
The revival of the dread Legion of Midnight takes place in RhyDin; a dark temple rising to honor Asmodeus, Grim Lord of the Nine Hells.

Moderators: Raevyx_Araya, Vitus Rustovich, Rhaine

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Post by Rhaine »

The return to the Temple was painful. This last assignment was definitely improbable. Winning alliance with Gurtzath, with his requirements?! maddening! She had certain suspicions about the origin of these claims. The great conqueror for some reason has been informed about both magic and technology they could utilize... How? Why? Who was the source of information? She has never brought any of mentari weapons into G'fenvass! Rhaine did her best to keep her face a cold mask as the Temple guards approached her.

"By the order of the Lord, you are under arrest."

Orders are not to be questioned. Rhaine landed softly, letting the stadowsteed find his own way. Black metal symbolic cuffs latched to her wrists, and immediately she felt the numbing pull inside her nerves. Her outer magic was blocked.

Tall, lean, priest wrapped in black cloak, approached her. Grin was twisting his thin lips

"Ichius," Rhaine spoke calmly. "What in the name of Nessus are the charges that led to such a hasty arrest?"
"You consider failure on an important assignment to be less than treason, dhoine-born?" he didn't even use her name now. "Be pleased you aren't charged with inobedience and resisting the authority"

The guards led her to the main worship hall. The cold dark beauty of the place was always so soothing - now it was a cruel laugh into her face. The Presence wasn't there. However three more ranking Baatezu priests were - comrades of Ichius. How odd.. Where was Raevyx? and why wasn't Vitus invited? None of the leading Triumvirate... Why didn't they bring the documented reports, those were always used as evidence...

A spear shaft hit her under her knees. The words of Baatorian language were spoken monotonously, emotionlessly - just right for the occasion, Rhaine grinned to herself. For some reason the verdict was brief and had no previous argumentation.

And the world went black before her eyes with pain, as her magic was taken.
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Post by Rhaine »

Cold stone slab was gradually draining warmth from her body. She was still in the soft silken official attire she had been wearing in G'fenvass, alone with the verdict resting heavily on her mind. Alliance with Gurtzath. The conquering hordes were truly a power not to be missed. However they needed to be directed to another continent, this raw power had to be tamed.

...She arrived in Conqueror's capital at dusk, and two of asmodean agents disguised as Gurtzath's honor guard led her to the Conqueror's chambers. The man seemed to have some Sidhe blood in him, judging by his appearance. Looking about thirty though from her sources she knew that he was well over fifty standard years old. Calculating, aggressive, intelligent. Rhaine greeted him with asmodean courtesy, gestures outlined by black elegance of silken sleeves.

"I have considered the information I have retrieved from your deathmage ambassador in the Tor'Illin city," Gurtzath spoke calmly. "It is quite unfortunate that he will no longer be at your service after interrogation. So I am quite aware that my progress troubles you."

"I would say, the progress of your forces makes us interested. Hardly troubled," she kept the confident look. "However we do consider it a good choice to seek agreement with you, instead of spending time and forces on testing your strength".

In her mind, she rushed through the background and information made available to her man in Tor'Illin. He was not within the inner circle, so there wouldn't be any info about the origins of the sudden rise of Asmodeus' faith.

"I know that you have excellent fortifications and military - I have heard that you capitolize on that. So I guess we would have little difficulty understanding each other"

"Hopefully. I can suggest better application of your efforts than wasting time on well-fortified borders. The Western Continent is quite worthy of attention, as well as our means of transportation, do you not think so? The land was united centuries ago, they have forgotten about resistance or conquest," she went on, suggesting more than she let out. Gurtzath listened, and the priestess noticed that he was a good listener - attentive but not overly drawn into the story.

"That is certainly worth consideration, High Priestess. Especially having the information about the borders your troops guard so well. Though I want more. Tomorrow I shall formulate my reverse offer. For now - rest."

He was taking time to think, so at least there would be more intelligent talking than wasting nerves on argument. Rhaine spent the night gathering reports and processing them. Next day's talk was more than unexpected. Gurtzath did accept the offer, but wanted the mentari technology, "guns shooting sunbeams to cut through stone" and biological immortality for himself, and was firm on that. Nothing could make him change his mind ...

WHERE DID HE GET THE IDEA? Her mind raced as her body was gradually covered with snow.[/i]
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- Samael
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Post by Rhaine »

Rhaine was sitting cross-legged on a large stone slab near the gates, her eyes were staring blankly in front of herself. black stone bracelet and silver ring with the diamond remained on her hands, but silver patterns were gone from her dress, as well as the ruby-and-hematite rank medallion. Snow wrapped around her, and slipped down from silk sleeves. She stirred and turned when she sensed Art's arrival. "What's next, Adremalech?"

Looking up at the shifter, her eyes remained still. As she heard his voice speaking her name, she made the corrections. "Art... I'm sorry, didn't notice you coming. "

"They took your sight for the trial. It is all right for now, love," she heard his another step. Standing up, she took an unsure step towards him, seeking to embrace him. Her moves were unsure, and in the move the soft cloak wrapped around her, allowed to see the base of her neck. The rune was now visible, and the once-blazing radiant pale blue gems were now dull as glass. Shifter's hands found her arms and pulled her in close, enveloping her in his presence. "I was wondering what had happened with you," that hand with her ring came up and combed through her hair, remembering the feel of it.
"Nothing unusual. I know I won't be found guilty, there's absolutely nothing they have against me," Rhaine said, though deep inside she could not be so sure.
"Well that's good at least. Just wish I knew what this was about, but you can't tell me and we can't discuss it. I know that much." His hand stroked through her hair gently, spreading warmth. "But, I won't leave your side."

"Thank you. I feared you'd not wish to see me without my magic," she said simply.

"You shouldn't have feared that. I've seen the true you, and love every aspect. We just need to be strong."

"It may get too long and tiring for you. Ichius has problems with dhoine-born having a high rank," Rhaine smiled, for a moment feeling all problems were insignificant. "I'm so happy you've come... Looks like the story goes in circles"

She was referring to the beginning of their acquaintance, when Artemus was blinded for a while. "At least you don't have to carry me. And you don't have to convince me that you mean no harm."
~There's an after to every now...
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- Samael
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Post by Rhaine »

Artemus had the tact to leave her alone for a while - or he had work at the Academy, either was the effect she needed. Rhaine never believed there was a place where she could be away from the Presence of her Lord, even in the mountains of Art's homeland, no matter how far they were from the Temple and from other places where followers of Asmodeus lived.

She knelt on the floor, sitting down in japanese-style position, and bowed her head. However, the traditional words of prayer did not leave her lips. They seemed... excessive. Was there any sense in repeating words of obedience and devotion when these were proven so many times? The effect of these words remained inside her even without repeating them. A feeling of being completely open filled her - painful joy of subversion to whatever was to come. Being confined to limits of dhoine, even worse, blinded dhoine, was an experience that exposed to her way too many flaws in herself.

My Lord and Master... My mind and soul are open, for I know Your justice. You have tested me, and I know I remained true to you. Would the current trial be another fight for Your gifts, for power and rank? Is it Your wish to throw me out of Your service, or just one of Your other officers seeking to be closer to Your hand?

I shall not repeat that I love to serve You - for You know that I have always served willingly, out of love but not out of fear, in any rank equally. I shall not weep for mercy for I know I will receive none. My soul and my life are in Your hand. Please allow me just to find justice, and to locate the information leak that could be threatening to our duty.

For there is nothing more I can ask for.... justice and knowledge...

Yes. The rest would depend on her.
~There's an after to every now...
an answer to every how...~
- Samael
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Post by Rhaine »

Finally getting the logs from Raevyx, she loaded them into databanks of tiny computer she used, and delved in the analysis. Ichius didn't bother to use portal as far away from the target as possible. Either he underestimated his victim, or... Was this a bait? Rhaine could hardly say. Attentive quasi-eyes focused on palm-size screen.

"Shall I interrupt you, g-ierre?" respectful tone of this voice she could recognize any time. Nae'Bris.
"You should not have come. If I am correct, Ichius would watch all those that had some personal reason of devotion to me"
"That he does. He is no fool. Although I could simply avoid his tracking. I used your portals with coding."

Nae'Bris stood silently, watching her, content smile curving his lips, as the priestess blinked, caught between scolding him for using dangerous portals and bursting out compliments to her bodyguard. A mix of admiration, relief and concern - that was delicious to see.

"I've done some investigating on my own, g-ierre. Gurtzath had interesting visitors before we even started planning your negotiations with him. Some Baatezu are hardly very good at disguises, and you did teach the agents well enough".

A stack of bloodstained parchment was dropped on the table. Rhaine looked at them, at first inattentively, but the first glance seemed to force her to read. The information was ripped out of Gurzath's officers. Nae'Bris lacked her own skill and refinement in such matters, but he was efficient. The officer was re-telling a conversation of the great Conqueror with a strange visitor, whose description was too peculiar for a mortal.

For a moment the priestess closed her eyes. Now Ichius is doomed. But why did such a strange feeling rise in her soul... why was intuition of a Crystal priest sending a warning?
~There's an after to every now...
an answer to every how...~
- Samael

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