Rhy'Din Map Project

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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Ellijah, I will ask you this.. if it were not for the past, and everything with it, would we be where we are or who we are? No.. and because such, I feel that there should be some remains of that past, which is why I asked it be put in the *OLD* downtown area. And just because Leto might not be around, that does not mean that those who were in CoV are not. Myself, KF, and even Jeff were part of CoV.

I am not saying that I want the realm of CoV reinstated, I'm stating that I would like to see a part of what is RhyDin's past there, just as the banner's are in the Arena.

I do not mean to make a qualm about this, but it is something (which I was involved in for quite a while since I've been here near as long as you, old friend) which I would like to see on this map, which is why I requsted it.

As for Jake's suggestion about getting the permission from the originator, I agree whole-hartedly. I would not wish to go against their wishes by demanding that what I want be put on this map.

My concern now becomes this.. what of those that are unfortunately no longer with us in this world? I know that I can get ahold of BRK (as I'm sure many others can) and ask him about the Dead Nicholas, but truthfully, I am not sure if Leto still lives, and I know I havn't seen KF in a while, as far as I knew, he was the only one really close to Leto.

((Please forgive me if I make hasty queries bout the health of those whom I am mentioned. I ment no disprespect to any of them, or those that are close to them whom I have not mentioned. I merely go on the old mind which I have and the last I had heard, which was a while ago. Again, I offer my appologies.)
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Post by Jake »

We certainly have room to be flexible. In the instance of CoV for example, since you were an active part of it, and I presume ended on good terms with Leto, I am presuming he'd have no objection to it being included in the map.

I also presume that BRK will have no problem including the Dead Nicholas (but I would like to have him confirm it).

We can add the CoV house, and if we hear that Leto wants it gone, we can delete it back off the map. One of the advantages of a dynamic, living map.

I understand Elijah's concerns, and that's why we're interested in getting approval from the players that created/shared/used the site, at least as much as we can.
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Post by Elijah »

There is nothing wrong with the past, or remembering the past. I was just pointing out that just because something was around in the past doesn't automatically get preference or space on the present, when there is a lot of the present that should get primary consideration.
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Post by Deluthan »

Elijah wrote:What about ... the baronies? Has there been any thoughts on how that might be included or incorporated into the maps?
Without giving too much away ... you may notice there are seven districts, not counting Overlord Isle. 8)
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Post by Xenograg »

New replaces old. I have always been in favor of this principle.

A realm/state may be gone, but perhaps it is remembered through a geographical reference. Xenograg refers to the Cadonian Steppe in the north. (In fact, I have been seriously considering having Xenograg (finally) establish a small realm in that geographic region.)

How about...

Questrion Tor?
Clatterbridge Mountain Range?
Dracoern River?
Tara Plain?

The question of ruins would properly be the decision of the new "tenant."
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Post by Elijah »

Thanks Xeno's player for faovring the compromise I suggested about naming geographical objects after older names, and let the actual political regions have whatever new/old names are still valid.
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Post by Spiffy McBang »

Taking the city as an example: If a building exists, and it has been important to the duels, it should be included. The park where DoF had duels for awhile, I don't know if that counts, since it was a holdover location and nothing really came of it once everything reverted to the Outback. On the other hand, was it Questrion that had all those tournies and dueling schools and whatever? A place like that, even if the people who ran it don't actively play anymore, that's a place that had a significant impact on the sport's growth. Cluttered or not, there should be a place for that (assuming permission of owner).

It's a class move to find room for the older places of importance, even if no one uses it and only a minority remembers it. I seriously doubt it's going to cause a major problem with space given that not many places will pass muster as long as we try to keep it to key locations in dueling lore, and fewer still will have the creators stop by and say sure, go ahead and drop it on there.
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Post by Karen Wilder »

A thought on the idea of the map becoming too cluttered...

How feasible would it be to have the existing map have only a few large-scale points of interest marked upon it, along with links to other maps which would zoom in on various districts. These district maps would contain the location markers for the various points of interest.

The main map page could still have an index below it listing all the points of interest, with links to the appropriate district map for each location.
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Post by G »

Karen Wilder wrote:A thought on the idea of the map becoming too cluttered...

How feasible would it be to have the existing map have only a few large-scale points of interest marked upon it, along with links to other maps which would zoom in on various districts. These district maps would contain the location markers for the various points of interest.

The main map page could still have an index below it listing all the points of interest, with links to the appropriate district map for each location.
We do have something like that in mind. Where you click on a certain section which will zoom into the area with better detail and more of what's there. :)
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Post by Jake »

Here's the latest incarnation of the map Amaltea has developed for Rhy'Din http://duelingzone.com/map/index.cfm?map=9. Some additional sites have been added based upon player input, but there's certainly still room for more.

In the course of this week, we'll post a larger version of the map, plus "zoomed" maps of the various districts where the detail will be more clear.
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Post by Panther »

Jake wrote:No one on the DoF side has indicated a need/desire (yet) to allocate space for anything for DoF other than the Outback.

When putting together the city map we did try to keep in mind the park where DoF took place for a while when the Outback was burned down. That's the only other place I know of presently that directly ties to DoF.
K, but where's the Panther Memorial? Or does he have to be dead first? :>
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Post by G »

Panther wrote:
Jake wrote:No one on the DoF side has indicated a need/desire (yet) to allocate space for anything for DoF other than the Outback.

When putting together the city map we did try to keep in mind the park where DoF took place for a while when the Outback was burned down. That's the only other place I know of presently that directly ties to DoF.
K, but where's the Panther Memorial? Or does he have to be dead first? :>
Yeah, um, yeah, he needs to be dead. I could fix it for ya if ya like. :D :P
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Post by Shahai Iida »

Spiffy McBang wrote:Taking the city as an example: If a building exists, and it has been important to the duels, it should be included. The park where DoF had duels for awhile, I don't know if that counts, since it was a holdover location and nothing really came of it once everything reverted to the Outback. On the other hand, was it Questrion that had all those tournies and dueling schools and whatever? A place like that, even if the people who ran it don't actively play anymore, that's a place that had a significant impact on the sport's growth. Cluttered or not, there should be a place for that (assuming permission of owner).
Just to let the powers that be know, I've spoken with Valmion, and he thinks it would be great to have Questrion remembered and included in the map. I can supply the IM record if needed to verify his authorization to include Questrion on the regional map.
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Post by Xenograg »

I think the opposite viewpoint should be taken. A historical name/place should be included unless its creator asks for removal. Permission was given by them years ago, after all.
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Post by Jake »

Xenograg wrote:I think the opposite viewpoint should be taken. A historical name/place should be included unless its creator asks for removal. Permission was given by them years ago, after all.
Well, actually...that's not entirely true.

According to some of the information that I had regarding the old map is that some of the places just got added, without any consultation to the creator of that realm.

So, my preference would still be that we have player approval/consent for significant additions to the map.

Beyond that, and while I certainly have no specific problem with Questrion being added to the map (I'd be more than happy to add Questrion), I'd also like to say that any map we create is intended for active use. By that I mean, it's certainly my desire to preserve as much of our history as possible, but I also don't wish to clutter the map with places that aren't going to see use.

Let's say for example that we were talking about the Dead Nicholas. The Dead Nicholas is a single site, an Inn. Placing the Dead Nicholas on the map at worst uses up a dot of space. Which means that there's still plenty of room around it for other people to add stuff.

A land/region on the other hand is a little different. We want to make sure we've always got room for more regions to be added, and to that extent, we want to be cautious about adding regions that are not going to be used any time in the future.

Now, if I knew that Valmion was giving people permission to make use of Questrion in their SLs and RP, that would be more than enough reason for me to agree that adding Questrion is a good idea. On the other hand, if Questrion were to just lie fallow, unused, it would be taking up space that someone else might be able to actively use.

I hope that makes sense.

We're not in any hurry. We're not out to just throw everything on the map and go from there. We're interested in building a rich and enticing shared setting that will appeal to our storytellers and roleplayers to all take part in.

That means along the way, we'll seek out permission and work towards ensuring that everyone, both new and old, has representation.

So, thank you to Shahai for letting us know that there is a way to reach Valmion. Beyond what you've already presented to him, I'd also be interested in hearing under what circumstances he'd be willing to let others make use of the Questrion setting. Questrion is a well-remembered name. I'd certainly be delighted to have it on the map. And I hope that he will understand that we also want to make sure we're not blocking out an area of that map that will never get used.
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