Old Temple Challenge Results

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Old Temple Challenge Results

Post by DUEL Imp »

I wuz thur!!! Tha P'Imp wuz thur!!!!

You see, Horatio got some grant and he said "I'll challenge Rena!" Rena said "ok" so they met during my shift to see who would get Old Temple.

Rena dueled under the colors of ATR and DoD. Max was her second. Horatio was colorless, secondless and ladyless. Rena went for the best of three thing.

For the first duel both duelists were reeeeeeeeally careful, so careful that the match went on for 18 rounds!! Horatio scored three points early, and that's all he scored since Rena won the match 5-3.

On to duel two! This one was intense. Horatio was winning the match 4-0.5 by round six. Then Rena decided she was not gonna go down easy and brough the match to 4-4 after 10 rounds. Horatio then fancily stepped around her fancy circular parry and got the point to win the match!

Then came the biggie!! The duel that will decide who will be the new Baron of Old Temple! This was a very intense and close match. By round four the score was 2-2, then for the next two rounds Rena scored two points to bring the score to 4-2. By round eight the score is 4-4. Then Horatio went for the thrust that pinned Rena's low cut. Horatio got the point and the win!

All hail the new Baron of Old Temple!!!

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(( Play by play 

	Rena	  Horatio
1.	 LC	  LC
2.	 FCP	 FLP
3.	 LC	  SH
4.	 FLP	 LC
5.	 HC	  TH
6.	 CP	  FCP
7.	 LC	  TH
8.	 FDK	 FLP
9.	 LC	  LC
10.	HC	  HC
11.	FSS	 FSS
12.	LP	  HC
13.	SS	  TH
14.	LC	  LC
15.	FSS	 SH
16.	TH	  HC
17.	CP	  LC
18.	LP	  TH
Rena A Cronin .def. Horatio Macbeth, 5-3 in 18 rounds

	Rena	Horatio
1.	 HC	 HC
2.	 FSS	LC
3.	 LP	 HC
4.	 SS	 LC
5.	 LP	 FSS
6.	 HC	 TH
7.	 FLP	HC
8.	 FCP	LC
9.	 FLP	HC
10.	SS	 FCP
Horatio Macbeth .def. Rena A Cronin, 5-4 in 11 rounds

	Rena	Horatio
1.	TH	 FSS
3.	LC	 SL
4.	CP	 FDK
7.	HC	 FLP
9.	LC	 TH
Horatio Macbeth .def. Rena A Cronin, 5-4 in 9 rounds

I also wish to apologise for posting this so late. There was so much going on this past week preparing for Sunday that everything else slipped my mind.))
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Post by Gnimish Gnimoi »

I say foo to this!
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