Old Temple Challenge Results

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Old Temple Challenge Results

Post by DUEL Imp »


On Thursday, June 5th I was asked to witness the challenge to the Baroness Teagan, holder of Old Temple by Anubis Karos!

Teagan dueled under the banner of the Imp! She was secondless but not colorless, she's a very colorful hottie, ya know. Her man of honor was the one and only Imp!

Anubis dueled under the Eye of Ra with a viper lacing through it and emblazoned on a satin
banner of black. His Lady of Honor was Dawn Shadowsbane-Karos. Hottie.

The Baroness requested a single match!

On the first round nothing much happened, they were both vewy, vewy caweful. Then Anubis went and scored two consecutive points! Teagan was able to avoid another hit and scored her first point herself by ducking away from Anubis' attack! That's my favorite move, when she ducks like that and goes low, low, low, low.... But then Anubis imitated her and he didn't look that good, but still scored. By round five the score was 3-1 in favor of Anubis.

Then Teagan got ticked off, open that can o' whoop ass and scored two points in a row! But that's not all, she basically cornered Anubis and slashed right through his defense to bring the score 3-4 in her favor. Then she just totally dissed him! She dissed him and score that final point to take the match!!!

Teagan won the duel and is still Baroness of Old Temple!!!

All hail Teagan!!!!

As witnessed by the Imp-comparable Imp!

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OOC shtuff!

Anubis Karos		Teagan
1. SH			     CP
2. FSS			    TH
3. LC  			   FLP
4. HC			     FDK
5. FDK			    HC
6. FCP			    FSS
7. SH			     LC
8. FLP			    SL
9. TH			     FDIS

Teagan .def. Anubis Karos, 5-3 in 9 rounds
Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.
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