(07-Mar-2005) Archmage Tournament Preliminaries, Results

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DUEL Esperwind
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(07-Mar-2005) Archmage Tournament Preliminaries, Results

Post by DUEL Esperwind »

On Monday, March 7th, in the year 2005 by some reckonings, the Archmage Tournament Preliminaries were held. Six Mages did enter: Illusia Drasoini, Farek, Vanion Shadowcast, Eros DeBurgo, Vincent Smith, and Melgarth Mithmellon. The tournament was held in the double elimination, winners and loser brackets style. The results of the duels are as follows.

First round
Farek def. Illusia, 5-2, in 8 rounds.
Eros def. Melgarth, 6.5-5, in 12 rounds.
Vincent def. Vanion, 6.5-5, in 15 rounds.

Second Round
Winners Bracket
Vincent - bye
Eros def. Farek, 5.5-4, in 10 rounds.

Losers Bracket
Illusia - bye
Vanion def. Melgarth, 5-4, in 12 rounds.

Eliminated: Melgarth

Third Round
Winners Bracket
Eros def. Vincent, 5.5-4.5, in 12 rounds.

Losers Bracket
Farek - bye
Vanion def. Illusia, 5-2.5, in 10 rounds.

Eliminated: Illusia.

Fourth Round
Winners Bracket
Eros - bye

Losers Bracket
Vanion - bye
Vincent def. Farek, 5-2, in 6 rounds.

Eliminated: Farek

Fifth Round
Winners Bracket
Eros - bye

Losers Bracket
Vincent def. Vanion, 5-2.5, in 14 rounds

Eliminated: Vanion

Sixth Round
Vincent def. Eros, 5.5-4, in 11 rounds.

Seventh Round
Eros def. Vincent, 5-1, in 7 rounds.

Eliminated: Vincent

And thus did Eros DeBurgo win the right to challenge the Archmage, Mur Ollavan, for his rank and title.

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