Kabuki Street Community School

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Mallory »

Mallory (the wickedest witch of them all) was there to chaperone! Which did not mean that mayhem did not happen. This was delinquent territory, after all.

Assisting her was her cat familiar, Midori, content to join the party in her way and be admired by mostly familiar faces:

At least until she got too fussy, and the witch's cat took a spin around the dance floor with her leisure-suited grandfather before she was whisked away home.
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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Takajin »

Jin spent the early part of the Halloween Dance with the rest of The Only Club; until deciding to pull Meru away and lead the both of them to a locker where she hid away some watermelon schnapps, then went up to the roof. The flashing lights of Kabuki stood out with the rest of the cityscape seen from that height, though Jin seemed far more focused on "drinking and making out with Meru" (her words), until accidently slipping off the edge and falling face first, unless you count her arm breaking her fall, to the ground some stories below.

Her arm did more than break her fall and the sound of bone snapping back into place among other things could be heard while Principal Yuko and Ms. Park came upon the scene of the planted Jin and the then building descending Meru. Thankfully no one was truly hurt, be it due to Jin's own mutation or luck on Meru's side with the part-oni only getting away with a few cuts on her hands during her trip down the side of the building.

Needless to say, the both were chastised while they sat in the nurses office and given a weeks worth of detention.. until a teacher found the watermelon schnapps up on the roof the next day, then another week was added. They at least still got to go home with the spider shaped Halloween balloons!

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Meru Yamane
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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Meru Yamane »

Meru had her costume, bought at Village/Vanguard the week before. "I'm a vampire bat. A Meru Bat" she insisted, if asked what the costume was meant to be. She danced with Jin happily enough but was willing to sneak up to the roof. She didn't like the watermelon schnapps much though, and as a result Jin drank the most of it. She was very alarmed when Jin fell off the roof and was insisting on climbing down the side of the KSCS building, in spite of Principal Yuko's shouts that she should stay put.

She didn't seem bothered by the bandaged cuts on her hands caused by the gutter she'd been climbing breaking under her weight and the few broken windows she'd caused in her clambering descent, or by the detention slip she left the office with.

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Kaede »

Executing a friend pact was important, and thus, Mouse-Kaede arrived at the dance with Kyo. Since it was a school dance, she had to keep the costume school appropriate and went for a more classic mouse makeup with discount ears from JUSCO. Why a mouse needed a tutu was anyone's guess, but if asked, Kaede explained it away as an obvious accessory for such an outfit. She even offered to let Salaryman Kyo wear her ears if she wanted!

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Lady Aikawa »

Kyo showed up as her best impression of a Salaryman (man) but did not try to achieve flight with her business cards, so the school did not have to deal with another falling delinquent that night.

She did not want to accept mouse ears without having anything to give in return, so she let Mouse-Kaede hold onto (and help herself to the contents of) her briefcase. It held junk food, stick rockets, and band aids that she explained were for "if anyone does something they shouldn't."

Doing something they shouldn't turned out to be a boy in their grade dressing up in a silk jacket and declaring, "Ooooo, I'm in the Only Club, which definitely makes us special and not bad at names!" She vaguely remembered promising not to punch anyone, so she stomped on his heels and cracked a hard plastic ladle over his head.

She did manage to elude capture long enough for a few dances with friend pact honoree Kaede, before she was dragged out and given detention.
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Yuko Kubo
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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Yuko Kubo »

KSCS Halloween Dance!

Saturday October 28th Kabuki Street Community School is proud to host its sixth annual Halloween Dance. A trick or treat and halloween fair will take place on the second floor for younger students beginning at 6 PM, while a dance in the Chae Gymnasium will begin for students of the high school grades at 8 PM. All the clubs have joined in helping to make the decorations for the great celebration, and the drama club in particular has added a haunted walk to the back gym corridor. Refreshments will be served!

Older students are encouraged to wear costumes for the dance. Coach Park would like to remind everyone, as always, to please make sure that your costume is appropriate.

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Mallory »

Mallory, Eri, and Midori were there in matching costumes: Mallory as Wile E. Coyote, Eri as Roadrunner, and Midori as a box containing one ACME Jet Motor, which also matched her energy. In theory the school's Greek and Latin teacher was there to chaperone; in practice, Midori's spirited antics and willingness to throw down, and students and teachers crowding to see her, kept both parents plenty busy.

And some harmless mischief and pranks she turned a blind eye to, in the spirit of Halloween.

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Asami Ito »

it's been some years since Asami graduated from Kabuki Street Community School but she had decided to visit the trick or treat and halloween fair because, well, she just wanted to. The Vice-President of the Kabuki Street Rengou-kai, and Sukeban of Rappapa, showed up adorn in costume with bucket in hand with the main thought on her mind being: Trick or Treating.

The choice to be the grim reaper came about after Asami said "I'll kill you" when, during a conversation between Asami and Tomo about costume choices, Rappapa underling Ishikawa told her the restaurant she came back from didn't have the sandwich Asami wanted. This soured Asami's mood and ended all conversation after.

Thankfully Tomo took this literally and got her the grim reaper costume and makeup kit.

Asami even had a small entourage of shrimps following along with her as many of those handing out candy made sure to give the Vice-Sukeban her due of candy; coming in the form of more than one handful, which some of the lucky shrimps being given the same treatment for standing beside her with their own buckets out.

By the way, her bucket also lit up.

This was important.

Important enough for Asami to send Yuzuki back to the Halloween store when she discovered the one bought prior didn't light up.

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Yuzuki Kuwabara »

Yuzuki was happy to return to the halloween fair, remembering her days attending the dance fondly. It was after all one of the first activities they had all done together! Aside from the minor setback, of Asami's missing sandwich it was easy enough to go by the Village/Vanguard herself and pick out her Alice in Wonderland themed costume.

She didn't really mind returning to the halloween store to buy a second pumpkin for her wife, this time making certain to buy the one not only that lit up, but that had the most lights on it. She was as fond of candy as the next, and got her share along with Asami and the shrimps. Even better, she was able to trade for all the Almond Joys because Yuzuki liked coconut (and didn't mind the consistency)

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Re: Kabuki Street Community School

Post by Izumi Takamine »

Just in time for Halloween Season, Izumi invited students at the KSCS to join a Room Decoration Contest. She and assistant Nako arrived to deliver lots of supplies for making decorations and would return on the day of the big Halloween Dance in order to judge and hand out the prizes.

Top prize would earn passes to the Kabuki Cinema Luxe

Second Prize would get a lunch party catered by Fujiko's

Finally all participants would get a bag of deluxe halloween candy to start their haul of the evening.
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