9th Keeper of Water, and the Tainting of the Tower

An ancient religion emerges in Rhy'Din.

Moderator: Vanion Shadowcast

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Vanion Shadowcast
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9th Keeper of Water, and the Tainting of the Tower

Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Vanion Shadowcast smiled in honest happiness as he walked towards the raging torrent of water that was his new home. It was rare for the ancient elf to experience joy, but there is no better term to describe the emotion that coursed through his no-longer-living veins as the double doors of the Tower of Water swung open.

As the new Keeper of Water passed through the mystic doorway, and into the living Tower of Water, the element of water changed on Twilight Isle.

Vanion's taint, while not harmful, turned the colour of water pitch black on the Isle. It was involuntary, a side-affect of his use of the Crystal of Quyl'Isha, but the dark elf partially enjoyed the change. It would certainly cause a stir amongst the always annoying locals, after all.

Though he had not had a need to breathe oxygen in many hundreds of years, Vanion inhaled deeply as his old eyes took in the beauty of the inside of the Tower of Water. There was much to learn.
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Post by Esperwind »

The long awaited challenge was over, and Etherean still retained his title as the Keeper of Fire. He experienced a small twinge of regret, since he would not be free to unseat the new Keeper of Water any time soon. But, as he still held power over the opposition element, there were other avenues of annoyance open to him.

Willing himself to the battlements, he gazed down at the black lagoon where the Tower of festering Water spewed forth. Vanion's essence may have tainted the waters black, but the newly appointed Keeper of Water had yet neglected to change the aspect that the Tower's previous owner had imparted upon the waters as well.

A moment of concentration was all it took to ignite the air above the water's edge.
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Neo Eternity
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Neo gazed at the black water in dissatisfaction. Anyone but Vanion. He wanted badly to challenge Vanion for the tower, but he did not think himself able to do so... He had not been around the required 60 days. He would have to simply improve his skills until he can challenge Vanion, or until someone else takes the tower from him.
-- Neo Eternity
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Vanion Shadowcast
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Vanion allowed the unsubtle and arrogant move to be made by Etherean. His old captain certainly must have disdained the power he had imparted upon him when his curse was released - however, none of that was important.

During the month after Vanion Shadowcast turned the waters of the Isle of Magic deep black, he did not leave his Tower. Indeed, he spent all day and night in that place, studying the element of Water and merging himself with the primal forces that connected themselves to the Tower.

After one month, Vanion participated in another Archmage Tournament. Once again, his plans were put off slightly as he lost in the Final Round of the Tournament. Yet, the old vampire knew that patience was key if racism was to be destroyed by his hand, even as his other hand would raise up honor and righteousness once more. He would have to wait.

In the meantime, Vanion was active again - coming in and out of his Tower... sometimes with a particularly attractive supper, and other times with monks shrouded in all black;
the Priests of Myr'Khul.

And always, ever, was Vanion Shadowcast's strength growing.

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