The registered duelists were: Morgan, Rena, Joex, Dalamar, Rand, Karen, Xanth, Cass, Erin, Goldie, Xeric, Xeno, Sylus, Grayson, Sartan and Leo.
They were seeded in the order they registered. Out of the 16, Erin and Rand did not show up.
On the first round we had Morgan and Leo, Cass and Erin, Dalamar and Sylus, Rand and Xeno, Rena and Sartan, Xanth and Goldie, Joex and Grayson, Karen and Xeric. Cass and Xeno advanced by forfeit due to Erin and Rand not being present.
It was bloody, it was ruthless, but in the end, these were the results for the First Round:
After 9 rounds: Joex defeats Grayson, 5-2
After 9 rounds: Rena defeats Sartan, 5-3
After 9 rounds: Dalamar defeats Sylus, 5-3
After 10 rounds: Leo defeats Morgan, 5-3
After 9 rounds: Xeric defeats Karen, 5-3
After 13 rounds: Goldie defeats Xanth, 5-3.5
For the Second Round we had on the winners' bracket Leo and Cass, Dalamar and Xeno, Rena and Goldie, Joex and Xeric. On the losers' bracket we had Sartan and Xanth, Grayson and Karen. Morgan and Sylus got byes this round. After the dust settled, we had two duelists out of the competition: Grayson and Sartan. The results for the Quarterfinals were as follow:
Winners' Bracket:
After 8 rounds: Leo defeats Cass, 5-3
After 10 rounds: Xeno defeats Dalamar, 5-3
After 11 rounds: Rena defeats Goldie, 5-3.5
After 8 rounds: Xeric defeats Joex, 5-3
Losers' Bracket:
After 9 rounds: Karen defeats Grayson, 5-2 -- Grayson out
After 14 rounds: Xanth defeats Sartan, 5-3.5 -- Sartan out
Now for the Third Round the winners' bracket is getting smaller. On the winners' bracket we had Leo and Xeno, Rena and Xeric. On the losers' bracket we had Morgan and Joex, Sylus and Goldie, Xanth and Dalamar, Karen and Cass. By the end of this round four more duelists were out: Morgan, Sylus, Cass and Dalamar. While Xeno and Xeric moved further along on the winners' bracket. The results were as follow:
Winners' Bracket:
After 7 rounds: Xeno defeats Leo, 5.5-3
After 9 rounds: Xeric defeats Rena, 5-4
Losers' Bracket:
After 6 rounds: Joex defeats Morgan, 5-3 -- Morgan out
After 6 rounds: Goldie defeats Sylus, 5-1 -- Sylus out
After 10 rounds: Karen defeats Cass, 5-2.5 -- Cass out
AFter 13 rounds: Xanth defeats Dalamar, 6-4.5 -- Dalamar out
On the Fourth Round we have Xeno and Xeric battling for the winners' bracket slot. Leo and Rena have a little bit to wait while the losers' bracket keeps on fighting, because none of them want to be out of the tournament. We had Joex and Goldie, Xanth and Karen. These guys gave their best to stay in the fight. But in the end Joex and Xanth were eliminated. Xeric moved to the losers' bracket after getting beat by Xeno. The results for this round are:
Winners' Bracket:
After 9 rounds: Xeno defeats Xeric, 5-2
Losers' Bracket:
After 14 rounds: Goldie defeats Joex, 5.5-4.5 -- Joex out
After 7 rounds: Karen defeats Xanth, 5-0 -- Xanth out
Now Xeno and Xeric had a bit of wait while the losers' bracket was resolved. So first we had Goldie and Leo, Karen and Rena. It was bloody, it was ruthless, but when everything was done we had two less duelists, Goldie and Rena.
Losers' Bracket:
After 8 rounds: Leo defeats Goldie, 5-4 -- Goldie out
After 16 rounds: Karen defeats Rena, 5-3.5 -- Rena out
Leo and Karen moved on to fight some more to decide who would fight Xeric. Karen, who until now had only one loss and four wins -- one of them was a shutout! -- defeated Leo to face Xeric.
Losers' Bracket:
After 11 rounds: Karen defeats Leo, 5-3 -- Leo out
Now we have the duel that will decide who will face Xenograg, undefeated and was sitting there drinking water, looking older than dirt and ... oh right, the results. Ok, Karen gave it her best; the Templar was tired, but she was not gonna go down without a fight. In the end Xeric got the win and moved on face Xeno again.
Losers' Bracket:
After 12 rounds: Xeric defeats Karen, 5-3 -- Karen out
This is it, the one everyone had been waiting for! Xeno had already beat Xeric to knock him over to the losers' bracket. Xeric would have to beat Xeno twice in order to win the tournament. The first duel was long, but Xeric defeated Xeno. (m) Told you he's old.
Finals First Match:
After 11 rounds: Xeric defeats Xeno, 5-2.5
Xeric and Xeno go for their second match, well, technically their third, since they had already dueled, but I digress... Xeric made this one quicker and defeated Xeno in 7 rounds to win the tournament!
Finals Second Match:
After 7 rounds: Xeric defeats Xeno, 5-1
Loser wins Warlord Tournament!!
Wait, that came out wrong...
I mean...
Xeric came from the losers' bracket to take the win!
He chose the Overlord Challenge. Xeno gets to challenge the Baron of his choice. ::fast talks:: The Overlord challenge is intersession free. The Baron challenge is not a free shot, this challenge follows the Universal Terms. All prizes must be claimed within two weeks or the winner forfeits their prize. Prizes are not available outside RhyDin.
Congratulations to Xeric and to all the other duelists!!!
Chart follows: