Dueling Harris & Triple S NJ # 16 cont.

The Adventures of RDI Bartender and DoS/DoF Caller, Tera Destre La Fontaine.

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Tera Destre
Proven Adventurer
Proven Adventurer
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Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:21 pm
Location: Red Dragon Inn or Circle D Ranch outside of RhyDin

Dueling Harris & Triple S NJ # 16 cont.

Post by Tera Destre »

But then Harris arrived and things took a turn. I had challenged him before and he had refused to fight me on my level if you remember I think I told ya about that. Well last night was different. He did torment me about my preference for fighting on even ground but wonder of wonders he agreed! So there we went into a ring together!!

I must admit I was leary at first thinking he might be gonna trick me him being Harris and all and when he cut deeply into my shoulder and it went numb and the blood started dripping from my fingers of that arm I was shocked I tell ya!! That was just the very first round! I knew I was in trouble and bad trouble at that.

Well I decided I better do something to cool his jets right quick or he was gonna try and kill me right there in front of God and everybody for having tormented him right back for these last few weeks so I bided my time and waited til I saw an opening and I lunged forward and buried the Elven sword that Kalinda had bought for me right in his stomach setting him to bleeding too!!

Then I asked him if he was sure he really wanted to play with me this way. He reminded me about the wards and asked me if this wasn’t what dueling was all about. I told him that everyone else I had dueled hadn’t been dueling me like this. They had gone easy on me. He told me that I could cut his head off and it would grow back! I had to chuckle because I wouldn’t cut his head off!

Harris is just Harris and while he may love to torment me and everyone else I would never do something like that to someone even in a warded dueling ring!! Now granted that does not mean I would not put out a contract on someone because I do have one out currently on that scum sucking salamander Travanix at the moment with my Boy Toy but that is a whole other story and those are dire circumstances that called for extreme measures as I’m sure Anubis could tell ya.

But back to what I was telling ya about with my dueling with Harris last night. It got bloody! It got messy! It was glorious! He did settle down some when I started slicing him up right back. I honestly think he was planning on cutting me up into little pieces and leaving me there for the wards to heal up.

Now I can’t say that for certain because I can’t read his mind but the way he attacked me in that first round makes me pretty suspicious of his initial intentions. And the way he exploited the openings he found in my defenses during the rest of the duel while not always terribly vicious were enough to give me cause to think that my vicious attacks on him when I found an opening to attack were justified.

I’m powerful glad I won that duel but I am so VERY proud of Harris because he fought me FAIRLY!!! Now don’t get me wrong I am still not happy with him ruining my favorite pair of jeans with his need to try and slice and dice me like that when no one else had. But I do give him full credit for having the honor to fight me on even ground.

After that Djinn had to leave so I headed to the locker room and called a few duels myself and had a grand time in the process. I must admit I do so love calling duels. There is never a dull moment and I love watching the duelers and how they move in the rings. It just amazes me how graceful they are and how well they counter their opponents.

Someday I want to be as good as they are. I seriously doubt I will ever get to be good enough to be an Overlady like Karen but I wouldn’t mind being a Warlord or maybe even a Baron. I’m not sure about being a Baron though because then I would have to pick someone to challenge and I don’t really have a political affiliation yet. I like everyone and sometimes even have trouble deciding who to cheer for when people are dueling so I just plain cheer!

I’m probably not cut out for the political side of the duels actually so I maybe better just stick with working toward getting to be a Warlord. Of course with my record that is more than likely a very long time away so maybe I better just stick with learning to win instead of steadily losing right now. It would most likely be helpful if I learned to duel against people of my own rank but dang it is so much fun dueling and most of the people that come faithfully are the higher ranked duelers.

Oh well, time to attempt to recruit from my friends! Surely there will be some of them that would enjoy coming over for a duel or two since they would be back at the Inn for drinks within an hour or so easily.

I almost forgot!! Kyndra and I are going to be Co-Captains of a new TDL team. We agreed it will be an all girls team and we are calling ourselves the “Sexy Sinister Sisters”. G seemed quite pleased at the prospect of us brining a new team into the League when the new season starts but first we have to find 5 more women willing to duel with us.

I am not going to sweat it yet though since we have 5 months before the season begins but we are already making plans and we need to get our team together so we can all start meeting in the arena to duel. We want to win the whole thing of course!!!!

Gotta go. Must shop before work tonight!!!!

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