Allhana was still in the room and sort of an elf. She’d rather avoid the speech Allhana seemed to always have ready whenever anyone made elf sound like a bad word. Anyway, Allhana was the one with all the healing potions and getting her angry was generally a bad idea. “Well, it’s your ale.”

“Not anymore. Enjoy.” Quibble was exceptionally cheerful. He didn’t even hurry helga through the shuffeling of cards nor did he make a comment when Helga took a generous drink from the first pitcher before spreading out some of the cards.

“Sivanna is waiting for something good to happen. She’s been protecting something or someone but while she was working hard she wanted to return to do fun stuff. Then she was enticed by some dark power, but her subconsciousness was awakening and trying to make her aware of that. Then she got distraced by becoming a couple with someone and ignored her subconsciousness. Now there’s a struggle for control.” Helga paused for a quick drink from the pitcher.

“In the ring she’s seeking glory and a break from that struggle. Careful analysis will provide a revelation and she’ll regain what was lost. After the dueling the struggle for control will renew itself, but this time she’ll be victorious.”
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Post by Helga »

“That sounds like she’s a winner this week.”

“Sure does look that way.” Helga lifted the pitcher again.

“Great. Let’s have a look at Drake’s cards. He started out hot, and then lost a lot.”

“Drake it is. He destroyed the book of dark magic.” Helga announced as soon as she had shuffled the cards, cut the deck, and turned the first one over.

“No way, it’s more likely that he stole the book. The goblins say he’s evil.”

“Do you want me to look at the cards or do you want to look at them yourself?” It was a rhetorical question. Helga had already turned over a couple more cards. “He found something better or rather; someone gave him four magical items. He didn’t use them right away but practiced restraint and waited for the right time. One of them he’s more attracted to but he assumed responsibility for all of them and means to use them for his new purpose. He finds the reward in the rings this week he’s looking for but he also learns respect. In showing respect he also earns some. At the end of the week he’ll have the wins.”

“Another winner.” Quibble smiled and when Helga was ready to shuffle the cards again he supplied another name, “Rena should be next.”

“Rena,” Helga repeated as she shuffled the cards. “She questioned everything and got some unwanted insights. She lost something precious in a surprise reversal. Restoration has started somewhere in the past but it is slow and piece by piece. The last bit she’s bargaining for right now.” Helga glanced up. “Maybe someone close to her died and it’s a grief process, the first bit was easy and the last step is a bit harder to do.”

Quibble merely shook his head but was too busy scraping his pen over his paper to reply. So Helga finished off the first of the ale pitchers before she resumed turning over cards and looking at the pictures.

“Stepping into the rings this week could be folly, but there’s also a potential. She gains in magic this week. But there’s also someone who’s trying to take her sword away. By the end of the week she’s dreaming of someone and she’ll say good bye to the unfit king.”

“Ugh, what does that have to do with winning or losing at the duels?” Quibble sounded confused.

“Maybe it means she’s not dueling magic this week.” Helga collected the cards again.

“Hmm, okay, let’s try Thorne. It says here he’s a wolf with wings.”

“A wolf doing magic?”
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Post by Helga »


“Oh well, it’s your ale I’m drinking.” Helga did have a largish gulp from the second pitcher before she shuffled the cards for Thorne. At Quibble's prompting she started turning over cards again.

“Thorne likes appraising situations and to try bargaining first. He got bored with what he was doing but then he found a wand and he dedicated himself to learning how to use the magic. He found a bounty of teachings and books and now means to wield that staff to conquer the world. In the rings he looks for restoration of something and he redeems himself. He also finds a new goal to aim for and a plan on how to reach that goal. Next week he’ll see first returns of the new approach and success toward the new goal.”

“Hmm, so the cards are carefully optimistic?” Quibble kept writing.

“Could be.” Helga nodded and collected the cards again.

“How about Guillermus next? He’s a cook. Cooking’s like magic, sort of.” Quibble suggested the next name.

“Does he wield a wooden spoon instead of a staff?”

“How would I know? Maybe the cards will tell us.”

“It doesn’t work like that.” Helga shook her head. “You got to want to know how he does in the rings this week.”

“Okay, how does Guillermus the cook do this week in the duels?” Quibble gave in easily. If Helga kept forgetting to gulp ale between predictions then he could get more predictions out of her before the ale was gone.

“He had an agenda but the victories he had so far did not fulfill him and left him restless. In the past he had some trouble with a court and he was struck down. Then he got married and there are some questions about the baby his wife is having. But they stand strong together and it’ll turn out good. In the rings this week he is blessed but he should not let his guard down. His opponents all want to win, too. By the end of the week he’ll find something fulfilling and everything will be roses.”

“Not bad.” Quibble looked over his notes. “How about the shiny dragon that was on the isle recently, ah, here she is, a Xeylia.”

“Dragons duel with magic, too?” Helga looked to Quibble like he was the one well into a second pitcher of ale. Quibble being a Halfling and a rather scrawny one at that did come up with some strange ideas after a few ales.

“Sure! Let’s see if she wins or not.” Quibble didn’t respond to the look from the half-ogre at all.

“Xeylia made a mistake and was taken out of town by her dad for her protection. She has been waiting for a long time to get to go home again but then she found a new home and a mate. They’ve been teaching each other how to play and how to fight. Now they’re looking for treasure. There are shiny green rocks in a mine. In the rings they are doing well, too, but Xeylia gets distracted. A wise one offers some useful advice. Next week she gets some of her old treasure back.
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Post by Helga »

By the time Helga had finished off the second pitcher Quibble had gotten a few more predictions out of her. Enough of them promised him a decent return from the betting office, so he didn’t mind at all to tack a copy of the predictions to the cork.

Samilee lived in her memories but then she was given a sword, a mission and a purpose and she went to war. After the war she was given another mission and a new sword with magic properties. Samilee formed an attachment. Now she received enlightenment and is offering thanks for it. She is looking for something in the rings she’s not found outside of them. While she’s alone in the ring without teacher or army, the recently gained knowledge and advice from a mentor is with her. She also is lucky in finding just the right opponents. Her rewards are plentiful and others will want what she got.

Querylon wields a great power but she has always resisted temptation to abuse it or to even take credit for her work with it. She’s been using the power only to gift others with its rewards while she lived in poverty. Then a dark force stole her greatest treasure and she was so sad her powers were diminished. The treasure remains gone but her power has returned and she has realized its full potential. Usually she is content with that. In the rings however she is reminded of the treasure and its painful absence. Her magic is strong but at the end of the week it will be tested to and beyond its limits. There is heart break in that and the fates test her further with an opportunity to help the thief from her past.

Pslyder dedicated himself to the sword and has been rewarded for doing so. Then he was seduced into using dark magic and for a while he did use them with a passion. Eventually that darkness drove him into leaving town. Currently he is going through a transformation. In the rings he is a mystery. He is winning and teaching. The dark magic will tempt him again but by the end of the week he defeats temptation and he will be looking for something to fill the void the dark magic left.

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