Murder and Mayhem

What goes on behind the shiny exterior of MacPherson R&D labs.

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Shahai Iida
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Murder and Mayhem

Post by Shahai Iida »

Healing was improving, and the city was not sending mobs after me. I smiled, there was a large number of people working on a construction site in Seaside. Lots and lots of souls.

A feral smile curved my lips as I moved into the district's darkened streets. I would wait for the first group of construction workers in the morning. I would heal this body, and the more souls I sent to hell, the better.

Morning light saw the first wave of workers arriving. The steel and cement structure was reaching high into the skyline, and once they were up there, there was no getting down before I could have most of them.

I changed into the winged form, launching into the skies and circled around the building in the grey morning light. Dragon fear instantly set the workers blood running cold, and then came the screams. The terror stricken shriek as each man realized his soul was damned. Ripped from the body and devoured.

Bodies fell from the structure to land with a sickening thud far below.

Muscle grew.

Men died.

And then the dragon vanished. High on adrenaline.
Shahai Iida
First Follower of The Bloodspeaker
The Watcher in the Dark
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Post by The Watcher in the Dark »

Unnoticed by the populace, one blackened and crisped form shed sparks from time to time until a slight "thwump" was heard, and the form vanished in a flash of light, leaving only a ring of charred carbon and scorched earth.

It was simply unfortunate that it hadn't had time to send it's data to the home base.
Shahai Iida
Posts: 92
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Location: Currently RhyDin

Post by Shahai Iida »

As dawn lit the sky, the workers at the MacPherson site died. Their terror is an intoxicant. Luring, seducing, and I want more!

Turning to make another pass at the building with it's adrenaline laced souls, I was startled to see a small flying lizard. His next actions were even more shocking!

Snarling as I left the construction workers, I went for the lesser lizard, sending a ball of flames at him. He was agile, more agile than I am in this state. My focus on that one, I missed the assault of the blue, and we collided hard. She deliberately ran into me, knocking me away from my prize, and buying it time to flee.

Rage, black rage errupted within, and I swung around, grabbing the blue by the legs, sinking dagger long teeth into her neck.
Shahai Iida
First Follower of The Bloodspeaker
Herr Siewelt
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Location: Seaside Research and Development Building # 2130

Post by Herr Siewelt »

"Herr Siewelt! Herr Siewelt!" After a frantic phone call the young secretary burst through the double doors of Geffen's office. "Terrible news, sir. Envision 1 in Seaside has come under attack!"

Steely grey eyes tore away from his reports and locked onto the young femme. The glare sending a shiver down her spine and she bowed her head, voice dropped to a whimper. "Several were slaughtered. I'm sorry.."

"Has Joseph been informed?" he spoke through gnashed teeth.

"I've told only you, sir."

"Good, keep it that way. I'll need my car ready out front." Geffen slipped into his coat and rushed out. Finding Wesly and the black sedan waiting he climbed in a sped to the scene.

Local authorities had the perimeter secured as Geffen arrived. Wesly jumped from the drivers' seat and hurriedly rounded the car to open the door. Geffen was greeted by the first officer on the scene and he immediately read off the initial report.

"At present we got several unrecognizable bodies, those that survived are too shaken up to give a statement." The two stepped under the tape and stood at the row of body bags.

Upon opening the first they need not go any further. The image of Eugene Renolds' mangled corpse turned his stomach in knots. "Just ----ing great." He zipped the bag up and turned toward the surviors. "I'll need to speak with them privately."

"Good luck.." The officer flipped his notepad closed and marched off to aide fellow officers in crowd control.

"Okay gentlemen. Explain to me what happened."

The three remaining crew members glanced nerviously at one another before one spoke up. "It came out of nowhere.. just swooped down and started picking us off one by one. We were trapped with nowhere to go!"

"What did?" Geffen interupted with a cold, uncaring tone.

"A dragon, blue dragon."

"No! It was green, like a lizard." The two bickered back and forth about the specifics.

"Uh-huh..." Taking these subtle facts to note Geffen focused on the one yet to utter a word. "Anything you'd like to add?"

"Gene... Gene tried to draw its' attention to help us. It ripped through him like paper then turned back on us. There's nothing any of us could do. It must've had enough cause it flew off after killing most of us. We were lcuky to get out of there with little scratches and brusies."

"I see. Any structural damage?"

"I don't know, possibly."

Geffen grunted and turned his back. "I want a survey taken and a damage assesment report on my desk in the morning."

The three swapped dumbfonded glances. "You're joking, right?"

"I am not. Tomorrow morning. No excuses." With that he returned to the tinted sedan. "Back to headquarters." He retrieved the cell phone form his coat pocket and dialed the number to Joseph's office. "Wir haben ein Hauptproblem. Ich bin auf meinem Weg zum Büro mit den Details." Brief and to the point, not even giving his superiors the chance to comment he flipped the phone closed and settled back for the ride "home".

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