Black Fire

The revival of the dread Legion of Midnight takes place in RhyDin; a dark temple rising to honor Asmodeus, Grim Lord of the Nine Hells.

Moderators: Raevyx_Araya, Vitus Rustovich, Rhaine

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Black Fire

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

The walk to the Temple was taken without even a single upward glance, for he knew this route well enough to be able to walk it without paying attention to the path. His mind was elsewhere: “Have I been away for too long? Does anyone truly remember me for the person that I am or will I have to go through the motions of waiting for others to get over their prejudices towards the actions of my blood?” He kept the cowl of his hood pulled low over his head to shield his face from the howling wind that accompanied him on his walk up to the Temple.

Raevyx had spent many nights pondering these questions before returning to Rhy’Din but time would be the true judge of this, however, more important things needed to be dealt with. Whether or not she will admit it, something has happened to Rhaine and she feels the need for me to check on a few things for her. These things are apparently back in her study, a place where few go invited or not. Yet here he was, casually making his way towards the massive obsidian gates that adorned the entrance to His Temple. As per custom, a guard stepped up and confronted him, “Halt! What business do you have here at the Temple?” to which Raevyx simply dismissed with a wave of his hand. Adremalech, the Captain of the Temple Guard, had not formally met Raevyx and had until now, only seen paintings and tapestries in the Triumvirate Offices Wing of this founding leader. This new comer, whom he did not recognize, brazenly disrespected him would not be allowed to come any further towards the gates. “You will be struck down for your insolence and disrespect of His Temple rules.” With that said he reached for the amulet that he wore around his next and uttered a few commands into it. Silence is all that followed until it was broken by an extremely sinister laugh. Adremalech looked around to see if the golems had even moved and to his horror, they stood ever still. “I do believe that you are the one who has disrespected me. You do not recognize a member of the Triumvirate when you seem them? Surely you have been to the offices and seen the paintings and reliefs that adorn the walls. All three of us are immortalized there: Rhaine, Vitus, and I.” The Soulwalker then removed his hood, allowing his ebony skin, platinum white hair, and deep crimson eyes to come into full view of the now mortified Guard Captain which dropped to a knee and bowed before Raevyx. “Lord Raevyx!” He chuckled lightly as apologies spewed forth. “Stand and as you were Captain. I have been in the Underdark for quite a while and have only recently returned. So, your ignorance is excused.” With that he walked towards the gates which began to open immediately. “Shall I inform the others of your return sire or summon a …” Adremalech asked quickly. To which Raevyx replied even before he had finished. “Nay, I will find them or they me if we require one another’s counsel.” As he walked past the gates and into the Temple proper, the wind picked up and to the trained ear whispered, ‘welcome home’.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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Shadow of the Day

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

The Temple itself was rife with the living and for Raevyx this meant making his way about the complex would be even easier now. He focused his mind and grinned at an Initiate that just happened to walk past him and with gleam in his eye; Raevyx stepped into the Initiates soul and began to make his way towards the Triumvirate Offices. Several steps later, he was there and with Rhaine’s office in sight he simply strolled down the hall and up to the door. Now he had to remember what security measures she had placed on the door and office as a whole so as to not cause a real alarm in the Temple. He pondered a few moments then chuckled as he forced himself into a semi – invisible state, then walked through the obsidian. “That was easier than I remember.” He mused to himself. She must have enabled a feature to allow other members of the Triumvirate to pass.

“Now, where does she keep the Portal Security Logs?” he asked aloud as he carefully walked around her office. “Ah, there were are.” he grinned and made his way over to a wall with some technology that he had not seen before. “This has got to be them.” He sat down in a chair and looked at the bank of recording devices expertly labelled and arranged in the order that they were logged. “Hrmm … let us see who, or what has been using the portals” another grin crept across his face as he began to peruse the files. This task took several hours but and was extremely boring but, a pattern began to emerge about fifteen to seventeen days from the last recorded log. “Portal 12 has seen a lot of use lately … a planar being by the name of Ichius.” He continued to scroll through the logs finding even more references to this Ichius and Portal 12. Raevyx thought to himself, “Why has Ichius been going back to the nine hells so often, to G’fenvass no less? “ He nodded and looked around for something to take a few notes with. There were a few pieces of parchment near and a pen. Raevyx began to make a few notes to return to Rhaine with. “Ichius used Portal 12 numerous times to go to and from G’fenvass within the last fifteen to seventeen days.” He nodded as he rolled the parchment up and placed it in a small cylindrical pouch then proceeded to replaced all of the logs and headed out of Rhaines office the same way he got in. Rhaine will be interested in the activity.” He said to himself as he began looking for souls to step through.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann

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