Challenge to Old Temple

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Challenge to Old Temple

Post by Rakeesh »


In another attempt to gain influence in the Old Temple district, I am representing the Adventurer's Guild in challenge to Baroness Kaja Adair. I hope that we may both fight well, and am looking forward to the battle. I will fight under the banner of the Adventurer's Guild - Rhaine Rustovich will be my second - and my Lady shall be the Faerie Mage, Erana(in absentia).

I hope that I will be able to win, in order to help protect and restore a dangerous and beautiful part of the City.

*Captain Rakeesh Sah Tarna*

I RakeeshTheHero def. Cassius Maxim 6.5-5.5 in ? rounds.
II RakeeshTheHero .def. Max of the Black, 5-.5 in 10 (1, Pslyder FTA)
III RakeeshTheHero .def. Tasslehofl Momus, 5-2.5 in 8 rounds (1, Hjordis)
IV RakeeshTheHero .def. FaceLoran2, 5-3 in 7 rounds (1, Hjordis)
V RakeeshTheHero .def. SkylerCJ, 5-1 in 6 rounds (DUEL Azjah)
VI RakeeshTheHero .def. TarethThorn, 5-4 (WLT)
VII RakeeshTheHero .def. MariaGraziano, 5-1 (WLT)
VIII RakeeshTheHero .def. Baphelocutis, 5-4 (WLT)
IX RakeeshTheHero .def. Deluthan, 5-3 (WLT)
X RakeeshTheHero .def. Gnont Dragoon, 4.5-3 in 15 Rounds (DUEL Raevyx)
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Post by G »

I'm curious as to why you are continuing to try challenging Kaja. I mean, I can't really blame anyone for wanting to be in the ring with her, she's hot.

However, you had that chance before. You should let someone else go for it.

Of course, I have plenty of suspicions as to the reasons why you're challenging. None of which are Nobel or Just.

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Post by Rakeesh »

I only Challenge for the Barony of Old Temple, as I have much respect for Lady Kaja. I defend my honor - if I had not sworn my sword to the Baroness of Dragon's Gate I would perhaps challenge there first, as it is the home to the Adventurer's Guild.

My intentions are pure - I would never target a specific duelist, unless I considered them a threat to the City. With Anubis gone, I only challenge to gain the rights to protect Old Temple from its many looming threats. Please do not be offended, effendi - for my intentions truly are pure.
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Post by G »

Being that Old Temple is the district my GIT falls in, I hold a special interest in the events occuring in said district. Currently, things aren't as bad here as they are in say, Dockside, or Old Market even. Lots of theives and brigands there, I hear. Might want to try putting more guards up or something.

Naturally, I do have an additional reason to defend the Baron of Old Temple, as she's my girlfriend and all, so take that into consideration when you read my responses. I just wouldn't want you to be considered the type of duelists people call obsessed, or a stalker like a couple have in the past.

Some people even think it's inappropriate to use Team Dueling league reasons for challenging. I remember when Drakewyn did something like that years ago. People were up in arms.

Well, if your reasons are indeed pure, I'm sure either I, or someone else, will get in touch with Kaja to let her know she's got a challenge pending. Wouldn't want this going to Council now, would we?

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Post by Rakeesh »

Your response is confusing, though I understand the necessity to defend your beloved. The threats I speak of are matters being investigated by the Adventurer's Guild - as far as Team Dueling goes, effendi, my team is not in it for the glory or the money ... we care to have fun and represent the Guild within the community. I would never challenge based upon TDL - it is against my ethics. Neither would I ever "stalk" somebody. My aim is for the Barony of Old Temple only.

I also was unaware that one must defend his convictions to the Council in order to be able to challenge, but I will do so if I must. I've waited in hopes that someone else would challenge the Lady, but no challenges have come, and therefor I've decided to use the legitimate peer-wins I have required.

I understand your loyalties are fierce, effendi, and I commend you for them. I will continue to press challenge, though, for what I consider to be something very important to my Guild and those who look up to it for protection.
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Post by G »

To quote Rakeesh: "I also was unaware that one must defend his convictions to the Council in order to be able to challenge, but I will do so if I must. I've waited in hopes that someone else would challenge the Lady, but no challenges have come, and therefor I've decided to use the legitimate peer-wins I have required."

Okay then! On all the other points you touched on which I did not quote, I was only bringing them up as things which have happened in the past, that I would think unseemly to have happen to you. Wouldn't want you looking bad and all.

As to what I quoted above, It isn't that you *have* to defend your convictions, but that generally, when a challenge is pressed that the challenger has a reason for it and will make it known to the community. This is done traditionally, and it's also not uncommon for people to question the reasons previously stated. That's just the politics of the Arena. "I challenged for this reason" "Well, why? The Baron hasn't done anything to you!" "Well, because this reason stems from this line of thought.."

You get the picture. Challenges aren't just about procedure, but tradition as well. Sometimes the traditions aren't as good as people might think, but other times, they are. A small inquisition isn't unusual.

My challenge to Topaz pretty much covered all the bases when I issued it in order to placate everyone who might question my reasons, and even then, I got private missives regarding my reasons and questioning the truthfulness of it.

I was offering previous examples so you might see what to expect should you fail this challenge and attempt a third.

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Post by Rakeesh »

Should I fail, I will continue to challenge whomever holds the Barony of Old Temple - unless a threat rose up that needed dealing with, or Lady Topaz was finally defeated by someone who would not encourage our Guild's usefulness and growth as much as she has.

I have now stated my reasons - and I will go a step further. I come from the City-State of Tarna, where my race rules unfortunately with much racism over humans and other races. As King, long ago, I knew that tradition meant that I would always be King unless challenged and slain by a family member in honorable combat. Tradition meant everything, and breaking it would result in harsh punishment and loss of honor.

I cast aside all of this to become a Paladin. I gave up my kingship so that I could pursue demons that ravaged my homeland. I chased them to the end of the World, though some of my own liontaur-race called me Honorless.

Being a Paladin means that one is willing to choose 'Right' over 'Traditional', or 'Accepted'. It is a lonely path sometimes, but there is much good I can do, and I have dedicated over the past 40 of my years to making choices just like this one.

May Lady Kaja duel beautifully in the Ring. I look forward to our match.
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Post by Deluthan »

G wrote:It isn't that you *have* to defend your convictions, but that generally, when a challenge is pressed that the challenger has a reason for it and will make it known to the community. This is done traditionally.
Come on, G, when is the last time someone actually publicly stated their reasons for challenging other than you?

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Post by G »

Deluthan wrote:
G wrote:It isn't that you *have* to defend your convictions, but that generally, when a challenge is pressed that the challenger has a reason for it and will make it known to the community. This is done traditionally.
Come on, G, when is the last time someone actually publicly stated their reasons for challenging other than you?


Gimme a minute....


I'm thinking.....

It's on the tip of my tongue, I know it...

What year is this again?

Divided by two and carry the one.......

What were we talking about again?

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Fellas, fellas, fellas....

Post by Kaja Adair »

~~~From The Desk of Akasha Annabella Adair~~~

Oh, my... I must have truly offended the Heroes indeed. Your challenge is accepted, and I will return with a potential date as soon as your peer wins are verified. As for callers, I prefer Imp, Kheldar, and Azjah.

G'nort, my everlasting love... get 'im, sugah.

Akasha Annabella Adair Talanador

CEO, Bella Sera Industries
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HDT Industries
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Post by Rakeesh »

We are not offended at all, effendi(that word means 'friend' and not 'offender')... it is merely the Barony of Old Temple we seek. Good luck and dueling!
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Post by Rakeesh »

I am removing my request of challenge, temporarily. Should someone challenge before I request challenge again, and defeat Kaja, they may expect my nearly immediate challenge in return.
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Post by G »

This surprises me.

I had been done saying my parts on the challenge, and did not expect a retraction.

I'm sure there's reasons behind it, and while I'm curious, I won't press on about it.

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Post by Karen Wilder »

I don' get tae spend a lot o' time 'round here... bein' busy as I am all. But I figure I's gotta put me thoughts intae this whole mess.

Given thet th' headquarters fer th' Order o' th' Knights Templar is right there in th' Old Temple District, we keep good watch o'er things goin' on there. I hold a personal friendship an' alliance wit th' Dojo Darelir an' th' Momus family... both strong presences in th' Old Temple District. In addition tae th' close ties between th' Order an' th' City Watch.

Th' Templars 'ave been patrolin' th' Old Temple District since before Shakira's reign as Overlord. With our patrols, th' forces o' th' First Catholic Church an' th' forces o' th' Temple o' Divine Light... I'd say thet th' Old Temple District is th' safest section o' RhyDin.

Ifin ye know o' some new threat, then perhaps ye should speak o' it tae th' forces thet guard this city.
Lady Karen Wilder
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Post by Rakeesh »


I cannot speak of the threat that the Adventurer's Guild anticipates, as such things are dangerous to even whisper - only know that we wish your wonderful Order nothing but the best, and would never seek to offend it.

We are the swords of the Dragon's Gate area - however, we do investigate activities outside of that area, and indeed even outside of this city. I would not have offered up challenge if I did not believe it important, Knight - I promise you.

At any point - the challenge is rescinded, and the barony is open for others to challenge. I will, eventually, offer challenge again - no matter who is the controlling Baron or Baroness.
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