Not picking on Matt, it's just a good entrance line. I want to re-iterate though that I don't think this makes the path to Warlord / Mage / Emerald an easy one. That's not even the point of the proposal.Matt wrote: It takes work, focus, and effort (more often than not, at any rate) on behalf of the player. Getting a character to Warlord/Emerald/Mage+ isn't suppossed to be easy, but neither is it intended to be an insurmountable task.
Since DoS has standings available back to 2004 I'm able to scrape through them and throw some numbers together on this. I don't guarantee 100% accuracy because the script was sorta rushed, but I think it's close enough for posting purposes.
There are currently 43 characters between Swordsman and GrandMaster on the standings, not counting Wyh and Roderick who made Warlord this weekend. Of the 43, 4 GMs, 1 M@A and 1 Swordman have stats going back before the first xml standings sheet, so I have to discount them.
Of the 3 GMs: There would be no practical effect to the WoL change proposed.
Of the 5 M@A's: One duelist would see a +3 WoL increase, but would still be a M@A. (Myrlene).
Of the 30 Swordsman: 7 of them would see an increase in WoL.
* Maranya would gain +6 WoL and move up to M@A
* Nikthanas would gain +2 WoL, no ranking effect
* Porthos would gain +1 WoL and move up to M@A
* Rekeh would gain +1 WoL and move up to M@A
* Ria would gain +1 WoL, no ranking effect
* Stiles would gain +4 WoL and move up to M@A
* Zara would gain +3 WoL and move up to M@A
So.. the point is this. Of the 37 Duelists between Commoner and Warlord only 7 of them would see a real benefit of the change. Only 5 of them would see a rank increase. More importanly though, the only rank increase seen is from Swordsman to Master-at-Arms. Next to the first jump to Swordsman, this is the smallest jump possible. Nobody jumps more than 1 rank and zero people get the feared free ride to Warlord.
Trying to do this with the commoner list is daunting.. that's a lot of names. Dunno if I'll get around to it not. I think the above demonstrates what I'm getting at though.