A Challenge That Was a Bet Too!

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A Challenge That Was a Bet Too!

Post by DUEL Des »

A Challenge That Was a Bet Too!

Howdy folks! I did indeed officate while Vinny Challenged Anubis for the Opal, Firestar. I would be, Lady Tera Starfare of Westridge, has quite a ring to it when you say it out loud don't it folks?

Now this was not just any old regular type Challenge though on the night of September 17, 2007. Vinny and Anubis did make themselves a little side bet. Vinny was fighting for the honor of Erin you see because Anubis had collared her a while back and Vinny wanted her released if he won. Anubis had a t-shirt delivered that if he won he wanted Vinny to wear until the next Diamond Quest. The shirt was pure white with crimson letters on the front that read "Anubis' (I can't print that word)" and on the back it read "And Harris' (I can't print that word) on the Weekends Too!" Vinny did gulp but he Cowboyed up and said "Deal." and we had us a Challenge going on!

They got in the ring and Vinny nailed Anubis in the first round right handily for first blood even! Then they did some shifting around before in round 3 Anubis took Vinny downtown! Vinny came right back and kicked Anubis right out of the air though in round 4. In five Anubis got a solid punch in and we were tied back up this time at 2 - All. Round 6 was a fake out and neither got a point and low and behold in strolled Erin, her neck bare as the day she was born folks!!! Well except for that ribbon she was wearing around it that is. But there wasn't no collar on it no more.

In 7 of the first duel Vinny got in flip in and used an elbow for more blood and then in round 8 it was Anubis' turn to make a fake out work for him and they were tied again at 3 - All. Round 9 had all the action any hard core fan could delight in as they chopped and jabbed bringing us just that quick to SUDDEN DEATH!!!!!! Round 10 saw Vinny attempt a fake out but the Egyptian really did kick him for the final point and the win with a score of 5-4 Anubis in the first duel folks!

They didn't want a break so we started right in and Vinny again got in first by getting away from a jab! It was about this time that Vinny caught site of Erin drinking it up at the bar safe and sound folks along with several friends. Then it was Anubis' turn to block a jab and right after that he got in one! Round 4 Vinny's jab found it's target and we were again tied up at 2 - All. In 5 neither scored and in 6 Anubis faked out Vinny for a point! Round 7 saw a collision down low when both swept and brought the score to 4 - 3 in Anubis' favor. Round 8 saw a last fake out by the Opal holder for the win at 5 - 3 in two straight duels!

A couple of facts. This is Anubis' 7th consecutive successful defense of Firestar which ties him with the all time record holder for defenses of an Opal, Mur. He has decided to keep the Grace period this time folks.

Congrats to Anubis!

Well tried Vinny!

Round by round
Vinny: 1) jab
Vinny: 2) fancy duck
Vinny: 3) fancy armblock
Vinny: 4) spinkick
Vinny: 5) jumpkick
Vinny: 6) feint jab
Vinny: 7) flip
Vinny: 8) fancy dodge
Vinny: 9) chop
Vinny: 10) feint flip
Vinny: 1) fancy dodge
Vinny: 2) jab
Vinny: 3) snapkick
Vinny: 4) jab
Vinny: 5) feint flip
Vinny: 6) fancy duck
Vinny: 7) sweep
Vinny: 8) fancy dodge
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
2)Fancy dodge
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
4)Fancy leap
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
6)Feint flip
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
4)Feint jumpkick
Anubis Karos:
5)Feint flip
Anubis Karos:
6)Feint jumpkick
Anubis Karos:
Anubis Karos:
8)Feint flip
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Post by Harris »


Congrats on yet again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt just how much you truly suck. What do you have planned for an encore? Challenging Goon to a battle of wits?
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Post by G »

Harris wrote:Vince,

Congrats on yet again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt just how much you truly suck. What do you have planned for an encore? Challenging Goon to a battle of wits?
Be nice, Harry.

Goon's not that bad.
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Post by Sabastian GoldRaven »

the only doubt involved in this was how many or few points Vincent would score in the losing effort
Sabastian GoldRaven
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