The Baron's Council - Matter of New Haven

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DUEL Rory Laurent
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The Baron's Council - Matter of New Haven

Post by DUEL Rory Laurent »

I am convening the Baron's Council in the matter of Cassius Maximus and Chase MacLaren for the Baron of New Haven.

The facts, as I know them, are as follows: Cassius Maximus was challenged for the Barony by Chase MacLaren late in the evening of 10/3. Her peer wins were legal and both parties were informed of this by the standings keeper the following morning. According to Cassius' acceptance statement which he did not post on the boards, he waited the full week the rules allow until 10/10 to accept the challenge, stating that he wished to see if any others stepped into the que.

The last sentence of the fourth paragraph under the Universal Terms of Challenge clearly states that, "Any challenge not responded to within one week, setting a time and place, shall be considered an abdication." While Cassius did respond to the challenge, he never set or suggested a time or date within that acceptance or the week time period.

Both parties were reminded of the deadline on 10/13 by the standings keeper. No response came. On 10/18 I sent letters to both parties asking for them to respond immediately with the date. On the following evening, the standings keeper also sent letters, reminding both parties that the challenge must be completed by 10/25.

Later the same evening, the Baron responded stating that he had been in contact with Ms. MacLaren but obviously no date or time had been concluded. He suggested Friday between 8-9. No caller was arranged. The challenge never occurred.

On Monday, 10/24, the Baron again sent a letter that suggested a new time and date -- 10/25 between 9-10 in the evening. This would be the last possible date that the challenge could be fought according to the rules. This time a caller, Pslyder, was arranged. Neither party showed for the challenge. The caller informed the standings keeper and I of this fact.

The standings keeper then declared the time period expired on this challenge. He stated that he would not allow an extension as both parties had been reminded several times of the deadline. This decision will not change and the Baron's Council will not have the authority to overrule a decision of the standing keeper.

The issue of the Warlord is clear in my book. Per the rules (the fifth paragraph under the Universal Terms of Challenge), if a challenger does not issue a legal challenge, he or she shall have their right to challenge stripped for the remainder of the cycle. Therefore, Ms. MacLaren will not be allowed to challenge for the rest of the current cycle.

As for the Baron, his failure to respond to the challenge appropriately, failure to schedule the match in a timely manner, and failure to show for a scheduled match is a series of offenses that cannot be overlooked. Therefore, his fate will be decided by the Council. As is my right as Supervisor (under "Baron's Council" point 5), I will be outlining some options available to the Baron's Council for the punishment they are allowed to issue to the Baron. They are as follows:

1. Stripping the Baron of the title.
2. Forcing the Baron to face and defeat a Council appointed champion in order to keep the title.
3. Censorship and fine payable to the charity of the Council's choosing.

The voting members of the Barons' Council shall consist of Kaja Adair, Magnus Eques, Max Black, Topaz, Damien Mortis, and Anubis Karos. It will be led by the Overlord, Rena Cronin. Should a tie take place, her vote shall be the tie-breaker. The voting members and supervisor are frozen at this time. Therefore, even if changes in the Council take place, the dethroned Baron will still have a seat in this Council until the matter is settled or the dethroned Overlord will still have the tie-breaking vote. If a decision is not posted to the board by the Overlord by November 8, the Council will lose it's right to decide on this matter and the staff (the Assistant Supervisor, the Standings Keeper, and the caller arranged for the match) will decide the fate of the Baron of New Haven.

I encourage Ms. MacLaren and the Baron to respond to these allegations in the public forum. I have yet to hear from either one of them as to reasons for their irresponsible actions. I also encourage the Barons of the Council to make their votes and the reasoning behind such votes public so the community knows where the decision-makers of this community stand on this issue. Finally, I encourage the community to make known their feelings on the issues. Your argument may have an effect on one or several of those voting.

Rory Laurent
Duel of Swords Supervisor
Last edited by DUEL Rory Laurent on Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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DUEL Chris Graz
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Post by DUEL Chris Graz »

Just to clarify, the Baron's council is not limited to the options outlined by the Supervisor. Those suggestions are to be used as guides to help the council reach a decision quickly, should they determine that Cassius is guilty of anything that warrents a punishment.
Chris Graziano
DoS Supervisor
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