Ghosts from the Past

RhyDin home of the sorceress from Nitesong.

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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Waking in the late morn, rather uncharacteristic for such an early riser, I found him standing on the private balcony--feet shoulder width, hands clasped behind his back, head and eyes forward--a soldier at ease.

“Ye've slept late this mornin', love.” His voice was calm in the late morning sunlight, as I stepped behind him to wrap my arms round his waist, pressing my forehead firmly against the back of his shoulders to block out the familiar morning discomfort. “I haff been thinkin', since ye slept early this morn. Thinkin' an' continuin' tae read--tae read from all these tomes from a dozen philosophically inclined worlds. Ye asked me what I'll be love, an' I haff nah giffen ye a straightforward answer. I haff been seekin' th' answer for some time--e'en afore 'briel called me an angel.” turning slowly, his amethyst gaze intent on the sunlight reflecting in my silvery eyes, his voice low and firm. “Ye know what I'll be becomin' m'love. 'tis plain in all o' these writin's I haff left strewn about. 'tis plain in what Chys has told ye. 'tis plain in th' drama that has been mine life. I will be here what I haff been in th' Flux--but nae longer playin' at God under unrightful pretense. I'll be reclaimin' what was once mine--reborn tae what I was. Because I am nah whole, I can nah e'en remember what that is--what that means.” Sweeping his hand toward the books laid out on the balcony's table. “Creator, group consciousness, racial memory, god, messiah--call 't what ye will--but 't is where I came from an' tae where I shall return. An' 't is up tae you, m'love, tae decide if ye'll haff me or nae--for I haff said I am yours sae long as ye desire 't. If this coming change proves too much, ye haff but tae say as much an' I will be gone--save th' one that grows within ye now. But as long as ye choose tae haff me love, I will be here at your side--where I choose tae be o'er all th' infinite universe I haff known. Ye are th' truth I haff sought for sae long, an' I will nah part from ye e'er.” It is difficult to tell if he desired an answer or not, he continued to gaze upon my uplifted face. “Th' child is anxious, showin' 'ts mixed heritage already--'twill come healthy an' hale midday on th' solar solstice--less than six months from now.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

I awakening well past my normal time, the sun more than half way toward it's zenith, I caught sight of Uly standing on the balcony overlooking the fountain, the distinct impression of a warrior deep in thought permeated his stance.

I climbed gingerly from the bed, and approached him from behind, wrapping my arms around him and rested my head against the solidity of his back and shoulders. He seemed to be expecting me as his voice, low and measured, reaches my still half asleep brain.

“Aye love.... th' nite was long..”.. a shiver rippled through me at the memories of the dream that he knew all about.

As he talked about his studies and the thinking he has done, the haze of sleep vanishes.

Another shiver ripples through my body, at last, the answer to a question I am not sure I wanted confirmed. The implications of what he would be having become completely overwhelming. My gaze lifted to his face, I cannot fathom whether he wished a reply or not... and in truth... I know not how to answer him if he did.

“Uly” my voice was soft and vaguely uncertain, “I haff loved an' adored ye knowin' ye were nae 'uman. I haff known ye were nae man fer a long time... I cannae say love 'ow much ye mean tae me, fer mine 'eart wouldst break shouldst ye leave me. I must needs confess howeffer, that I know nae how tae please such as ye an' what ye're becomin'. I am mortal... an' I shall make mistakes aplenty. Can ye live wi' such as me? Mine failin's an' shortcomin's?”

My tremulous smile greeted his as he commented about the child of our creation, and it's health are confirmed to me. “th' solar solstice.... a most fortuitous day indeed. Dae ye haff a name in mind love? I haff one if 't ist a female sorceress... thou' I haff nae idea fer other's... th' Godparents be most excited... an' shall most likely spoil our child b'yond redemption as there be nae grandparents.”

stepping up onto my toes, I placed a soft kiss against his lips. “Love... we haff one th' oother nae... let us enjoy this time we dae share... fer in time soon enou'... my circle 'ere shall end... I'd haff th' joys an' comfort of our love if ye'll share such wi' me.”

His words of reassurance echod in my thoughts, and I wondered why I had been so blessed... and yet, I am frightened. “To know what you will become is intimidating. To know that I love an essence as powerful as the Goddess I have revered and lived in awe of my whole life... is it possible for me to be a good Lifemate to such? Goddess knows, I hope it is possible.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Uly had lain awake all morn. Holding me, contemplating what answers he'll have to give when dawn comes, knowing the future will arrive as expected and struggling with how to explain it. There is a disturbance in our bound lifethreads--a crimson hue to the starfyre brand--and for the first time in many weeks fear rose from deep inside. With the speed of dreams I awoke screaming.

“'lais, 'lais, 'tis a'right m'love.” His arms were solid and real around me. “Tell me 'boot 't, love.” He listened to the words of the eerie landscape and knowing this is partly his own doing. “ Daemonbane, th' Vortex Uly an' a land o' lost' 't has been hauntin' ye how long, m'love?” His mind raced through possibilities...could there be a connection? Could he be seeking me through her, or has her mind made the association of its own accord? The decision comes too easily, another journey to the Vortex--even at the risk of sabotaging the Ascension of Harmony.

“Rest, m'love. Ye will be safe...I promise.” He reached through the binding of our lifethreads, pulling me into the Flux...where the dreams were his to control, beyond the reach of death and nitemares. An opportunity to commune with our unborn child.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Images shift to Ulysses,

All morning he had walked about the dwelling in the near-black purple plasmesh armor of a Loyal Commander. His demeanor so much sterner than the norm; I was clearly surprised at the glinting curves of the high tech battlesuit.

“I'm sorrae tae nah haff warned ye, love. 'tis mine uniform when passin' through Jacynth as Harmony Commander these days.” I infered that the manner he had adopted was that which he exercised there as well.

Breakfast was early and fortifying...though difficult as usual for me in my condition. 'briel had followed him down from upstairs, troubled looks fleeting across her features--bringing curious expressions from Xyclone and I as to what words he may have had with her.

“We're off then.” As soon as breakfast was cleared and equipment gathered, we disappeared in a burst of amethyst light.

The rooms was stark. Metal alloys formed all sides of the cubicle and there was no furniture. ”I haff chosen tae bring us directly here...'tis a taskin' 'pon mine energies, but sae much faster than travelin' through th' gate 'pon th' Isle o' Tuatha de Draig.” Uly told us.

An imperceptible door opened on the farthest wall, and a tall battle-scarred warrior in plasmesh armor stepped through. “Harmony damn you, Ulysses, where the Zol have you been you half-witted half-breed?! With that she-cow floozy of yours again?” His hard gaze took in the three of us accompanying him. “And I suppose she's one of these two wenches? What the Zol do you think you're up to?! You said one male for the trip to Chultys--do you think I need this crap?”

Uly’s reaction was a wry smile. ”Aenaeus, this is Xyclone--th' one for th' Ritual. These are mine sister by Binding, Celebriel, and mine lifemate by Binding, Alais. Gentleman, ladies, this is mine second--Aenaeus. His bite is worse than his bark.” Aenaeus began to speak again; Uly cut him off. “That will be enough, Aenaeus. Take us tae Aggie.” He muttered, but obeyed.

The corridors of Jacynth gleamed with functionality. Not a space seemed to be wasted. Upon questions from each of us, Uly answered amiably while Aenaeus contributed the occasional derisive grunt. “Jacynth is a tech moon, giffen tae th' Exotics about th' time they developed interstellar travel. Th' race which contributed th' foundation for this industrial complex is reclusive and never revealed their reasons. Over five thousand starships service th' moon, and work is currently in progress tae further core 't and install artificial gravity and mass inducers. Ultimately I hope tae move th' entire unit through a Flux rift tae geosynchronous orbit o'er Rhydin. Aenaeus is Maireen, from th' sister planet tae Chultys. Jacynth orbits Chultys. Aggamemnon, whom ye will meet in a moment, is an Exotic--th' natives o' Chultys. Mine father was Maireen an' mine mother Exotic. I'm th' oonly crossbreed, sae Aeneaus delights in giffen me a verae hard time.”

We arrived in a room full of equipment. Hairless beings of ruddy-gold complexion move about like agitated children, reading monitors and adjusting settings like a perpetual motion machine. “These, are Exotics.” All of them offer polite smiles and curious gazes, but continue about the tasks at hand. “And that is Aggie.” One Exotic moves quickly across the room, all smiles and twinkling eyes. “Ah, Ulysses, I am so glad you have arrived at last. Word was sent ahead immediately upon your arrival, and three pods will be ready within an hour's time.”

“Good work, Aggie. This is Xyclone, th' primary subject. Celebriel an' Alais will assist us tae some degree. 'briel was Kindred an' can help us understand Xyclone more fully durin' th' Ritual. Alais is Sidhe and can help us more fully understand 'briel.” He cast an enigmatic smile aside to me. “Would ye care tae dae th' honors, Aggie?”

“Of course, Ulysses. The three of you will be placed in pods before being passed through the gate to Chultys. The pods are fully organic and will isolate you from disturbing the equilibrium of the planet. By allowing you to be physically in place on Chultys and in a state of sensory deprivation, we will be able to attune you to the planet much more effectively. This is experimental, of course, but the work is important for our future use of the bio-technology in the coming year. Are we pursuing with the other experiment as well, Ulysses?”

“Aye, we are, Aggie. 'briel here gave me th' idea some time ago.” Explaining to the three of us. “We'll be takin' Harmony out o' th' normal flow o' space-time-probability, not unlike th' manner in which some o' ye Kindred seem tae be able tae move. While we'll pass seven days on th' surface, oonly three will haff passed on Rhydin. 'tis a bit o' matrix manipulation I'm interested in seein'.”

Brief introductions are given to several of the Maireen and Exotic staff and an explanation of the gate technology which will deposit us on the planet below. Then the process of sealing the three of us within the pods. “Dae nah worry yeselves, I'll be personally accompanyin' ye. Now, if ye would all just remove clothin' an' artificial items an' step intae th' pods, we'll get started.” The pods look very much like large bananas...which is a source of amusement to all. “Alais an' 'briel, ye need nah remove th' rings--they sae tae speak.”

With the three of you secured, Uly and a crew of Maireens move the four of us through the gate to Chultys.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

The images fade to Jacynth, and all thru breakfast... which I picked at ineffectively, my gaze wandered to Uly and the strange and fearsome armor... something he calls *plasmesh*. His demeanor more rigid and formidable than ever before, and attributed to the need to be a Loyal Commander.... something he had questioned months ago if he still was... indeed.... the Loyal Commander was still there.... and a soft smile crossed my features.

Arrival on Jacynth was not what I had pictured.... the stark room full of metal alloys that confused my ability to *see*. A sense of dizziness at the reflection of my sorceries... which I had automatically used as a means to study my new surroundings.... was cut off by the voice of another.... a tall *man* in battered armour. His manner rude and insulting... I focused my attention on him.... bristling perceptibly at being called a *she-cow floozy*... and promptly forcing a calm as Uly introduced us to the ill-mannered Aenaeus. “ sae... this ist th' 'ard 'eaded toad in need o' a mithril 'ole in 'is gut.”

following to the next room, a veritable hive of activity by the Exotics.... Aggie's greeting so similar to Chys' I almost mistake her for the Exotic in whose company I had spent the past weeks.

pausing to give Uly a surprised look >ye neffer said I was tae go wi' ye tae Chultys love... I haff nae prepared fer such<

listening as Aggie explains about the pods... my gaze snapped up at the request to remove my starfyre ring... having said only force could remove it from my hand... I turn a questioning gaze on Uly. Upon his urging, the ring slips gently from my hand... but the feeling of being alone permeates my essence... and as the pod is sealed around me, a cold tremor runs down my spine... >alone<
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Images fade to night,

about my business in the dark hours before dawn, the ebon band upon my finger glowed blood red. A crimson surge echoes across the ley lines of space-time-probability. An amethyst burst jagged with golden light erupts through the sorcerous channels engulfing the blood tide of vengeance. In an instant the alien energies vanish. The ring remains, now white as bone. The binding remains as well--yet Uly has changed.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

The images blur into Nitesong, and Legend looked up suddenly as a young woman appeared at the crest of the hill unexpectedly.... this was hugely unexpected... the HIgh Priestess' morning walks had always been uninterrupted..... everyone knew that... and yet..... the young woman continued toward the ivory robed Druidess.

Her movements suggested that she had been seeking the High Priestess for some time... and as she came ever nearer...a sense of foreboding crept into Legend's thoughts.

“Pray tell me young lady... what brings you out this far from Nitesong?” the shadows of the High Priestess' hood kept her face in shadows.... but keen aqua eyes studied the stranger before her.

Listening to Chrisiant’s brief words... and glancing down at the missive she dropped onto her hands.... Legend offered her her thanks... and turned to walk deeper into the forest. The seal was one she had seen only once before... but she recognized it instantly.

She mutters, “and what do you want with me now Mr. Graham?” the muttered words did not hide her impatience with the troublesome man.

She read the announcement.... the High Priestess nearly uttered an oath profane, biting back the ascerbic thought quickly. Crumpling the parchment, tossing it into the air and disintegrating it with a quick flash of fire she expressed her ire.

She was speaking to no one in particular, “So... you mislead me Mr. Graham... you told me you were taking precautions against this... and now you announce to me that which we least had need of right now.... King Oberon's messenger can never know this.” The High Priestess considered what herbs would be needed... and continued into the woods in seach of them.

Some hours later... with most of the herbs collected... Legend paused beneath a great hickory tree... gazing up at the sky above her.... wondering if she could really do this thing. “Goddess... we desperately need the gift of an Heir... but is this child the Heir we need?”

No answer was forthcoming... and the afternoon sun crept lower into the sky.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

We were back on Chultys, and in that formlessness Celebriel floated, both protected, and terrifyingly exposed. And like importunate messengers, the memories came. Whether she would or no.

Sunlight on a little girl's hair, the two of them together, heads bowed over dolls. Her best friend, Larai, round blue eyes gleaming with the energy of the play. Her voice, so assured, so bossy. Already in charge, and well she knew it. "You're going to be a Sidhe when you grow up."

Awed, she was older. Did that give her the magic power of knowing? She had seen the Sidhe now and then ride through the village, or through some field in pursuit of game. Bright and beautiful and lordly. Terrifying creatures. "Am I? That doesn't sound so bad."

Larai’s laughter was sharp and ugly. "Sidhe have no souls. When you die, you'll be just like an animal. You'll just die. Forever."

The words entered Celebriel’s heart like broken glass, and festered there. She did not dare ask her father. He had forbidden her to ever discuss the Sidhe with him.

Larai left the schoolhouse that day, and never did return to play, though I saw her now and then in the village. I never asked her why. I suppose that exchange sheared our friendship off, neatly, cleanly. There was no room for goodbyes after.

A blur of minutinae, objects, thoughts. Her father's voice, oddly gentle as he lifted her up. A glimpse of his face as she clung like a triumphant monkey to the tallest branch on the old horse-chestnut tree. Punishments and rewards, his pleasure at my scholarship. Learning healing. Gaining strength and joy in that skill, so proud of it. Teaching others, and being taught. Sewing lessons.

His death hit me hard, coming as suddenly as it did. Bringing him his coffee, comfortable in the morning routine, I opened the study door. And there he was, on the rug, his face a terrible grey, breathing strangely. I put the tray down, and ran all the way to the neighbors, where they gave me the help I needed to get him into bed. Their son ran five miles to the nearest Healer's Temple.

He never really regained consciousness. He babbled, now and then, words of love for a woman who never really knew him. Bits and pieces of lessons, worries about the mounting bills. But as sense and speech slowly left him, he slipped further into a never-ending sleep, a twilight time. Medicines were of little use, the Healer had warned me that when the brain and the heart are both ill, it is hard indeed to find the strength to live again.

He died on a very rainy day. She waited outside as the women of the village prepared him for burial. There was indeed little time to wait and there was much to be done. I nodded to the men who'd gathered to help me in this task.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Legend’s image reformed, she stood against the hickory tree for a long time. Oblivious to the young woman who had trailed her since delivering the missive with it's news of the child.

Already collected were the Atter's Cap, mistle berries, and blood root. She had a plentiful supply of Foxglove for the digitalis in her store of herbs under the mountain. The only thing still lacking for the special tea was fresh willow bark. A large willow appropriate for her needs sat alongside the stream leading down to the harbor.

Rousing herself from idleness, she set off toward the willow. Passing several Ovates along the way, Legend kept her head bowed, as though in deep contemplation, knowing the Ovates would not intrude upon her solitude that way.

Stopping at the willow, drawing forth from her robes a sharp knife, sheathed in tan leather. The blade recurved slightly at the tip, and was only about 10 centimeters in length. It was ideally suited to the collection of herbs and such. Uttering a prayer of thanks to the willow before removing several slender strips of the precious bark, Legend completed her collection just as the sun began to drop into the horizon over the harbor.

Beginning the long walk back to the caves, Legend's heart weighed heavily upon her. A birth announcement should be met with great joy and celebrations, not with the creation of an abortifacient to be stealthily administered to an unwitting woman, undoubtedly enjoying this creation she deemed a gift. Alais would most likely never understand why this thing needed to be done...why such a child could never see the light of day. This had to be done for the defense of the Sidhe.

“Calleach's Bones! Why couldn't she have listened to me? Goddess..... this all should have been avoided!”

Legend's words echoed off the rocks around her as she gave voice to her frustrations as her head and her heart warred over the action she now prepared to carry out.

“If only it had been Caythe's...... this would have been joyous news indeed.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

The fire had crackled softly, setting a warm and comforting glow in the family room of I' Taurn. Sleep had come easily, perhaps too easily at first. Morpheus' tendrils insinuated themselves through my mind, dragging it further and further from the wakeful world, where reason and rationality rule. Darkness enveloped all thought.

It started always the same... a crimson fog... rising all around me... silence shrouded in a whispy curtain of nearly opaque effluvium. Slowly, nearly imperceptibly movement of a crimson light... approaching thru the ghastly sanguineous haze. The silence gets broken by a slowly crescendoing voice... the voice of the blade known as Daemonbane... it whispers of death, blood, dying, souls. There is no escape... there is no awakening... and as the light comes closer... all around me... the dead... laying in utter disarray. A muddied battle field, littered with the mangled remains of men, women and children... some dead by the blade Daemonbane... but others... dead by incineration... the nova of a sun. Another voice adds to the whispers of Daemonbane.... Uly's.

I cannot scream... I cannot awaken... I am trapped... and the carnage closes in around me... the scene takes on an eerie portent... for amid the mud and blood and bodies... a perfect, green rose bush stands... with a single, perfect crimson blossom... and still consciousness will not come.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Chultys closed over the images from Riverbend of the rose bush in the nightmare.

Of the four who enter as Aggamemnon starts the procedure, one Exotic slides an additional bed from the wall, upon which the female Maireen is laid. She wears an apparatus on her head as do I. The second Maireen, a huge male, stands at her side gently gripping her strong looking hand in his own ample grasp. The Exotic moves to begin operating on the Maireen.

Within moments, Aggie has removed the twins and they are supported in a gravimetric device--floating--while the umbilical cord is diverted to a second device suspended from a rail in the ceiling. All are transported across the room to the third Exotic as the twin forms from the Maireen female are transported to Alais.

You see, Celebriel, Alais' body must continue to nurture two growing forms inside the womb, else she will not be ready when it is time to replace Ulysses' and Alais' children to their rightful host. Ulysses has assured me you will speak none of this to Alais--you must understand this is imperative for the safety of the children.

The Maireen progeny are implanted in Alais' womb while the Maireen female's womb is closed. Another bed is drawn from the wall and the third Exotic relaxes upon it. “You are ready, Chysandra?”

She smiles brightly. “You know I am, Aggamemnon. Ulysses and Alais are both precious to me--and the children.” Her eyes twinkle with what must be joy. “It is a fitting way to close my long and happy cycle.”

There is no apparatus on Chysandra's head and she is fully conscious, yet displays no sign of pain while Aggie implants the twins in her womb.

“At last, it is done. For now, they are safe. Celebriel, can you help me with Alais?” guiding her up from the bed and toward the doorway...the Maireen male steps close to you and speaks in an oddly gentle voice for such a goliath. “You are called Celebriel. It is a pretty name. I am Ajax. My children are carried in this one's womb. Please do whatever you can to protect them. You look like a healer. I hope you can save them if the bad things happen.” He returns to the bed of the Maireen female, lifting her easily and exiting the room.

Aggie's gaze follows the Maireen pair. “They are a brave and generous race, the Maireens--the heart of Harmony.”

Alais was arranged on a soft couch and Aggie stays to answer any questions before departing to other duties.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

The departure from I' Taurn in the dark hours of the nite forestalled the inevitable nitemare. Uly took us straight to Jacynth, and we arrived in time to be advised by Aenaeus that an attack had begun on Harmony's worlds.

Ulysses demeanor was the cold, calculated actions of a warrior as he was updated. His departure from Briel and myself was unexpected, and hurtful as he left me in Aggie's care.

Even Aenaeus' snide remarks about our relationship didn't hurt as much as facing something he'd called surgery alone. Well, not quite alone, Briel had come too, and for that I was deeply grateful.

Aggie's voice was soothing after the raucus Aenaeus, and she attempted to provide both of us with a clearer understanding of precisely what was going on. The talk of the replicant body was disconcerting. I have seen Uly change so much in our time together, but to see him as the youth that followed his father's footsteps as a Nerve-wire Pilot, I wonder how our lives will shift now.

Uly had always told me, that if a time ever came when I could not take all the changes he was destined to make, I had but to tell him, and he'd go away... with the exception of the 2 children I now carry. “Change.... Goddess, am I adaptable enough? Thou' I cannae imagine life wi'oot 'im.” soft sigh.

The gleaming doors open and shut as we pass corridors until we reach a darkened room with a clear bubble above us. Aggie explains the significance of the coloured lines darting in the blackened skies above. The sudden blinding by the essence that is my Uly marking, according to Aggie, my LIfemate's success in driving off the invading forces.

Aggies voice chimes softly something about not being worried for him while *sedated*, but that word has no meaning for me.

“Aye Aggie.... our children be precious indeed tae both Uly an' mineself.”

As Aggie seeks permission to place the apparatus upon my forehead, I try to suppress a shudder of trepidation, but soon a compliant lethargy steals thru my mind and body, and as wakefulness recedes, in my last musings, I wonder if the nitemare will seek me here as well.

Oblivious to the procedure until semi-consciousness returns, shifting slightly a twinge of discomfort brings my unfocusing eyes open. Uly's voice calling me to the here and now, I see what is at first a vaguely familiar young man clad in violet skin, bringing a blush of color to my cheeks. But as the vision clears, the realization that this man is my Lifemate transforms the embarrassment to a soft smile instead.

“Uly m'love, ye were successful, nae?” The brilliant amethyst eyes and ebony hair telling me that once more, all traces of Fey were now gone for good.

I did not recall the trip home. Flashes only. Home. Morpheus' lure is irresistible, and with the comforting presence of Uly and the woman I'd have gladly had as a sister, sleep claimed me.

Somewhere, in the darkest hours of nite, my recurring visitor returns. The nitely battle to keep my will intact as the voices of the blade and Uly call... ever the same words thru the crimson haze. And then, the carnage. Bodies laying everywhere, twisted in final death throes, the mud... nowhere to run to until the appearance of the rose bush with it's single perfect blossom. Then, at last I awaken with a scream of pure terror. It's over, for another nite.

Shaking, exhausted, another nite of stress and terror. These weeks have seen too many sleepless nites. Morning sickness robbing me of appetite, my weight is falling despite the 2 new lives I carry. The haunted look in eyes that should be silver has brought an increasingly grey cast. Thankfully Uly has been away for much of these events, and I do not want to worry him as he prepares to face the dangers to Jacynth. Dangers that are now all too real since I've seen them first hand.

It is time to go home to Nitesong. Face the music with Legend, regarding the children. And perhaps the resumption of duties to the Sidhe will ease the nitemares.

The day was spent with Uly. I had not known he would stay. Ceugant cannot be sweeter nor more perfect as what I have found with him. We shut out the rest of the world, and I regretted leaving Briel to fend for herself, but our time together had become precious few moments, stolen amid the preparations in Harmony and the pending war with Ghrial.

Work had begun on the landing area for small star ships. Uly at last explaining some of the new construction at I' Taurn. That evening Uly shared his plan to depart for Jacynth again. The plans Ozy and Chys were working on requiring his presence.

“Uly, I shall be departin' in th' morn' fer Nitesong. There ist sae much tae dae, an' sooner or later I must needs speak wi' Legend. Wi' Briel tae 'elp, mayhap Legend shall nae be sae angry o'er 't.”

“I dae thin' gettin' 'ome shall be good fer me. Whilst I didst enjoy Mai-rhee, 't shall be grand tae be surrounded by that which hath always been mine 'ome.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

In Nitesong, full darkness had fallen when Legend arrived back at the caverns. Silently returning to her rooms, she laid the herbs carefully on the table, covering them from sight before summoning Trezor.

“Trezor, I have need of several stalks of foxglove. Please ask the Ovate for fresh foxglove immediately.”

Trezor's curiosity at this request showed plainly, “Your Grace, are you ill?”

“No Trezor, I am not. There is someone else who requires the treatment of Foxglove to ease a great suffering down the road, as the Goddess calls, but the calling will not be gentle.”

Nodding slightly, but still troubled, Trezor returned with the requested plants. “Do you require any assistance, Your Grace?”

“No Trezor, that will be all, thank you.”

Frowning at this, the High Priestess had not done her own potions or elixirs in a very long time. This was highly irregular.

Legend warded her offices soundly against intrusion. No planar entities would gain access without warning. Then, calling a sphere of silence, she sets to work distilling the herbs she had painstakingly collected.

1st shredding the Atter's Cap into a bronze bowl, securing a lid over it, placing it close enough to a brazier to begin to steep the fungus, but not warm enough to cook them. The fluids of the fungus being driven out of the flesh slowly, as the low heat broke down the easily bruised and damaged mushroom. While still near to the low heat, she removes the solids of the fungus, leaving a liquid residue in the bowl. This is allowed to steep until reduced to half of its original volume. Then pouring the warm fluid into a small glass vial, and securing a wax seal over the vial, the first ingredient is stored in a darkened cabinet, away from the light.

Next came the foxglove; chopping the stalks into small pieces, flowers, seed pods, and leaves, before dropping them into a silver pot of boiling water. Securing a cover over this mixture, and allowed it to boil until the foxglove is soft and easily disintegrating. Removing the mixture from the flames, she strained out the largest pieces before pouring the fluid into a glass sphere; adding to this the pieces of willow bark and a small amount of acid. This mixture is placed once again on the fire. The fluid kept in equilibrium reflux for the next hour, before allowing the final distillation to proceed. The collected clear fluid from the second elution Legend pours into another glass vial, and seals with wax.

Last, the mistle berries; drying the berries on a flat piece of ceramic over the blue flames of the fire until they are brittle and ready to pulverize in a mortar. Then thoroughly grinding them while still warm into a fine powder, with seeds, skin, and flesh. The powder is then carefully transferred into a 3rd vial, and also sealed.

So, the ingredients were prepared. Now to prepare the Caverns for the arrival of Mr. Graham. Undoubtedly Ulysses would react strongly once Alais lost the child. The most regrettable thing about this tea was that Alais would know, albeit too late, that she had been poisoned. Mr. Graham would undoubtedly attempt a retaliation if Alais survived the ordeal.

The next hours were spent in prayer, and casting preparation. She couldn't cast yet, undoubtedly the dweomer would be detected.

Finally, sitting down at her desk, she penned 2 missives

Mr. Graham,
Pray forgive my slowness in response to your missive, delivered by the young woman. The news you sent to me was most unexpected. While I had held great hopes for Alais to grace the Sidhe with a child, this was sooner than I had thought likely. I imagine you are pleased with this news. Perhaps now you will send Alais back to the Sidhe so that she may again tend to the needs of her people?

High Priestess Legendazona

The second missive

Lady Alais, Heiress of Nitesong
I did receive Mr. Graham's missive advising me that you are currently with child. Considering this unexpected event and it's timing, I do suspect you are currently experiencing an affliction commonly known as morning sickness. When you return to the Sidhe, if you would come to the Caverns, I have a mixture nearly prepared that would put an end to such unpleasant mornings.
I look forward to seeing you upon your return.

High Priestess Legendazona

Sealing both missives, and sending them with the eagle owl off to I' Taurn in RhyDin.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Uly’s image blurs over the images of Legend,

After the all too brief quality time together, trouble lurks deep behind my twinkling amethyst eyes.

“Yes, love, you must return to Nitesong. The Sidhe does need you, and I have kept you long enough.” :Gently slipping both of his hands into mine. “Whatever comes to pass there, 'lais, don't worry. Everything always works out in time. You have enough stress on you now, try to relax. Perhaps Legendazona can help.” There was a sincere longing in his voice, yet the ever present resignation to the future I have heard so often in the tone of Exotics.

“I have research here through the portal and construction to oversee. There's sorcery to be done on the Isle with Max and Morri.” a deep sigh “And of course, the command of Harmony is at a critical juncture.” then the flash of a bright smile. “All will be well in time, and meanwhile we have each other, 'briel and the coming birth--a bright environment all around I think. Perhaps I can detain you for a few hours longer?” He then slipped his arms around me.

After exhausting what time we could steal together, he slipped into the rooms that served as his office and laboratory in I' Taurn, walking the roads of space-time-probability in search of answers not yet revealed.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Uly then stole a moment aside with Celebriel, the disconcertingly young and vital Ulysses speaks urgently.

“'briel, you have seen the extremity I have gone to in protecting my children. I will do no less for you and Alais. Be wary of Her Grace, my sight of her intent is evil. Please, do not engage the Druidess--Alais will not fight her and she is powerful, very powerful. I would not lose either of you to her desperation. Ajax and Atalanta have willingly put their children at risk--do what you can. If the worst comes to pass, I promise you Nitesong will never forget my wrath. Concentrate on the ring at your finger, and all the strength I can muster will come to your aid.”
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe

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