An Unexpected Visitor

Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Vitus Rustovich

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An Unexpected Visitor

Post by Vitus Rustovich »

Vitus and Rhaine had recently discussed potential allies to their new Temple, several names were mentioned, and Rhaine had made arrangements to speak with the so-called death knight Lord Ayreg. Vitus had decided to steer clear of this meeting, to leave these diplomatic missions to his more capable sister. However, as he paced the halls of the Asmodean Temple, he grew bored.

Finally deciding to finish a project he had started on months ago, he pulled on his robes, put his hood up, and left the temple, mere minutes before Rhaine's meeting was scheduled to begin. The harsh winds of the mountainous region whipped at his robes, and he pulled them tighter more out of habit than anything else. His dead flesh no longer felt discomfort due to temperature variances.

Winding his way down out of the mountains, he finally passed into RhyDin. As he stalked the streets, surrounded by the sights, smells, and sounds of mortal life, he began to appreciate even more his current condition, the inconveniences left behind. Occasionally a passerby would give him a curious look, but these were usually dissuaded by a dark glance from beneath the hood of his robes.

Finally, he arrived at his destination, Palazzo Drachen Walde. Something about this place tugged at his subconscious, something Vitus couldn't quite place his finger on. After knocking on the door, he began to extend his consciousness, searching for anything out of place. He was roused from his semi-meditation by the door opening.

"Can I help you?" the man that answered the door was very stately, very formal, dressed in dark blue and gold. Vitus was unnerved by the fact that the man had no reaction whatsoever to a lichknight at the front door.

"I have business to discuss with your mistress," Vitus hissed, his voice little more than a rattling whisper.

"Of course, right this way," the man responded, leading Vitus into a receiving room. "Make yourself comfortable, I will inform her that you are here, Mr...?" he trailed off, waiting for a name.

"Rustovich, Vitus Rustovich." Vitus replied, choosing a chair and seating himself. As the man left, Vitus again had the feeling of something out of place. It was stronger now, closer. As he waited, he put up a mental guard, a mixture of magic and death, and waited for Azjah to arrive.
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Dark Visitors

Post by Gabriel »

The books that lay before him were left without so much as a second glance. There was something wrong upstairs. A presence that had never come to the Palazzo before, and it brought a hiss to Gabriel's features as he moved in silence from his suites below the Palazzo up-ward to seek the source of the presence. Something dead had come to the Palazzo. Something Gabriel did not like the feel of waited above.

He could hear Dyson's invitation for the visitor to enter the house. DAMN!

With a mental summons to Lucien, who'd already felt it as well, Gabriel headed for the Great Room, remaining just beyond the visible spectrum while Lucien headed for the Marchioness. They would wait, but neither liked this new guest's unexpected appearance.
Gabriel Datrazanov
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Astronomy holds a never ending fascination for me. There are wonders uncounted in that vast expanse that surrounds our worlds, and seems to go on forever. I was sitting outside in the gardens studying a hot gaseous cloud in spiral galaxy Messier 101. This galaxy is approximately 170,000 light years across, and best estimates claim that it contains approximately 1 trillion stars. At it's center is a source of Xray emission that has puzzled astronomers since it's discovery due to the vast numbers of blue supergiant stars forming there. This giant lay in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major. The light we see today actually began it's trip toward us 25 million years ago, in the Miocene period.

I was considering that aspect of light travelling so far and remaining so clear when Dyson emerged from the Palazzo about the same time Lucien appeared beside my telescope. "Madam, you have a visitor in the Great Room."

I reluctantly withdrew my attention from the telescope to look at Dyson, "I presume my guest has a name?"

Dyson nodded, "A Mr. Rustovich, Vitus Rustovich was the name he gave me madam."

I glanced at Lucien. His posture spoke volumes. He would not like what I had heard Vitus had done. Rhaine had told me about the ceremony, and while I had hoped Vitus had not become a Lich, Lucien's posture said he had indeed. Neither Lucien nor Gabriel would be pleased to have Vitus within these walls.

But more curious was why Vitus has chosen to come here.

I rose and thanked Dyson before heading into the Great Room. Lucien faded from view, but I could feel his presence as we entered the house.

"Vitus, what a pleasant surprise! What may I get you before we broach the reason for your visit?" A thousand questions raced through my head as I got my first look at the man I had liked instantly when he was still a living man. How would his ceremony have changed him?
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Vitus Rustovich

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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

A slight smile crossed Vitus' features as Azjah stepped into the room, an almost living emotion. Thinking carefully, he spoke, "We had spoken before of...armaments. I figured the time was ripe to speak more specifically on what my people will desire, and on what...." he trailed off, his eyes darting about the room.

"We are not alone..." he began, his hand instinctively moving toward the hilt of his demonic blade. Noting no sign of surprise from Azjah, he could only assume she was aware of the other presences in the room, and relaxed visibly.

Shaking his head, a slight chuckle escaped his lips. "Ever the cautious one, aren't we? My lack of life doesn't change who I am, I am no threat to you, perhaps we should get down to business."
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I could feel the air around me vibrate with leashed tension. I knew there was no love lost between my Carpathian protectors and the Undead Lich Vitus had become, if only due to Vitus' new nature. They'd not reacted with such passion when Vitus had been a living soul.

His greeting told me that my face was giving away my thoughts, and as he sensed the presence of Lucien and Gabriel, I forced the calmness to the forefront. Vitus was a guest in my home, and as such, would be treated accordingly despite the animosity I felt.

Vitus relaxed as I moved into the room, indicating that he should find a seat. A suspicious rumble echoed across the courtyard of the gardens and into the room. One that sounded half like thunder, and half like a vampire's snarl, and as Vitus stated that he had not come to harm me, Gabriel faded into sight. Lucien however remained just beyond the visible spectrum behind me.

"Vitus, you've taken me by surprise, but you are welcome in my home. Please, let us discuss your needs and expectations." I motioned for Dyson to have tea and an assortment of nibbles brought out. Vitus probably won't savor them, but perhaps some of the things the twins did partake of would work.

"I trust you understand the nature of my guardians Vitus?" I glanced at Gabriel momentarily. "We are bound to one another."

Gabriel's expression could have been written in stone for all of the emotion or warmth he expressed. Thankfully, since Vitus was my guest, I did not have to worry about ages old animosities getting out of control. I sat down to listen to Vitus' requirements.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Vitus Rustovich

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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

A sinister grin lit up Vitus' face and he nodded in greeting to Gabriel, then turned his attention back to Azjah. "Arms and armor of a personal type, something that is relatively inexpensive enough to be bought in large quantities but effective enough to turn aside most primitive weapons, and perhaps even some of the more advanced ones you have shown me."

Stopping for a moment, assuring himself that no one was circling behind him, he continued,"As far as arms go, small, easily transported weapons, ones that would be relatively easy to use, but deadly...we don't plan to take prisoners."

Pausing to do a small calculation in his head, he said flatly, "We would need enough to outfit 10,000 soldiers to begin, depending upon how our forces perform with your equipment, a contract for more can be written up. Also, I am interested in any personnel carried weapon that could destroy enemy structures, towers, walls, doors, that sort of thing, though these type of things would be needed in much smaller numbers."

Glancing casually around the room, he added,"I can be more specific if need be..."
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I listened to his list of needs as his face lit up in what could only be described as an almost sinister expression.

"Vitus, my company manufactures weapons that would fit your descriptions, but the armor is a different matter. I do have contacts for such, of course, but that is not something which I can provide from my companies. There is an armor expert in Rigel that I can contact. He makes everything from simple projectile protection vests to full body armor that can turn aside a variety of missiles from simple bullets to laser and pulse weapons. It all depends on how much you want to spend to protect these people."

Dyson brought in my hot tea and I paused long enough to pour a cup of the fragrant brew.

"We have several small arms, depending on your plans, I would suggest using several of them to combat several types of potential adversaries. I have a series of standard projectile weapons that enter with a small hole and leave nothing intact on the exit side, there are several pulse weapons that will drop elephants that can be carried, and we have a new project that is about to be released, perhaps I can demonstrate it for you?"

His requested volumes were modest compared to some of our orders, but he was being careful and wanted familiarity with our quality and prices, this was to be expected.

"The need for something that destroys solid structures can also be accomodated, but that will take a fairly large individual to carry them around. Are we talking about simple structures, or are we talking about having to get past shielding?"

I leaned back into the chaise and sipped the tea a long moment.

"If I am to deliver the right product for the right plans, yes, I shall need more specifics, but confidentiality is assured."
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Vitus Rustovich

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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

Vitus sat in thought for a moment, considering Azjah's words. "I would be interested in seeing this new project you speak of, as for the armor, I think it can wait for now.

'As far as structures, most of what we are encountering currently are standard stone and brick buildings, no shielding to speak of. Of course this may change in the future, but for now simple explosive devices should suffice.

Vitus' features grew dark, "One thing I would be interested in, if you have anything like it, is a weapon that will inspire fear in our enemies, perhaps one that disfigures its victims, or causes the target extreme pain before it expires. With weapons like these, we would have less reason to use them. If our enemies fear our ability enough, they will surrender."
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

"Dealing with structures, we have several large calibre portable units, we also have some technological terrors that will break through reinforced concrete and masonry."

I sipped the tea thoughtfully.

"You are looking for weapons that will deal terror and create a reputation for your cause. There are some terrible things available from Rigel. We have one that disrupts the ATP cascade of most living things. It causes a very slow, and excrutiating death. Effective, but not something most are willing to use. The cost reflects the low volume, highly deadly nature of the weapon however."
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Vitus Rustovich

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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

Vitus grinned thoughtfully. "You said a slow, excruciating death...would the target be incapacitated during this time? If the pain is great enough, and debilitating enough, this could be just the weapon we are looking for."

Vitus raised his cup of tea, inhaling the vapors, an almost nostalgic look crossing his features before he set it down again. "Cost is of course something else we will need to discuss... I am unsure what passes for currency here, if standard precious metals will suffice or if you require something different. Depending upon what is needed, and the exact specifications of this weapon you speak of are, we may wish that to be our standard issue. Also, perhaps a dozen or so of several types of portable demolition devices that we can try out, and order more of whichever we find to be most effective for our purposes."

He stopped a moment, doing quick calculations in his head. "Precious metals are quite easy for us to afford, and I have no doubt we can purchase vast amounts of what we require if that is what you need, other types of compensation would have to be discussed with our council, and so this is a very important matter."

Vitus chuckled as an odd memory came back to him. Glancing in the general direction of Ajzah's bodyguards, he added, "My sister Rhaine and I would both be very appreciative of this contract," a sinister grin crossing his lips. "We can also possibly do favors for you, or your company, should they be required, and not counterproductive to our goals or beliefs..."
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Something about Vitus' grin sent a shiver rippling up my spine. Whomever he was seeking to wage war upon was going to face a truly heartless attack.

"Yes, when the chemistry of the body is interferred with, and the transfer of energy is stopped, things collapse quickly, but between the onset of the stop and the complete failure of the body, it is very painful."

He raised his tea cup, and an almost nostalgic expression crossed his features. As he set the cup down, he began discussions of cost and currency.

"Yes, I can accept several forms of payment, and precious metals are certainly acceptable. I can make you a volume discount if you order 1,000 of the hand weapons of standard calibers, and 100 of the larger caliber weapons for the structural assault. The ATP weapons will be the most expensive. Each of those will run 10,000.00 silvers. I can of course provide the dozen or so you request, but cannot provide volume discount on such small numbers."

He paused as if considering before advising me that other compensation would depend on his 'council'. I cannot say that I understand which council he is referring to, but if precious metals are his currency, that is quite acceptable.

He glanced toward where Gabriel stood, and seemed to either guess or sense where Lucien stood before adding that he and Rhaine would be appreciative of the contract. Adding that favors could be included in future if not counterproductive to their goals.

I smiled as I listened, savoring the tea long moments.

"Vitus, in my position, there are always people who would like to see me exterminated for the services I provide. But you will find my contracts are good, and you will be happy with the quality and craftsmanship of anything you procure from Drachen Walde Industries. I thank you for yoru offer, and you can rest assured that I would not put you in a position of having to decline because I have the utmost respect for your sister Rhaine."

Lucien snarled softly, the low growl rippling at the edge of human hearing.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Vitus Rustovich

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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

Making some quick calculations in his head, Vitus smiled, and said, "An initial order of 10,000 of the smaller hand weapons, and 1000 of the larger units should suffice for the time being. Our coffers have recently been filled by some rather lucrative acquisitions we have made. So, I suppose the only other things to arrange are payment and delivery and we can begin what I believe will be a mutually benefitial relationship..."

The look on Vitus' face clearly showed that the growl he heard from a short distance away was not only appreciated, but expected. He allowed himself a brief moment to savor the moment before returning to the business at hand. "How long do you suspect it would take to fill an order of this size? I am eager to test these weapons out, to start making a reputation for our Army amongst our enemies..."
Vitus Rustovich
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I rose from the pale blue silk chaise and headed toward an ornately carved desk near the fireplace. The chair moved out from the desk by an unseen hand, and I sat down. There was an amused smile playing on my lips as I typed in a few codes, then looked up at Vitus as the computer began to list his requested arms and their availability.

"Currently in stock:

10000 DW45 A
14000 DW50 iC

small weapons fitting search criteria.

In stock,

1140 DW120 E
1625 DW132 iE

large calibre weapons fitting search criteria.

In stock,

27 DW 210 De

Special calibre weapons fitting search criteria."

I watched Vitus as the computer read off the list of available weaponry that seemed to fit his stated needs.

"As you can see Vitus, both of your mundane needs are in stock and available. When and where would you care to take delivery, and which calibre are you perfering?"

There are other weapons and calibres, but based on the information Vitus had provided, these sounded the closest to what he was seeking.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Vitus Rustovich »

Vitus smiled, "I know little about these calibers you speak of, I would just like a weapon that can cause a lot of damage, is easily portable, and will strike fear into the hearts of my enemies. Whichever is the most destructive I suppose..." with that he withdrew a rolled up map of the areas surrounding RhyDinn, unrolling it on the table. Scrawling his clawed finger across the parchment, he traced the trail leading to the Asmodean Temple. "Here is where I would like the arms delivered, I can make arrangements for your payment to be waiting for you there, or can have it delivered elsewhere if you so desire."

With that, Vitus stood, stretching briefly, knowing the business at hand was soon coming to an end. After pausing to be assured that Ajzah had the route memorized, he rolled the map back up and stuffed it into a breast pocket.
Vitus Rustovich
Saint of Hatred
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

A few more keystrokes and the computer spoke again,

"Confirmed 10000 DW50 iC small arms"
"Confirmed 100000 50 calibre rounds"
"Confirmed 500 DW120 E large calibre armament"
"Confirmed 1000 120 calibre rounds"
"Confirmed 500 DW132 iE large calibre armament"
"Confirmed 1000 132 calibre rounds"

I rose from the desk, offering Vitus my hand, and a soft rumble skittered across the room.

"Vitus, I took the liberty of including your first order of ammunition as well. I will have these delivered per your directions the day after tomorrow if you can have the funds ready."
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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