The 13th Keeper of Earth, and the Tainting of the Tower

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Vanion Shadowcast
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The 13th Keeper of Earth, and the Tainting of the Tower

Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

It was almost time. The Warrior of the Night had somewhat cautiously slipped into the background; biding his time until the face of the world would change, and racism would be gone for...

Enough of that now. Vanion Shadowcast, the ancient golden elf(not so golden these days, it would seem), tossed the giant fairie through the portal on Twilight's Isle, her pretty green carcass landing on the Rhy'Din side of the magical doorway.

As he turned and called upon the powers of Earth, the ground beneath him once more turned black. The flowers of the Isle wilted, the crimson of the roses faded to a stark, dark grey. The creatures of the Isle knew to avoid the Dark Lord - though he showed no signs of aggression towards them. With the exception of that tasty Giant Fairie, of course.

Vanion knew, as he melded into the walls of the Earth Tower, that elsewhere there was a lion quaking, secretly fighting a battle that he was never meant to win. And on the next page of this story was the fool Kurgen's challenge, which would prove to be quite a scene.

It was almost time.

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