Seaside Challenged! Damien not vs Cass!!!

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Seaside Challenged! Damien not vs Cass!!!

Post by DUEL Des »

Seaside Challenged! Damien not vs Cass!!!
October 10, 2007

You did read that right folks! What a night and Challenge this turned out to be. I should have known something was up when it was me, Tera Starfare of Westridge, that was asked to officiate this grand and glorious event over in the Duel of Swords that I don’t normally call for anymore. Well except for Challenges when asked. But still when I saw who all was there I reckon I should have been prepared for the unexpected but I wasn’t!

Before I could even ask for all the correct information from the Baron of Seaside, Damien and his Challenger, Cassius up piped none other than the current Overlord Cletus informing me in no uncertain terms that it would be himself and the Baron of Old Market, G that would be dueling. In other words folks the Overlord was testing Cass to see if he was worthy to Challenge his loyal Baron Damien. Renegade Baron G was stepping in on the Challenger Cass’ behalf basically proclaiming that he felt Cass was worthy to Challenge Damien and therefore G was willing to duel the Overlord to prove Cass was worthy.

So into the ring I put Overlord Cletus and Baron G to duel. I will say here that what I learned from this duel is there is a real good reason Cletus is the Overlord. I will also say that G has asked me not to print this duel in The Oracle with his name attached to it. The score of this duel was 5 - 0 Cletus in 5 rounds. Yeouch!

Then into the ring went Overlord Cletus to continue on with his test of worthiness of Cass. Round 1 had Cletus stepping around Cass’ thrust for a point. Round 2 Cass defended low and Cletus struck high for a point. In 3 Cletus defended high successfully for a point and I was having flashbacks of the last duel. The next round neither gained a point as both ducked down waaaaaay low. Then Cass was on the board as he defended himself low at the right time bringing the score to 3 - 1 so no shutout this go around for Cletus! The 6th round saw them both defending high but the Overlord’s was prettier although neither got points. 7 Cass ducked into a thrust which never fails to gain a wince from me and in 8 Cass got a strike in high when Cletus attempted a fancy disengage bringing the score to 4 - 2 Overlord’s favor. Round 9 was null for both as Cletus again fancy disengaged while Cass fancy sidestepped. But in 10 the Overlord emerged victorious with a thrust above the Challenger’s low cut for the win bringing this Challenge to an end at a score of 5-2 Cletus.

Congrats to the Overlord for a successful intercession!

Well tried both G and Cass!

((round by round will follow am just a tad busy right now. :) ))
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