Matlal and the Eldarie

Realm of the Momus Estate

Moderator: Tasslehofl Momus


Post by Garl »

She'd learned how to transport between RhyDin and Matlal with a minimum of effort, and that allowed her to spend her days in RhyDin and her nights here, on her island, which was only now begining to come back to life.

The land around the complex had greened with grasses and small shrubs, but the trees remained missing.

She had spent many evening wandering the vast slope searching for a reason for the failure of the trees to grow.

Garl had spent those nights perched atop the finished roof line of the public portion of the complex simply watching as the elf puzzled the reasons for the absence of woody plants.

He had to admit, she'd been good for the Island. Good for the dragons there too, despite their initial reticence to accept her in their midst.

The only thing he still did not llike was that her presence brought the Elder. The traitor to their kind. The one she'd sought to reach to join them, and who'd left them to fight and die alone.

He came, when he thought no one knew. He watched over this elf as though he cared what became of her, yet Garl knew the Elder never succumbed to such emotions. Caring about anything or anyone seemed beyond that one's abilities.

A low rumble escaped the dragon as he watched, and the elf paused in her walk across the hillside, and she paused, turning to see her friend atop the roof. She gave him a wave of her hand in the starllight and turned to continue her foray.

The Elder, what to do about that one? Garl's claws dug into the roof's stone and left deep claw gouges as he thought.
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Alais d Nitesong
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Xenograg steps into the door and simply says, "Well?"

"I'm ready, I'm here!" comes the agitated response from Amanda. She lays the strap of the bag on her shoulder and scurries towards the door. Xenograg steps aside to let her through, then follows. Alais of Nitesong is waiting in the front room.

"We are now ready, my friend," Xenograg announces to Alais. At long last, Xenograg is going to Matlal. Alais has asked for his help concerning the trees. As Xenograg's daughter and apprentice, Amanda is coming along for the experience.
Last edited by Alais d Nitesong on Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Alais d Nitesong
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Alais’ silvery eyes held a touch of merriment watching Amanda. “Yer aboot tae gae tae a place verra few haff been lassie. Th’ ‘omeland o’ dragons.”

Alais reached for Xenograg’s arm, bidding Amanda take her father’s arm as well before she used the Annaran spell that allowed her to travel between worlds. Time fell away and had no meaning during the transport. Images blurred and ran together like watercolors in the rain, except that they did not run downward, but spread out like there was no gravity to pull the raindrops any particular direction.

They came out of the timeless riot of color to stand on a black sand beach with the sound of surf gently lapping against the shimmering obsidian beach. A verdant hill rose before them, quite a steep angle, and it was covered in lush grasses and dotted with myriad colors of flowers. Some recognizable, some very unique and never seen beyond the island.

Cresting the hill stood an imposing stone structure that was clearly not finished, but well along in its progress. Several dragons could be seen circling above the structure, and within moments, they were greeted by a very large dragon. “Lady Alais, welcome home,” Garl’s head dipped in a gesture of courtesy before swinging toward Xenograg and Amanda and back to Alais, “You have brought friends?”

Alais nodded, “Garl, I would like to introduce you to a very old friend, Xenograg, and his daughter, Amanda. I have asked his assistance in figuring out why the trees will not grow.” She turned toward Xenograg and his daughter, “Please meet my most constant friend and companion here on Matlal, Garl. His name is truly unpronounceable, so he’s allowed me to shorten it.” She gave them an impish smile before beginning the climb toward the crest of the hill.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe

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