... Delmah, Ssinjin, Delmah ...

The Chronicles of the Ilythiiri Mirshann and those he calls "Abbil"

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... Delmah, Ssinjin, Delmah ...

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

Raevyx hung a sharp left out of the Arena and headed towards the poor quarter and to his place to sleep for the night. The wind began to pick up as the temperature began to drop. He continued to make his way to a pre-determined place, to rest and get out of the cold wind. The stars began to disappear as a thick cloud cover moved in and ultimately covering then entire night sky. As the minutes ticked away, a light drizzle began to fall and as the drizzle progressed, it quickly became heavier and more abundant as it stared to fall loudly upon the cobblestone streets. Then the skies opened up and the rain began to pour. Raevyx flipped the hood on his piwafwi up over his head to, somewhat; shield himself from the heavy rain. He made another sharp turn and headed down a dark and musty alley with no real exit. In the back of the alley, a conglomerate of old wooden crates, poor grade lumber, and several large pieces of waxed canvas stood against the far corner, creating a derelict hovel, of sorts. Raevyx walked up to the small hole for an entrance and climbed in muttering, “V'dri maristo orn tlu inthuul, loniar lu' naut ves conamori izil ... 'sohna.” He was home for the night.
Last edited by Raevyx_Araya on Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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... something wicked, this way comes ...

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

The makeshift hovel did nothing to keep the cold wind from knifing its way inside and making the night pass by ever so slowly. Raevyx slept on a down filled bedroll coated with substance that kept heat in, but repelled moisture. A thick wool blanket is all that he has to cover himself with, during the frigid winter nights, it keeps him rather warm, but when it gets wet, it allows the cold to creep in and consume all warmth that is finds. As he lay there, shivering slightly and extremely uncomfortable, he heard her voice in his head. He listened to the soft words that was their earlier conversation and finally closed his eyes, letting his mind and her words take him off to sleep. The night passes slowly, even with his thoughts on more pleasant things, but that sleep becomes turbulent as the pleasant thoughts make an abrupt transformation. His thoughts now drift deep into the blackness that seeks to consume him. His sleeping mind races with questions of “What If?” and “Why Me?” while plummeting deeper into his own personal abyss. His slumbering depression is undaunted by the tossing and turning that has completely removed the damp wool blanket. His smooth black skin glistens with moisture as drops of water fall down into his hovel from several holes in his waxed canvas roof. Raevyx continued to sleep restlessly as a thick black mist crept its way into his simple hovel. The night was just beginning.
Last edited by Raevyx_Araya on Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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Friends, Trust and Lies

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

The Outback was reasonably quiet when I arrived and took my usual table near the rings. Sylus Kurgen was getting himself rather intoxicated, and his elven and vampiric friends did not appear to be amused. It was by design that I remained as far from that mess as I could. Drunks are never pleasant, and better to avoid being in the middle of that pending disaster.

Some time later, Josh arrived, and for the first time since I’ve been coming to the Outback there was edible food. Jake has some very disgusting things to serve, but Josh made every attempt to have food fit for consumption. His grilled hamburgers were a nice change from the wings Jake brings. I do confess however that it was the first time I’ve ever had anyone literally throw my dinner at me. Yes, it landed neatly before me, but I’m more used to Andre and a more genteel method of serving meals.

I had finished a match with Ticallion Carter, and was returning to my table and a fine old Laphroigh when Farek arrived, and then the flash of blackness that heralded Raevyx. Farek! The man is insufferable.

Rhaine greeted Raevyx with a comment about needing to speak to him later, and I wonder how the vicar’s Bishop likes having him in RhyDin. The newly arrived Asmodeans and Myr’khulian’s have brought a darker side to the city than has been seen in recent years. While I have not seen the darker side of Raevyx yet, his race and his allegiance to the deity Asmodeus do mean that he has that side.

The dark elf took a seat on a nearby sofa, and I bid him "Bwael tangisto" or good evening. He nodded quietly and in common rather than Drow returned my greeting. He was even more quiet and withdrawn tonight than he’d been the night before, and after watching him for long minutes, I spoke up, “You seem lost in your own thoughts tonight Raevyx.” He gave a shake of his head, his crimson eyes focusing on me once again, “Pardon?” Frowning slightly, I repeated, “You seem to be somewhere else tonight.”

He shrugged lightly, “No, I am fine.” But when he rubbed his neck and winced, I knew he was not being truthful with me. He shifted restlessly, and I watched him as I took a sip of the Laphroigh. The warm smokey liquid burned my throat as I watched him fidget almost incessantly. “You are restless.” He turned to me with a puzzled look, “oh, no, not really.” Another lie.

He rose and leaned against a nearby pole as I told him, “Yes, really.” He rubbed his neck again, as though it pained him, and then slide his hands down to his lower back, and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. I tapped my index finger lightly against the crystal glass as I watched the dark elf, who for his own reasons was lying to me repeatedly. “And you still say you are not restless?” I quirked a pale brow at him.

“Yes,” and he shifted his weight again, with a slight wince as he settled onto his left leg. I sat my glass of scotch down and reached for my stiletto heeled sandals, sliding them onto my feet with every intention of leaving for the evening when Farek’s voice grated upon my ears. “Keep ‘em off because it’s time.” Farek. How I do loathe that man.

I rose from my chair and slid a condescending look at Farek. “Leave the cigar unlit then.” He sneered back at me, “I’m not smoking one at the moment.” With a derisional snort at him, “Hard to tell when you are and when you are not, you reek all the time.” He spat onto the ground, “cry.” As I slid off the sandals, “Perhaps a little fresh air would help,”

Raevyx shifted again as I entered the ring, and again I caught sight of a wince from him. My focus shifted to Farek, who would find great delight in causing me as much pain as he possibly can, and curling my fingers into fists, I locked my gaze onto the skinny varlet.

All through my fight with Farek I could catch glimpses of Raevyx, shifting his weight and wincing with each movement. While I seldom fare very well against Farek, it was satisfying to land a jab to his jaw that sent a jarring jolt through my whole body, but as I glanced again at the dark elf, he was again wincing. Something was terribly wrong, but he would not confide just what that might be to me, despite repeated attempts to get him to speak about it.

I left my match with Farek and walked toward Raevyx, he shifted to his left, and nodded at my deserted sandals, “your heels.” I paused in front of him, “Alright, you are shifting from leg to leg, wincing on the right, and you tell me you are not restless.” I glanced again at my heels, “They don’t help much to even our height difference.” I told him as an afterthought. The CEO in me was rising quickly to the surface. I do not like being lied to, no matter what the reason, and tonight and last night had seen more lies told to me than had been tried in many years.

He did it again, “I am not restless.”

“mm hmm,”

He pushed off from the wall with a grimace and I tried another tactic, “Alright, if not restless, what did you do to yourself?”

“I have done nothing.” He lied to me again with a nonchalant shrug. He then took a deep breath and headed toward a chair, not his usual softer sofa. I walked along with him toward the chair, and watched him intently as he took a very slow seat. “See, all good.”

Hissing softly at him, “Liar.”

He shrugged, “do not worry about me micamar.”

Alright, if that’s the way he wants it, I headed back toward my table and my stilettos, reaching down grabbing them with one hand and my glass of scotch with the other hand. I glanced over my shoulder at him, Ichl gajen Raevyx. Usstan xun eszak. (Too late Raevyx, I already do worry.)

His head lowered as I walked away, and his voice was a soft thread of sound, “t'yin udos tu' eszak whol."

I turned a very cool gaze on him, "L' erg'les zhah, vel'bol ph' udos ulu eszak whol?" (The question is, what are we to worry for?) His cryptic question did nothing to alleviate my growing anger at his evasion and outright lies.

His crimson eyes held mine a moment, "dos eszak bauth dosst errdegahren lu' uns'aa, usstan eszak bauth ussta errdegahren lu' dos.” (you worry about your demons and me, I worry about my demons and you.) I paused from my departure preparations, then leaned over and slid the 5” heels one by one onto my feet. "Dosst errdegahren inbal naut belbaunin dos l' jiv'undus dos zah'har maristo.“ (Your demons have not given you the pain I see.) He rubbed his eyes and I rose to face him as he said "t'yin ol z'klaen tlu l' byr" (then it must be the other.)

My demons? What sense did that make?

He continued, "whol l' aster, dos inbal naut morfel uns'aa jiv'undus micamer", (In truth, it is not you have made me this pain ma’am.) He stood with some slowness and pain fleeting across his features. I took my glass of scotch and moved toward him, "Aster 'udtila naut vel'bol Usstan kyorl wun dos ditronw nin." (Truth is not what I see in you right now.)

He studied me a moment, "seke z'lonzic" (true enough.)

Pausing before him, slowly looking up into his eyes, "Telanth ulu uns'aa Raevyx. Vel'bol zhah xusst?" (Tell me Raevyx, what is wrong?) My patience was wearing very thin at this point.

"Naubol nindel dos zhal'la tlu eszak bauth micamer.” (Nothing that you should worry about ma’am.) He sat back down and looked up at me.

Ma’am. Nothing I should worry about. Fury rose quickly, and I shifted my weight to one leg as I regarded him, "Vel'bol tlun Usstan ulu xun xuil dos?” (What am I to do with you?) I was ready to walk out the door and return to my home and work. This was pointless, and clearly he did not want me to know what had caused him such pain. Nor why he had been so quiet these last days. So be it.

He gave me an oh so innocent smile, something very difficult for most Drow to accomplish, "s'tharl xuil uns'aa?” (sit with me?). He’d paused, but then added, "heru'nga uns'aa?" (support me?) He leaned back into the sofa with another flash of pain, "tlu fol uss vel'uss zhah trantz lu' kyon whol uns'aa" (be someone who is real and care for me?)

With a frown creasing my features, "Usstan inbal xunor jal d' nindyn klezn. Usstan xun kyon whol dos, zhah nindel naut keffal?“ (I have done all of those things, is that not seen?) Could friendships in his world be so vastly different that he cannot see that he’s become a friend that I do care about, and that my caring is a real thing, not some means of achieving an ulterior objective?

He sighed, "t'yin dos ph' ula lu' zhal'la naut eszak ussta d'anthe,” (Then you are fine and need not worry my dear.) he motioned for me to join him,

I glanced from his eyes to the sofa and back, "P'wal Usstan kyorl jiv'undus wun ril mumbaro dos morfeth maristo," (because I see pain in every move you make.) I do worry. Something is very wrong, and I cannot let this go. We argued a bit longer over his condition and finally I said to him in anger, "Nesstren! Dos ph' jal go'h karliik." o(MEN! You are all pig headed.)

He rose abruptly, in all the dark threat the Drow embody, "NAU USS jivviim uns'aa!” (NO ONE hurt me!) "nau uss d'anthe abbil." (No one dear friend.) He quieted almost as quickly as he’d exploded. As though he’d realized what he’d just done, and regretted the display of temper to someone he considered a friend. It had taken every bit of self control I possessed not to back away from him in that moment when menace was in his every move.

He sat back down, and a loud popping noise issued from his spine, but he maintained a calm exterior demeanor. “Please sit.”

I looked at the sofa and then at him before perching on the edge of the sofa cushion. He noticed my unease, “you do not have to sit with me if you do not want to.” It was a no win situation. I was not comfortable sitting there, and yet, if I walked away it would be an act of cowardice, and I could not allow that either.

We spoke at great length about why it was important to me to know what was causing him pain, why I should care. I do care. I care about people I consider friends, and Raevyx had become my friend. He’d fit into a part of my life that means he’s included in my consideration. Now he is hurting, and does not trust me enough to tell me why.

After a long evening, I offered to take him home... and that began a whole new series of events.
Last edited by Azjah von Drachen Walde on Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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A Night to Remember

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

The outback was extremely boring. The callers were taking forever to send the results out and he almost fell asleep several times. He finally woke up when she came over to him and began speaking with him. Their conversation was like their usual ones, long and slightly depressing, filled with pain and sadness. Raevyx wished that he could find some sort of happiness and use it to brighten the conversation, but nothing came to mind.

The night passed on as usual up until words began to be exchange by her and the cretin. This common event ran its course, which ended with Raevyx chiming in and adding his spare change, which threw him into the argument as well. His anger was rising as well as hers, she moved to depart, but before she could exit, he had departed in his usual fashion. He waited just outside for her to exit as well, but she must have gotten re-involved in the argument, because several minutes passed before she finally left the outback.

They then made their way to her choice of machines for the evening and proceeded to talk for a few moments. Then, silence fell and he bid her goodnight. She then asked if she could take him home. Raevyx’s head swam with images of how she would react to his home. He could not let her see him this way. Yet she persisted that she drive him home and with that, he finally allowed her to do so. With an extreme reluctance, he got into her machine and she sped off, following his directions.

She gave him a quick worried glance as his directions lead her expensive machine deep into the poor quarter and further away from her estate. Her body language said it all as she continued deeper into the poor quarter and finally, a mortified look brought her machine to a rolling stop. The lights illuminated a small heap of wooden crates, low-grade lumber, and waxed canvas that vaguely resembled some sort of home. Raevyx nodded and stated calmly, “I am home.” He undid the strap and began looking for a way to exit the machine but could find nothing. She replied, “Please tell me that you are not serious.” His solemn response was enough, “never been more.”

She reached into her pocket and quickly locked the doors, just in case he actually figured out how to escape her machine. The conversation revolved around how unacceptable his accommodations were and how she would not allow him to sleep there tonight. She begged him to let her take him to the Golden Ivy Inn but he would not have it. Raevyx was too proud to allow someone else to foot the bill for him to sleep in true comfort for a change. He would sleep here or he would not sleep at all.

Raevyx had begun to push against the door, trying to find a way to get out of her machine but the door would not budge. She continued to tell him that this was unacceptable and that her opinion would not change as she clicked the doors unlocked. He resumed looking for a way out of the car as she abruptly opened her door, got out, and walked around the front of the machine. Raevyx knew what she was doing and could not help but feel weak, helpless, and sad. She opened his door and stood there, blocking him from exiting the car. Her voice was so quiet then, so soft, yet so caring. She did not want him to stay here, for she could not bear the fact that she was living in a great place, while her friend slept in a trash heap. In a soft, saddened voice, he asked her to allow him to go to his hovel. She quietly declined his humble request and told him that it was wrong for him to stay here. She further explained that she knew this because she felt it in her heart. Raevyx asked if she would truly stop him if he were to rise and exit the care, to which her response was that she would try to if she had to. He swung his feet out and placed them on the ground, then placed his hands on the frame of the machine and pulled himself to his feet, her gaze locked with his, as she stood there, unmoving as he rose before her. Her eyes begged him not to ask this request of her for she could not allow him, a dear friend, to stay in such a derelict place. Her hand slowly came to his face and lightly touched it before sliding down to the center of his chest, where she shoved him. Her words were quiet again, but he knew all to well that she was begging him to get back in the machine. “Get in the car” she whispered, “please.” He fell back to the frame of the machine and whispers back to her, “no.” She tried to threaten him by saying that she would get her shadow involved and that he would force Raevyx into the machine. They both knew well enough that if her shadow tried, that she would need a new shadow to watch after her. She pleaded with him to get in the machine, for his own well-being, He replied softly that he knows what is good for him, and that his hovel is good enough. She took a deep breath and conceded, “You win, tonight.” she stated sadly. To which he replied, “Tonight?” No further conversation came from them as she stepped out of his way, allowing him the freedom to go to his pile of trash. He slowly stepped forward and around the door, and then gently shut it before turning towards his home. As he made his way towards the hovel, she walked back to where her shadow was standing and whispered something to him, then returned to the drivers’ side and got back into her machine. She shut the door and watched as her friend, blinded by his own stubborn pride, walked slowly towards his home. She bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood when she saw him drop down on all fours and crawl into a makeshift entrance. The machines stayed a few moments later as he rearranged his cardboard box mattress and laid down on his bedroll, his pillow tonight was a pile of crumpled paper and as he placed his head upon it he heard the sounds of the machines leaving, intertwined with the all to familiar sounds of rain drops pelting his abode. As she backed out of the alley and into the street, tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes. Raevyx sighed heavily as he pulled his damp wool blanket up over him and prepared to try and get some sleep during another cold, wet night at home.
Last edited by Raevyx_Araya on Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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Piles of Rubble

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

We’d agreed to leave the Outback. Farek, with his usual lack of class spat upon the matts and sent Kaja scrambling higher onto the caller’s sofa. I shook my head, “Farek, you are so very disgusting. You’re going to give those matts a disease if you keep that up.”

He continued to maintain his usual social pariah standards. “Hilarious. Have you dueled someone else in the interim of our previous duel? I ask because I’m feeling extra violent this evening.”

“No Farek, I have not. Thus, I cannot accommodate you.”

“A shame, I find there’s no better person to beat on than you.”
He sneered.

“You’ve found a value for me?” I gave him a snide look. “I’m still looking for one for you.”

“One would think you’d learned how not to get your ass beaten. You must be a slow learner,” he offered me an arrogant smile and swiveled in the barstool.

Shaking my head slightly as I moved for the door again, “I’ve given you more than one run for your money and your mouth.”

“Two. I’ll concede that.” He drawled.

“And several more that took 15 rounds to decide.” I reminded him.

He smirked, “Still, my value is priceless, but it’s impossible to see it with your nose turned up to block your vision.”

“I prefer not to look too deeply into the gutter.”

“That is a fault.”

“Living in a gutter? Yes, it certainly is a fault.”

Raevyx spoke up at that point in our spite filled banter, “If her nose was turned up as you say, she would not be conversing with me.”

Farek glared at him, “Quiet, Drow. She associates herself with weaklings and cretins, like yourself.”

I sized Farek up slowly, making certain that my expression clearly told him I found him lacking, “Better than skinny bullies with no class at all.”

“I am certainly no cretin” Farek snapped back at Raevyx.

I smirked at him, “No, you haven’t climbed that high up the ladder of existence.”

“I may not be as intellectual as you ivory towers seem to believe you are, but the smarts I have count.” He took a long guzzle of gin at that point.

“Yes, but only in the gutter to which you’ve become accustomed.”

After a bit more verbal exchange, Farek demanded to know, “Name me one individual that rivals a tenth of my skill, courage, and experience.”

I gave him a cool look, “Shadowrun, Feadur, Bishop, BRK”

He snarled, “Bring them back from whatever shallow graves they lie in and I will turn their accomplishments into footnotes.”

‘You? Never!” I was laughing at this point.

“You are as ignorant as you are mouthy.” He guzzled a bit more gin. It was time to go, and Raevyx did leave in a flash of blackness after words had been exchanged on how Farek would fare in The Underdark. His skills would not serve him as a means of survival there.

I laughed at Farek and told him he didn’t really care about anything except his own hide. He grinned, “That is my top concern, of course, followed by my ego.”

“Ah, well, that ego has expanded to proportions that cannot be contained in most buildings.”

But he continued on with his monolog, “Further down the list comes information, money, and drugs, in that order.”

“You missed the Gin” I told him.

He lit one of his smelly, disgusting cigars, and I told him it was time to go.

“How unfortunate.”

“You lit that thing.”

“It remains lit.”

“And I remain departing.”

“Go ahead” he smirked. Eoin shifted in the shadows as I stepped toward the door. “I am showing considerable restraint, woman.”

I looked back at him, “Since when? You don’t have any self control.”

He laughed softly, “Your friend, he is a coward.”

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around to face Farek. In a voice barely above a tightly leashed whisper, “You would not know or understand the difference between cowardice and manners Farek.”

“He uses the lore of his race to elevate himself to levels he could only dream of. He disgusts me.”

“Everyone disgusts you Farek, Why should Raevyx be any different?”

He puffed on that cigar before continuing. “You know what’s sad Azjah?”

“You truly have no clue. I know many things that are sad Farek, you included.”

“He had earned a smidgeon of respect from me with his decision to duel, even though he had to have known he would lose. But his insolent diatribe regarding his race plunged him back into the category of Xenograg, G’nort Dragoon, and yourself.” He rose and spit onto the bar and departed from the rings.

I stepped into the blackness of the night to find Raevyx. Eoin was standing in the shadows, and I heard footsteps approach from the shadows, and then Raevyx shifted into the nearly silent movement of his kind. “A bit loud for an Ilythiiri” I teased him.

“I did not wish to startle you as much as I would have if I had kept silent, and Eoin would have tried to take me out.”

I smiled before staring up at the stars overhead, “I would have known. You get used to having a shadow if you’re going to be around me.” I’d sensed his glance back toward Eoin.

He chuckled, “One of which is only your shadow when he is with you, I do not stalk you micamer.”

I gave him a sad look, and then held out my arm toward him, sliding the silk sleeve up to my elbow, “feel here,” as I indicated the small line where an incision had been made, and a very small bump could be felt but not seen. “This is a homing beacon,” as his fingertip slid lightly over the device, “How many people do you know have to go to that extreme?” I slid the sleeve down once more to hide the scars on my wrist. Thankful that in the darkness they were not as visible as they might have been in the light of day.

Raevyx seemed unperturbed, “In the Underdark, those are called geas, wizards place them on those who they want to and/or need to keep tabs on.”

We walked toward the parking lot and my car. “What did you drive tonight?”

“The McLaren,” I told him. He grew silent. “Eoin keeps threatening to put governors on my cars.”

He gave me a confused look, “Governors? Why does he want to put people on your cars? Are we not supposed to go inside?”

I laughed lightly, “I keep forgetting you are not a technology buff. They are something to control the maximum speed my cars are capable of achieving. The Murcielago is not capable of keeping up with the McLaren, the Testarossa, nor the Enzo.” The car unlocked as we approached it. He jumped, “what was that?”

I pulled out the electronic key card, “Car knows I’m here, doors unlocked and security system shut off. No need for anything else. The car knows who I am and unlocks for me. Better than a valet.”

I started to slide behind the wheel of the car, and asked him if I could take him home. His demeanor changed abruptly. “That will not be necessary, it is too far away.”

Quirking a brow at him, “All the more reason for me to take you.”

He pointed to his feet, “these do nicely.”

I do not understand his reluctance to accept a ride, and teased him about being a coward, but he continued to want to know why I needed to know where he slept. Giving him a vague shrug, “You’ve seen where I sleep at night, and it’s really not that important. I’ve seen your home in The Underdark.”

He frowned, “I do not think you will enjoy it.”

“It’s not a question of whether I enjoy it, the question is do you?”

He frowned, “not really, only place I could find.”

I gave him a soft laugh, “We’ll have to introduce you to G’nort, he owns the Golden Ivy Inn.”

He was too quick with his reply, “Too expensive, already looked into the inns. You really want to take me home?”

“Only if you want me to, it’s your call.” I told him.

He gave me an odd reply, “I want you to, but I do not want you to see where I sleep. I doubt you will be pleased with my accommodations.”

“It’s not up to me Raevyx. It is what you deem appropriate.” I could not imagine what he could be so uncomfortable with, and my mind explored all kinds of explanations in those split seconds. As he moved toward the door, Eoin stepped forward and opened it for him. Raevyx gave Eoin a dark look, closed the door and re-opened it. “You could have just told me.” I had to smile at his obstinacy.

He folded himself into the passenger seat as Eoin walked around and closed my door. As he snapped the buckle of the seatbelt into place, I teased him, “We’ll make a techno geek out of you yet.” He gave me a dark look, “No, thank you.”

I started the engine and he gave me the direction to turn left and remain on that for some time. The steel blue Murcielago pulled out behind us. I glanced into the mirror and told Raevyx, “The car that Eoin is driving is the one I was driving the night I was shot.”

He turned to study my profile, “You were shot? By what? Crossbow? Bow?"

I gave him a quick glance and a smile before unbuttoning my jacket where the shoulder holster could then be seen, and reached into the center console to hand him a loaded magazine. “Yes, by one of Raavich’s assassins, and no, it was a bullet from a sniper rifle. One of those in your hand was what hit me.” The .50 caliber bullets for my DE are similar in size and weight to the .50 caliber used in the sniper’s weapon.

As we made our way away from the dueling forums and the wealthier old district into the poorer sections of town, I glanced apprehensively at Raevyx. Surely he’d not taken lodgings in Badside! Eoin is going to have a heart attack. As he indicted that we’d reached the destination, I stepped on the brake, “Here? Where here?” All I could see was a dead end alley in a run down area with a pile of rotting boards and waxed canvas lay piled in a disheveled heap against one of the walls of the building. He pointed to the mound in the head lights. “Tell me this is one of your portals.” I looked at him in absolute horror.

He turned a deep crimson gaze on me in return. “What?”

“You are not serious,” I told him.

“Never been more,” was his reply.

This situation is completely unacceptable, and I told him so. I cannot allow anyone to live in such conditions, and yet, he refuses to allow me to help. Here is Ilythiiri pride at it’s worst.

I locked the doors of the car as he was seeking the release. “Why did you do that?” he asked me, “If our positions were reversed, and I were living like this in Underdark, what would you say?”

He smirked slightly, “You would be dead if you were living like this in the Underdark. You either belong to a House, are a slave to one, or dead, or a drider.”

“You expect me to just let you walk out of this car?!” I challenged him. “Yes” was his simple reply. I gave him an incredulous look as he told me “it is rather comfortable for what it’s worth.”

“You don’t lie very well.” I touched the keyless go card and the locks click open. “My opinion has not changed. This is unacceptable.”

He sighed, “This is all that I have here Azjah. It is flat, dry, sometimes, and warm, sometimes.”

I groaned. “Let me take you to the Golden Ivy.”


I sighed and got out, Eoin’s expression was thunderous. Walking around to his side of the car, I opened the door, but did not step back. I was going to make him push me out of the way to let him approach that pile of rubbish. “don’t do this.”

He looked up at me, “how come?”

I set my jaw, “because I can’t bear it.”

He gave me a smile, “Why can you not bear it? You do not have to. You have a wonderful place to go home to.” Rain began to pelt down in big drops. “Will you truly stop me from exiting this machine and going to my….. abode?”

“If I can, yes,” I told him.

He rose, sliding upright between the car and me. I did not step back, but locked my eyes onto his. He whispered, “Please let me go to my home.”

I could not have spoken above a whisper had I wanted to, “please don’t ask me to let you do that.” I crowded him a bit more. “Please get in.”

He didn’t budge, “please let me go to my ‘home’.”

I sighed and he lowered his head, at which point I reached up to touch his face lightly. “You cannot expect me to leave here like this.”

“Leave here like what?”

“We are going to get wet standing her arguing like this.” I told him.

“I am used to being wet, there are holes in the canvas, windows.”
And he gave me a fake smile.

Upon hearing that, my hand slid down to the center of his chest and I gave him a light shove. “Please get in.”

He remained firmly resolved and at last I stepped away from him, giving him the freedom to walk past me. He did. “Alright, you win, tonight.”

I walked away as he moved toward the pile of rubbish and headed for Eoin. My instructions were crystal clear. This pile of rubbish would be watched and when the dark elf left on the morrow, it would be removed. Taken away with no bit of it to remain. Lucien would wait and face the wrath of the dark elf with a missive from me, and then I slid behind the steering wheel.

As he dropped to all fours to enter the heap, I bit my lower lip until it bled. I could not watch this. I could not.

Eoin and I backed out of the alley and returned to the Palazzo. The watch was set, and my missive to Raevyx penned. They would wait until he left for the evening, and then that rat heap would be removed.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
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Lucien Waits

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Lucien and 2 members of the grounds crew from the Palazzo waited most of the day and early evening in sight of the pile of rotting wood and waxed canvas before the dark elf finally stirred. He slipped from the mound of rubble and moved with eerie silence toward the dueling venues, and Lucien knew they had a little time to sort through the pile to make certain they did not throw away anything of personal value to the dark elf.

They'd finished quickly, removing every trace of the hovel that had been there, and the 2 grounds keepers returned to their homes, leaving Lucien to remain behind to await the return of the Dark Elf.

The missive was sealed with the Marchioness' seal. The seal was in royal blue wax, with the 4 lions rampant of Triberg within the silhouette of the main city gate towers of the city of Triberg. 4 Strawberry leaf crown hovered above the gate towers indicating Marchioness/Marquess.

Lucien was well armed with a .50 semi automatic hand gun, a knife, and years of hand to hand training, and he is very patient.
Last edited by Azjah von Drachen Walde on Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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One Step Closer

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

Raevyx arrived at the Arena early and took a seat on the couch that he normally used. The soft cushions quickly comforted him and he fell off into a deep sleep that was very unusual for him in such a public place. He slept deeply for several hours while occasionally rolling over to sleep on a different side and even fell off the couch. The resulting impact with the floor barely jarred him as he looked around through mere slits, then climbed back upon the couch and fell right back asleep. Rena noticed and moved from the bar to just outside of his personal space and asked in a concerned tone, “You ok?” Raevyx was already asleep and her inquiry fell on his sleeping ears. Raevyx rolled over a few more times and eventually rolled off the couch again. This time, he woke up enough to notice that this was the second time that he had done that. He stood quickly while grumbling to himself and quickly headed for the door.

He quickly regained his composure as he stepped into the cool night air and started walking in the direction of the poor quarter. He walked slowly, retracting the path that her machine took when she gave him a ride home, remembering everything that transpired that night. He listened to her soft, caring words as she tried to help him. He stopped dead in his tracks and came to a realization. “She honestly cares about me.” He stated quietly. The idea hit him harder than the backhand of a livid Matron as she becomes aware of failure. He begins to walk again and continues to hear her voice in his head as he walks home again.

As he turns the corner that leads to his alley, he notices that the familiar aroma of rotting wood and canvas no longer wafts through the air here. He stops and looks around, allowing his senses to scan and survey the area before continuing. He even forces his eyes into the infrared spectrum to scout for possible hidden assailants. His eyes detect a source of heat coming from his alley, and with this knowledge, he slips into a silent stance as he moves closer to his alley. The human figure comes into his full view as he silently comes around the corner, he deep crimson eyes, swirling violently as he does not see the familiar heat signature of his hovel; nothing but the cold ally and this human male awaited Raevyx as he slowly came up behind the man.

In a matter of mere seconds, Raevyx lunged forward and speared the man from behind. His arms wrapping tightly around the man’s arms, locking them to his side as they both flew forward and into the cold, hard alley wall. Before the stranger could fathom what was occurring, Raevyx had him turned around, his hand firmly wrapped around his throat as he gradually applied more pressure to the unknown man. The man was frantically clawing at Raevyx’s hands but he paid no attention to them. His other hand instinctively searched the man, looking for hidden weapons and when he found a large metal object, he stopped and threw the man towards the place where his home used to be. The man slammed into the wall with extreme force that stole his breath and sent him gasping for air. Raevyx slowly approached the writhing man and spoke to him with a tone that dripped with the very ichor that coursed through the inhabitants if Baator’s body. “Before I relieve you of your soul … Tell me, who you are, who you work for, where my home is, and how you would like to die.” His words were calm, yet they seemed to cut through the man like knives. The sound of steel scraping against steel rang through the alley as Raevyx drew his Baatorian green steel bastard sword and leveled it at the man’s neck. He was on the brink.

Raevyx lunged forward again and brought the flat of his massive blade across the man’s face, sending him cart wheeling into the corner. Raevyx turned the blade around in his hand and slammed the pommel into the man’s chest, causing the man to buckle and fold over, clutching his chest, and coughing forcefully. Raevyx grabbed the man buy his throat, lifted him up into the air, and threw him up and over him. Raevyx turned and watched as the man flew backwards and hit the ground extremely hard. “ANSWER ME!” He bellowed loudly in the dark alley. The man could barely move let alone speak, but he mustered up enough to speak through pained gasps.“Lucien …” The man coughed hard for several moments, and then attempted to continue. “I was ordered to remove the hovel.” He clutched his chest as his face contorted in pain; his breaths labored and in the form of short gasps. The man reached into his coat to retrieve something, Raevyx saw this and drew his ebon hued bone kris. The kris’ wicked blade began to glow a sickly greenish black color from the ichor that dripped from the kris and fell to the ground and began to sizzle as it ate away at the ground. Raevyx wasted no time in thrusting the tainted blade deep into the man bicep. The man screamed and passed out from the pain caused from the tainted blade. As he blacked out, his arm relaxed and fell to his side; with it, a simple envelope fell out and landed on the ground. It was obviously of some important by way it was sealed. The seal, stamped in blue wax, bore the mark of a Marquee/Marchioness and depicted several different things. Raevyx returned his blades to their respective sheathes and scabbards then reached down and picked up the envelope. He then realized that the seal was hers and she must have sent the man as well. He broke the seal and withdrew the short letter. It read:

“To Raevyx of House Araya,

I had your personal effects brought to the Palazzo, so they are safe and will be taken care of. I have also arranged for them to be cleaned so that you will not have to sleep with something that reeks as they do. I have paid for a room at the Golden Ivy. The key is at the front desk as well as a fair amount of money for you to spend as you see fit. I had hovel removed because I could not stand to see you crawling on hands and knees to enter your, “home”. Usstan tlun taudl ussta d'anthe, drill Usstan inbalus ulu xun nindol. Ussta morn'lo jivviim 'zil ka ol zhahen aluin ulu doer maglust lu' Usstan gumash naut ori'gato dos dro saph nindel.”

Azjah Telyria Danaan,
Baroness von Drachen Walde,
Marchioness von Triberg

Raevyx swooned and looked around and then to the man that lay unconscious before him. He knew that he has probably ruined the only good thing to happen to him since he found his aunts House on the surface. With that, he put the letter in his back pocket and lifted the extremely wounded man up and headed for the Palazzo.
Last edited by Raevyx_Araya on Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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Ain't Love Grand

Post by Raevyx_Araya »

Raevyx walked as quickly as he could towards the Palazzo, so that he would be able to rest and heal his broken bones and such, but he knew that the wound on the mans bicep would leave a scar that would remain, no matter how well the man naturally healed, he was scarred for eternity. As Raevyx entered the Palazzo gates and walked up the drive, he noticed Dyson standing under the portico holding the door open. As he approached the portico, Dyson noticed Raevyx and called inside to announce his arrival. Raevyx stopped at the portico and gently laid the man down on the ground. He looked up at Dyson and asked for something to write with and Dyson produced a pen. Raevyx took the missive from his back pocket and wrote on the back, "Kor zhah natha b'vecko klez lu' orn desu morfeth udossa mora wun natha i'dol nindel udos zhaun udos zhal'la naut. Usstan zhaun nindel Lucien orn tlu ula lu' Usstan tlun zhaunus nindel udos orn thalra 'sohna. Usstan tlun taudl whol vel'bol Usstan inbal xunor ulu dos.” He placed his message into the envelope and handed it to Dyson, along with his pen, then turned and walked away. Azjah ran to the portico only to catch a glimpse of Raevyx as he walked away and into the night with tears of blood streaming down his face. He had to find a new place to sleep tonight; all he had is what he had with him with him now. Ain’t Love Grand.
Last edited by Raevyx_Araya on Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyx Araya: Ilythiiri Mirshann
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Conscience Pricks

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I’d had his home removed, and he’d taken out his anger on Lucien, who’d delivered my missive. Raevyx returned Lucien to the Palazzo, and walked into the night as I tried to call him back, to no avail. I retreated into my home, worried about where Raevyx would go now.

The next evening, he came to the arena, and he was colder than I’d ever seen him. He backed into the shadows and as I approached him, he dropped a pouch to the floor just outside of the shadows he’d pulled around himself. I waited, “Raevyx, talk to me.”

Very softly, his voice whispered from the shadows, “ghil zhah l' or'a dos zet uns'aa 'zil al 'zil l' or'a whol l' cuass'ili” (Here is the money you left me for the room.)

I frowned, that had been meant for him to sleep in the Golden Ivy, in a safe place. “Ji dos orn naut ori'gato uns'aa xxizz?” (So you will not let me help?)

His voice was cold, “Dos drewst ussta delmah, usstan inbal nau vel'klar nin.” (You have taken my home, I have no where to go.)

My conscience pricked me hard, but I know that what I have done was for his best interests, he continued, “lu' talinth, nindel usstan zhahus ulu ja'hai dosst xxizz” (To think that I was to accept your help)

“Raevyx, Usstan drewst dosst delmah ulu xxizz dos inbau doeb d' nindel k'lar ulu fol k'lar mzild ditronw.” (I removed your home to help you get out of that bad location and into one more right.) I am in a position to help, why does he continue to reject my assistance?

He was bitter as he continued, “t'yin usstan ragar dosst” (And then I discover your….) He seemed to ponder his words carefully, “zanjur vel'klar ussta delmah zhahus” (Messenger where my home was.)

It dawned on me as we talked that I’d done more than simply anger him, I’d hurt him by damaging the trust he was slowly developing. I tried to choose my words with equal care, “Usstan gumash naut guy'ya ulu kyorl dos dro gaer. Usstan gumash naut. Usstan tlun taudl.“ (I could not bear to have you live there. I could not, I am sorry.)

His crimson gaze flared, “Vel'uss ph' dos ulu tesso uns'aa vel'bol zhah ditronw lu' vel'bol zhah naut ditronw vel'drav ol zhah bauth uns'aa?” (Who are you to tell me what is right and what is not right when it is about me?)

“Usstan tlun fol uss vel'uss kyonen vel'bol sha'nalten ulu dos” ( I am someone who cares what happens to you.) I told him. And I do care what happens to him. I know that from his world, this is unusual, that it’s more of a dog eat dog world, and that trusting anyone is dangerous. But here, on the surface, I need him to understand that things are different.

He glared at me, “dos inbal -nau- ul'hyrr.” (You have NO idea.)

I sighed, “Usstan tlun galla ulu inbal biu ul'hyrr, lu' Usstan tlun er'griff galla ulu xxizz” (I am trying to have an idea, and I am only trying to help.)

He looked very sad, “Usstan zhaun drill Usstan joros dos ulu ori'gato uns'aa zexen'uma wun ussta delmah.” ( I know, but I ask you to let me stay in my home.)

I wanted to cry, I could not let him stay in that hovel of canvas and rotting wood. “Usstan zhaun dos joros nindol dal uns'aa, drill Usstan gumash naut. Usstan inbalus mzil krik'vlicss phor nindel isto. Usstan fridj shlu'ta naut.” (I know you ask this from me, but I could not. I have shed many tears over that night, I just cannot.) I do not know if the depth of my fear for him reaches his heart.

He abruptly looked confused, “krik'vlicss? dos ul'nusst krik'vlicss whol uns'aa?” (You cry tears for me?)

I lifted blue eyes to his crimson, “Siyo.”

He fell back against the wall behind him and I heard a deep sigh.

I continued, “Dos ph' kleel ulu uns'aa, lu' l' jiv'undus zhahus naut ulu guy'ya.” (You are important to me, and the pain was not something I could bear to see you there.)

He whispered from the shadows, “Usstan zet dal l' streeatul ulu alu delmah ...” ( I left from the Arena to go home….) ”pholor l' i'dol, usstan kampi'un nindel dos xun kyon bauth uns'aa ...” (on the way there, I came to understand that you do care for me) “Usstan t'yin alus ulu ussta delmah ulu inbau ussta klezn ...” (then I get home to get my things ) “drill ol zhahus jal alus. ril vaen in'loil” (but it was gone! Every last piece!)

His hurt and confusion were clear in his voice. He had viewed Lucien as my attempt to force him to do something he didn’t want to do, but Lucien had only been there to deliver the message telling Raevyx what I had done. Lucien’s special nature made it fairly certain that Raevyx could not permanently harm him, but he’d come close when he’d found him where his hovel had once been.

I pleaded with Raevyx to understand that I had removed his hovel because I care, and because it tore my heart out to see him live like that when I knew how he lived in the Underdark.

He looked at me in the end, “Usstan xun naut ssinssrin dosst or'a” (I do not want your money.)

I looked at him coolly, “Dos ssrig'luin ussta xxizz ditronw nin. Dos shlu'ta nauxahuu vel'drav dos xun naut ssrig'luin uns'aa.” (You do need my help right now, you can refuse me when you truly do not need me.)

I then slipped into the night, hoping Raevyx would come to understand that it is because I do care about him that I have done this thing, and that he will overcome his Drow pride to allow me to do what I can to make his time on the surface more pleasant.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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