Readying for a dark night

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Readying for a dark night

Post by Lothar Blacklance »

The sound of running men brought Lothar out of his slumber. He rolled to his left in the cot and rubbed the sleep out his eyes as he watched other members of the guard hurriedly grabbing up their gear.

"What's happening?" he asked even as he moved to rouse himself. He reached automatically for his boots and pulled them on.

One of the guards who had run in answered him. "Nobody's sure yet. Things are going crazy. There are reports of armed patrols, or gangs, roaming the streets and breaking into homes and killing people."

"What?!" Lothar was fully awake now. "Has anyone attacked the temple?"

"No, at least not yet. Osberic's screaming orders left and right. He's called in all the guard. He wants half of us at the temple and the other at the orphanage."

His tabard in place, Lothar grabbed up his swordbelt and strapped it on. "Who's taking charge?"

"Don't know yet. Osberic's already gone to the temple. I think he's taking charge there. He sent us to wake the barracks and then make for the orphanage at the run."

"What about the hospice?"

"So far, the only reports of trouble are in this district, or in Dockside. No one's reported any trouble across the river."

Lothar shook his head and then raked the room with a quick glance. "Alright, let's to it then. On me." As senior ranked guardsman in the room, Lothar took command and marched forcefully towards the doors. The other guardsmen fell in behind him and as a unit they moved with haste into the streets and ran to the orphanage.

They were not met with any opposition as they ran towards the orphanage near the south gate of the city, but they could hear screams ripping through the night. The men redoubled their pace, intent on reaching the orphanage before the screams of agony started coming from there.

As they gained the orphanage's grounds, Lothar split the men up. "Your four, take the east end. You six, the west end. We'll set up in the entrance hall and cover the front and back. Seal up the entrances. Nothing gets in that doesn't wear the guard uniform unless it's Zed or the high priestess herself."

Lothar took his contingent up into the front hall of the orphanage. A group of Acolytes and Accepted had collected there with a small gaggle of children that had been awakened by the screams. Terrified faces met the guardsmen. Lothar scowled. "Get the children back. Gather them all in the dining hall."

One of the Accepted started to speak, and then changed her mind. She turned and gestured furiously at the others. "As he said. Bring them all into the dining hall. And do it quickly." They ran, obeying the sister immediately.

A guardsman dashed down the hallway, joining them in the entranceway. "East end secure. We grabbed two more guardsman on duty here and barred the doors. Where do we post?"

Lothar thought about it for a moment. "We still don't know what's happening yet. Post two men on the roof. Post the rest outside the doors, with one man standing ready to play runner. At the first sign of trouble, return here and report."

The man saluted and dashed back down the hallway. A similar report came from the west end. Lothar assigned them in like manner and then deployed the men who remained near the entranceway. "Six of you in the dining hall with the children. Ten to cover the kitchens and back entrances. The rest of us will cover the main entrance."

Lothar picked out a man amongst his team. "You're runner. If things go bad, you leave us and return to the temple to report our situation to Osberic, or anyone else who's in charge."

The man saluted. "Yessir."

A voice near Lothar broke in with a dry chuckle. "Just like old times, eh Lothar?"

Lothar looked back at Jago, an old friend from his mercenary days and recent addition to the Phoenix Guard. "We'll see, Jago. We'll see."

They moved out of the front entrance, setting up position on the front steps and courtyard with weapons at the ready. Lothar peered out into the darkness searching for trouble and tried not to think about the people dying. Jago moved up next to him, automatically taking the part of his second...just like times gone before.

The Phoenix Guard stood ready, waiting for trouble. Ready to give their lives to protect the children of the orphanage. Jago muttered next to him, but Lothar couldn't make out the words. Perhaps it was a prayer. Lothar thought to himself, "maybe a prayer's not a bad idea."

Crossposted in The Streets.
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Post by Karen Wilder »

In an ancient, seemingly abandoned temple to gods long forgotten before the establishment of the city around it... in a chamber filled with artifacts of a race long dead... an unusual council of war was gathered. A girl, no more than twelve... an old man dressed in begger's rags and wearing an elaborate ruby encrusted crown of gold... a younger man, well dressed, with a lute strung 'cross his back... a teenaged lad, wearing the robes of an arch-magi... And at the head of the table, center of all their attention, a boy of no more than eight with a serious mien and the aura of a dangerous beast.

"We've got to do something, Lucien! People are dying out there!" said the girl.

""Even we beggars did not see this coming so soon. Many of my guild have fled to their hidey-holes." said the old man. "The doors to the Great Church remain closed, though as of yet the Myr'Khul soldiers have not attacked those huddled in front of those doors."

The boy nodded to the Beggar King, seemingly ignoring the girl for now. "What help can we expect?" he asked.

The bard shrugged. "This dinnae be the kind of thing that the Truthseekers can help with." He bent over the map on the table they stood around. "Fortune be with us in some respects, however." He tapped a spot at the mouth of the river. "The Red Man is in the City with the Queen of Cats. They're at the Crooked Hook visiting The Defender."

The young arch-mage frowned as he made his own report. "The Silver Elfs have again refused to get involved in anything save for protecting The Commander..." he pointed to a spot on the northwestern corner of the map. "and she is at the Manor in Seaside."

The girl slammed her palms on the table angrily. "Why are we just standing around talking?!? We should be out there helping people!"

"Be still, Mary. We need to know what is going on before we can know where we will be of the most help." said the boy, his voice dangerously flat.

There was a tap on the door and a man dressed in the bright colours of a street performer opened it. At a beaconing gesture from the bard, he came in and handed a note to the bard.

The bard read the note quickly and sighed. "My people say that The Watch are fortifying the three bridges, but they are clearly not preparing to enter the Old Temple District." He crushed the note in his hand angrily. "At least they are not turning away anyone who seeks to flee, but they are discouraging anyone from going into the District."

"Bloody cowards." muttered the young arch-mage. "That all but cuts off The Commander and the troops with her."

Mary shook her head, a bit calmer now. "No... I think Lady Wilder will be able to convince at least the Watchmen at the West Bridge to move in with her."

The boy nodded. "Indeed. The Commander has a lot of sway with most members of The Watch."

The Beggar-King touched the edge of his crown and closed his eyes. Everyone went silent for a moment, all their attention on him.

After a moment the Beggar-King opened his eyes with a look of near-defeat. "The Phoenix Guard have moved, but they only stand guard over their Temple and the Orphanage" He splayed his hand over nearly a fourth of the city map. "If the Hospitalatiers do not step forth and the Phoenix Guard stays out of this, then the entire northern half of the District is surely lost."

The boy nodded slowly. "Lucien..." said Mary, quietly... her hand reaching over to touch his.

Lucien reached over and took her hand firmly. "All right Mary..." he said with a small smile. "Thorgrin, head to Badside and make your way to The Hook. Get some sailors to help you guard that area and start building a safe area. Tell The Red Man and The Defender to move into the District and do what they can. Those two opperate best alone."

The bard nodded thoughtfully. "I'll keep The Queen of Cats with me..."

Lucien interrupted him quickly. "No, send The Queen of Cats to the West Bridge. The Commander will need the information only she can gather." The bard nodded again, agreeing with that plan. Lucien then looked over at the Beggar-King. "Take the secret passage into the Great Church," he held up his free hand to forstall the objection the older man was about to make. "Seal the tunnel behind you... I'd rather the chance of getting the Hospitalatiers involved than keeping the passage available."

"And I?" asked the young arch-mage.

"You, Mary and I will take what fighters we have left and take the passage to the Library." replied Lucien. He tapped the location of the Library on the map, then slid his fingers to the central bridge. "Mary will take three fighters and head for the Center Bridge"

"But..." Mary started to disagree, but Lucien squeezed her hand and shook his head. "Your magical skills are not suited for this type of battle. You'd be better help getting the Guard to move slowly in force into the District."

Mary sighed and nodded, and Lucien continued. "Don't worry, I don't plan on any stupid heroics." He trailed his finger across the map to the Temple of Divine Light. "Caladyn and I will make noise and attract attention, getting as many of the Myr'Khul soldiers as will follow to chase us to here."

The young arch-mage grinned as Lucien stood back from the map. "So, if the Phoenix Guard won't come out to fight with us... we'll bring the fight to them, is that the idea?"

Lucien nodded. "Something like that, at any rate. We can't force our way in, but I have hopes that seeing the ravening beasts charging thier Temple will get them to strike out at least." The others nodded as he continued. "That will likely cause the Myr'Khul soldiers to attack in earnest and get the Phoenix Guard involved." He then pointed over to the Catholic Church. "We'll then head for The Church Gate. If the Hospitalatiers haven't moved out by then, we'll gather anyone still outside the Great Doors and push for the East Bridge."

"What about the Templars?" asked the bard.

Lucien chuckled. "Our best bet will be to stay out of the way of the Templars. They'll be busy securing the southern half of the District, and once The Commander arrives they'll likely be moving in force on the Temple of Myr'Khul. Now let's go!"

The group nodded and began heading for the door... and the danger above.

(cross-posted in "The Streets")
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Post by Brother Zed »

As the cries of death began, reports began to flow into the chambers of Brother Zed. He summoned Brother Osberic and reviewed the reports spread across his desk. When Osberic arrived he was ushered in immediately.

Zed began without preamble, "You've heard?"

"Yes. The reports have been coming in for a few minutes now. The patrols in the streets are reporting chaos."

Zed rose from his desk and moved across the chamber to a large picture window that had a view of the temple grounds. "Tell me. Do the reports say who or what is being attacked?"

Zed could see the brother in the reflection of the window. Osberic's posture was taut as a wire, he was ready for action. Zed remained passive and relaxed, hands clasped behind his back, his attention seemingly on the temple grounds.

The commandant of the guard answered, "It's unclear at this time. We don't know how many are being attacked, nor what size the attacking forces are. We've had reports of groups of armed men, or possibly vampires, breaking into homes..."

Zed interrupted him, "whose homes?"

Osberic thought for a moment, "We don't have enough information yet to assess that. The attacks do seem organized. There's a methodicalness to it that suggests planning."

"I see."

Osberic hesitated unsure whether to continue his report.

Zed allowed the silence to continue for a span of time, letting Osberic's tension increase. Finally, the priest inquired, "your assessment?"

The tension flowed out of Osberic with his words. "Until we know more we should fortify our positions. Recall the off-duty guardsmen. Ensure the safety of the temple and the high priestess."

The senior brother nodded his agreement. "The defenses of the temple itself are strong. Brother Vincent's efforts have helped ensure that." Zed turned from the window and looked at the soldier-turned-brother. "Split the guardsmen. Leave half here to fortify the temple's defenses. Send the rest to protect the orphanage. Until we know more about who's being attacked, why they are being attacked, and who the attacking forces are, the temple is best served by protecting the White Lady's own."

Brother Osberic nodded his assent, "as the White Lady wills."

Zed nodded his head in return, "as the White Lady wills." He gestured to his attendant. "Show Brother Osberic out. He has the guard to deploy. Continue to bring me reports as they arrive."

As Osberic hurried out to return to the Phoenix Guard barracks, Zed continued his directions to his attendant. "Send out word to the followers of the White Lady. The district is too large to protect them in their homes. Inform them that the temple's grounds are open and that all who seek safety and shelter should come here."

The Accepted wrote furiously and then looked up. "And the non-believers, Brother Zed?"

Zed pondered that for a long moment. Yes. Yes, that might serve the White Lady's wishes very well. "Send out the word. All those who seek refuge on this night of blood and chaos may find it at the temple. We will shield all those who seek the White Lady's protection."

The attendant scurried away to follow the brother's directives. Zed turned to look out the picture window again. The temple grounds were quiet and peaceful. Shielded behind the walls of the temple, the screams of the dying could not be heard.

Zed returned to his desk and thumbed an intercom button. Sister Naomi had been woken from her sleep and was at her desk. She answered the buzz. "Yes, Brother Zed, how may I serve?"

"Sister, we are soon to open our doors to those who seek refuge. However, it occurs to me that we should be cautious even in our generosity. Alert the guard at the door. The refugees are to be escorted into the Hall of Initiates, and should be asked to remain there...for their own safety. Instruct them that it would be unwise to wander the temple's grounds, as our defenses might misinterpret their presence. Also, ask that any who seek refuge with us to please surrender their weapons. It would be unfortunate if we inadvertantly allowed armed killers into the Hall of Initiates to continue their bloody night's work."

Cross-posted in the Streets
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Post by Dimitri »

Dimitri had been close to the Temple when he heard all of the commotion. He ran towards the temple looking around he say Lothar of the pheonix guard.

"what is going on here. what is happening" Dimitri demanded an explaination to this.

He looked again at the guards assembled.
Dimitri Locherin. Azillian guard, former Commander of the Huor Ar-Feiniel Battalion.
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Post by Lothar Blacklance »

"What is going on here? What is happening?"

Lothar heard the inquiry yelled by Dimitri as his troop was departing the barracks and heading past the temple on their way to the orphanage. With little time to spare, Lothar paused and called back. "Osberic's called out the guard. Grab your gear! Report to the temple or join us at orphanage!"

With no more time to spend on explanation, Lothar dashed to catch up with the rest of the guard.
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To arms

Post by Dimitri »

Dimitri layed his hand flat on the ground and spoke in elvish. Suddenly the ground parted and from the hole appeared two elvish swords and dark green armor. With in a few seconds the armor was strapped to dimitri and the two swords glowed ready for battle. As he put the armor on the colors changed from the colors of Azilla. To white the colors of the Temple.

"lothar you need to explain to me what else is going on. You know more!"

Dimitri followed the commander with ease with the rest of the guard to the orphanage. His usual bright golden eyes grew the darker color of amber a very very dull glow emitted from them as he heard screams in the distance.
Dimitri Locherin. Azillian guard, former Commander of the Huor Ar-Feiniel Battalion.
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Post by Lothar Blacklance »

"Lothar you need to explain to me what else is going on. You know more!"

Lothar answered as best he could while maintaining a forced run to the orphanage. "You can't hear the screams? You know about as much ... as we do. Some force ... is attacking people and homes in the district. Osberic wants the guard ... to protect the orphanage ... and the temple itself ... until we know better what's going on."

As the troop came into view of the orphanage, Lothar added, "we've been assigned to the orphanage, ... so protect it is what we're going to do ... until given different orders."
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Post by Vinny »

Much to the surprise of his fellow brothers and sisters, as well as the troop that was almost at the orphanage, Vincent was already there waiting for them, as he just appeared at the front gates. The troop had no way of knowing, but this occurance was happening in several places simultaniously throughout the district, including the main Temple. He gave the group a nod, welcoming their presence.

"Glad to see someone's finally come out here. I'm going to need you all take up devensive positions, and should things get difficult, you are to let me know immediately. As for the current moment, I think the orphanage is not the target. But that may change anytime. Madness tends to not be predictable."

He looked up in the sky, gazing off into space for a moment. To say he was distracted was an understatement. Juggling the sheer amount of sensory information flowing into him from so many places at once was not only threatening to overload him, it was giving him a bugger of a headache and the urge to consume large amounts of ice cream. He did manage to pull himself together long enough to give a few more orders though.

"For those of you who've never seen me do this before, I'm not only here, but at the temple and in several other places throughout the district. It is extremely important that I maintain concentration at all times, so keep the questions to a minimum and don't be surprised if I don't answer at all. If our troops need help, I may just disappear completely. Should this happen, I'll be back as soon as I can. Fear not, for the White Lady protects us all and as her Knight-Magus, I will ensure that nothing happens to us, no matter what the cost."

And then that far away look came back to his face as he watched everything unfold, seeing all and wondering just what was going to happen next.
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Post by Lothar Blacklance »

The presence of Brother Vincent at the orphanage was a surprise, but not one that had changed Lothar's directions to the men. Spread out to cover the entrances, the Phoenix Guard stayed at the ready, waiting for whatever trouble might come their way.

When trouble did come, it was in the form of a mass of heavily armed death knights wearing the markings of Myr'Khul. Lothar tightened his grip upon his blade and made ready for battle. He signaled his men to prepare for action. Many of the death knights held torches and appeared ready to assault the orphanage.

Among them Lothar spotted a figure that might be their captain. Those that were near him appeared to defer to him, or perhaps even avoid him. From the distance Lothar could tell something was wrong with his arm. It appeared to move in a boneless manner.

Jago, still standing nearby, spoke quietly, "what are they waiting for?"

"I don't know. The one there," and Lothar gestured with his sword, "appears to be saying something to them."

A wave of something--disappointment?--seemed to sweep though the death knights. "Stand ready!" Lothar hissed to his men.

And then, much to Lothar's amazement, the death knights turned northward and moved away, disappearing into the shadows.

"What happened?" The surprise in Jago's voice was mirrored in Lothar.

What did happen? Why did they turn away? Was it a trick?

It seemed unlikely they had turned back just because they saw the Phoenix Guard. The death knights had outnumbered them based on Lothar's quick assessment.

"Spread the word. The enemy turned away, but the men are to stay at their posts. We don't know why they left, and we don't know if they will return. Our mission stays the same." Lothar looked back at Jago. "Find the runner. Send him..." Lothar paused. He was about to send the runner to the temple to report what had happened to Osberic. Lothar had another idea instead. "Send him to find Brother Vincent. Let him know what happened if he didn't see. If he really is in multiple places as he said, then he can spread the word more quickly than we could."

"Should we go after them?" One of the men inquired. The hesitance in his voice was obvious.

"No. We were given our orders. Until we get orders otherwise, our mission continues to be protecting the orphanage."

Not all of the men were content with that answer, and grumbled. Lothar could empathize with them. Standing guard while chaos erupted within the city around them felt...wrong. A need for action was within them.

Lothar assured his men that their chance would come, then tightened his grip on his sword and peered out into the troubled district and wondered if what he said was true.

Crossposted in The Streets
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Post by Karen Wilder »

(Cross-posting the relevant sections from The Streets.)

As the Templar's First Division Infantry approached the South Gate, men spotted a large force moving north from the Orphanage. "Could that be the Phoenix Guard, sir?" asked one of the Sargents.

"Doubtful." replied Division-Commander Fredricks. "They're not marching with torches, or any other lightsource." The Templars themselves carried lightstones... enchanted to shed heatless light for a few hours and given to random soldiers in the unit, they provided light for the men that could be easily dropped... to prevent those men from being targetted by the enemy.

Fredricks raised his voice. We may have to face the possibility that the Orphanage was razed. Steel your hearts, men... and forward!"

The infantry increased their pace, dreading what might be awaiting them as they came into view of the Orphanage.


Lucien and Caladyn harried the forces of Myr'Khul in the area surrounding the Library. The Mage was careful to underplay his magickal prowess, and the apparent youth of the pair helped to increase their appearance of vulnerability. Soon, they found themselves nearly surrounded. "I do believe that we have gotten their attention, Lucien." said Caladyn, nervously eyeing the slowly encroaching enemies.

"Then I guess we'd better run." replied Lucien with a grin.

The two young men ran east, heading directly for the Temple of Divine Light, barely visible over the rooftops of the nearby buildings. Suddenly, a Vampire appeared in their path, it's fangs and claws covered in blood and gore.

"Hand!" yelled Lucien, quickly grabbing out for Caladyn. Then, the Vampire struck, grasping Lucien's shoulder. Just then, Caladyn grasped Lucien's hand... and Lucien's terrible power took hold. Days, Months, Years... time and age were wrenched from the Vampire and coursed into Lucien. And from him, those years poured into the shard of the Dragon's Soul inside Caladyn.

"What is this?!?" cried the Vampire, feeling it's power draining away. "What are you?!?"

Lucien grinned a terrible grin at the Vampire. "Je suis la Propre Main du Roi de Mort." he said, and suddenly he released his foe. "And now you are prey."

The once-Vampire cried out in fear... once more a mortal man.

Pushing him aside, Lucien and Caladyn resumed their run for the Temple of Divine Light, pursued by the forces of Myr'Khul.
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Post by Brother Zed »

It was evident now that it was the Catholics that had been targeted by the followers of Myr'Khul.

Brother Zed watched as those seeking refuge trickled in. Some were Catholic. Some were not. Of the Catholics, some perhaps sought shelter here because they felt their own church would be under attack. Others perhaps chose the temple because it was closer to their homes.

Regardless of their reasons, the followers of the White Lady allowed them entrance and escorted them into the Hall of Initiates (disarmed, of course). Warm blankets and bowls of hot soup were distributed among them by the Initiates who tended to them. The Accepted organized the details, keeping things calm and under control.

Despite the warnings, at least one refugee had attempted to leave the Hall of Initiates and explore the temple grounds. The guard eventually discovered his body and reported the incident to Brother Osberic, who had reported it to him. A reminder was passed to the Accepted to be watchful and to stress that their guests should not stray from the safety of the hall.

The guard remained vigilant, watching the streets for trouble. Thus far, no armed forces had approached the temple. Based upon the reports from the orphanage, no attacks had transpired there as well, although there was the report about the forces of Myr'Khul approaching the orphanage and then turning away.

Brother Zed sipped at his tea and watched the early morning skies as the wyverns arrived.

Cross-posted in the Streets
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Post by Karen Wilder »

As Lucien and Caladyn approached the Temple of Divine Light, the young mage cast a spell. "What is that spell, again?" asked Lucien.

"It's a spell of Insignificance. It makes people overlook us in favor of more important things." Caladyn replied.

"And it won't affect the guys chasing us?" pressed Lucien, as the Temple came into view at the end of the street.

"Of course not. I've attuned the spell so that it doesn't effect the undead. Besides, with all the Anger spells I've been casting at them, I'm not sure I could lose them with so minor a spell."

When they were only a few dozen feet away, prepared two more spells. "This is it..." he cast the first and eerie blue flames erupted from the cobblestones all along the street. Then he and Lucien quickly turned aside to a narrow inlet between the last two buildings along the street. Just as they squeezed in, he cast his second spell upon a cobblestone just outside the gates of the Temple of Divine Light.

"I hope this works..." whispered Lucien, as he put on a pair of delicate-seeming white gloves.

"Of course it will work... I'm a master as this sort of thing." replied Caladyn in a smug whisper.

The flames died down quickly, having served their purpose in both attracting attention to the street and distracting anyone from noticing Lucien and Caladyn. The second spell was an illusion only visible to the undead... an image of the two young men calling out for a counterattack by the soldiers inside the Temple.

The entire trap wouldn't last very long, but Lucien hoped that by the time the Undead knew what had happened that the people in the Temple would think themselves under attack... and counter-attack for real.
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Post by Alia Anor Graham »

The city was in chaos as running footsteps could be heard through out the Temple. The confusion was multiplied as I made my way from the Temple to the Orphanage where things had just begun to function. We had implemented a staff and made the basic purchases to begin taking in the city’s orphans, and now the rumors of attacks and the panicking people of the city were threatening all of the work I had begun.

There was no time to check on the Hospice, I would have to trust that they had locked the doors and brought in enough of the Temple’s warriors to protect them from the marauding that had begun.

I made my way through the back streets to the orphanage and found the doors locked and barred. At least they had had the sense to do that, but they had not protected against magic, and I made my way inside to find the small staff hiding in the biggest office in the structure. Dumb, just dumb. This would be the very first place anyone would check for inhabitants.

I moved them into the attic of the building. From there they could see what was happening outside without being seen, and if needed, they could escape the building across the roof of the neighboring structure. From here they were not as trapped in the event of this madness arriving on their door step.

I left Brother Philip in charge, and bade him contact me if the masses moved against the orphanage. He has some magical skills, and that made him valuable with the others. Perhaps it is a good thing that we do not have any children here just yet.

I made my way back to the streets and headed for the Temple. From what I could see, the attacks had not come to the Temple doors yet, but there was a madness in the streets that I could not explain. I made my way toward Brother Zed. Perhaps now I should resume my duties with weapons, but that would be his preview and decision.

I paused before his doors, straightening my robes and assuming an air of calm before knocking for entrance.
Alia Anor Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Godric Morganwulf »

Morganwulf grew wroth when he saw a small force of soldiers give chase to a pair of figures. What were they thinking departing from their assigned mission? Had one of Morganwulf's units broken away like that, he would have immediately inflicted a Word of Pain upon them. Instead, he watched as the force was led away. Morganwulf guessed there were spells involved. As the chase continued, the still-living among them grew confused and appeared to lose sight of their target. The living soldiers mostly began to fall away, while the undead among them continued to give chase.

Using the scrying capabilities of his helm to chart their course, Morganwulf saw the Temple of Divine Light intersect with their path. Curious. Was that their objective? To lure the forces of Myr'Khul near to the temple? What game did they play? Hidden forces were in motion. A gambit was being put forward.

There was a flash of fire near the entrance of the temple and the two figures disappeared. It was not clear what had transpired. Morganwulf slowed as he watched the scene play out. His fingers drummed along the hilt of his new sword. He could feel its hunger even sheathed as it was at the moment.

The unit of Myr'Khul soldiers came into view, and just as they did Morganwulf could see their commander taking action. The black enameled armor that protected them was engulfed in dark energy. The soldiers writhed in pain and agony, their run brought to an abrupt halt. Then they fell dead, still several yards from the steps of the Temple of Divine Light.

An interesting gambit. Played by whose hand, he wondered? More importantly, why? Was it a ploy to trick the temple into action? To give them an excuse to join the conflict?

Morganwulf slowed his horse, a massive and powerful beast of midnight coloration and angry eyes. He pulled it with stern control into a turn and spoke to his second. "Remind the men that the compact is not to be broken. Any man who dares to strike at the Temple of Divine Light, or those under its protection, will suffer the tender mercies of Myr'Khul."
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Brother Zed
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Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:16 am

Post by Brother Zed »

"We got lucky this time. This could've easily gotten out of control. Just to make sure nothing like this happens again, I'm pulling in most of my outside surveilance and keeping my attentions limited to Temple grounds as much as possible. If they show up again, I'll know immediately."

Zed listened intently to the report from Brother Vincent. He pondered for a moment and then agreed with Vincent's plan. "Yes, please do focus your attentions upon the Temple. The high priestess and the temple must be protected."

Brother Vincent was never one to dally and was soon off to attend to other matters, leaving Brother Zed to contemplate the situation. "An interesting development..." He stood staring into the great fireplace in his office chambers for some time before calling for Sister Naomi. "It is good that Brother Vincent has not yet taken any retributive action against them, thus keeping the terms of his treaty intact."

When she had arrived, he turned away from the fire and returned to his desk. As he settled himself, he took up his cup of tea and sipped at it before speaking. "It would seem a hand has been played that may work to our advantage." Zed held his cup poised above his desk while he mused. "They would rather dupe us into action than actually ask for our help."

Zed set down the cup of tea and focused upon his aide. "Have word leaked to the press, the local cryer, whomever might be following these events...let them know about the ploy that was enacted here, and about our shock and outrage that a church of such noble motives might be involved in such a duplicitous action.

"Further, when asked for a direct statement on the events, give this answer...The Temple of Divine Light is shocked and saddened by the ongoing conflict that leaves innocent blood upon our city streets. We will continue to offer safe haven to any and all who reject the senseless violence taking place. Most especially, we will continue to embrace the lost and frightened children of the Catholic church who need comfort and protection in this dark time. Any who come to us seeking protection, and who renounce the schemings and dark intentions of those who would conspire to enlarge the conflict, shall find it here."

Zed paused for a moment, causing Sister Naomi to look up from her tablet. "With regard to the incident here at the very steps of our sacred temple, we are relieved and comforted that through the vigilance of our Phoenix Guard and Brother Vincent we have thus far avoided any blood being spilled on our temple grounds. Brother Vincent was shocked and saddened, as are we all, to discover a ploy which appears to implicate the Templars and/or the Catholic church in a plan to trick the Temple of Divine Light into conflict with the Temple of Myr'Khul. We would hope that these allegations will prove to be false upon investigation, and that our sister church would not engage in so nefarious a plan. We hope that those conspirators who would seek to enlarge the conflict and increase the bloodshed will be turned over to the proper authorities that justice might be sought.

"In the meantime, the Temple of Divine Light will continue to remain neutral in this matter. We will continue to offer haven to any and all that choose to reject violence except in self defense. And it is our fondest hope that our sister church will be proven innocent of the terrible allegations that they have sought to orchestrate further violence. We are sure that if any in our sister church are complicit in this terrible conspiracy, the Catholic church will be quick to condemn and disavow them and purge them from their ranks to face justice."

Zed nodded to Naomi. "Also, please have the security tapes that recorded the event made available to the press to show Brother Vincent's shock and surprise at the near incident. Hopefully, the record of the revealed persons on the tapes will aid in the perpetrators of this ploy being brought to swift justice once the hostilities on the streets have run their course."

Cross-posted in the Streets

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