Baronial Manors Announcement

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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DUEL Rory Laurent
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Baronial Manors Announcement

Post by DUEL Rory Laurent »

The Barons of the Duel of Swords have chosen the properties which will be passed along with the rings.

Grayson became the Baron of Seaside with his first choice. The baronial manor will be located in a sea-front fortified stone manor.

Causing little surprise and in his typical gruff manner, Farek decided to be the Baron of Dockside. Lord only knows what he will do with the pier and warehouse property.

Cas took the vacant ring as his prize in the recent Warlord Tournament. He inherited Gork's placing in the decision-making and became the Baron of New Haven. Hopefully, the English manor now under construction will encourage him to stay in the area and frequent the Arena.

Tass was next up and quickly made his choice. He became the Baron of Old Temple and accepted the abandoned church citing that it would be close to his home.

The Baronesses came next. Arane stepped forward to become the Baroness of Battlefield Park. Undaunted with tales that it is haunted, she took the ancient armory as the property associated with the area.

Topaz was the last able to make a decision. She took the title of Baroness of Dragon's Gate by accepting the dueling school located there.

At the bottom of the barrel in the Baronial Rankings, Anubis was left without a decision. He becomes the Baron of Old Market and inherits the Cardinal Inn.

As I have stated before, the barons retain full rights to the property while they are barons. The title remains in the name of the Duel of Swords and will be passed along as the rings are.
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